
Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Mutsuki traversed into the world of Naruto, becoming an ordinary middle-level ninja teacher at Konoha's Ninja School and a member of the Root organization. Fortunately, he awakened the teacher system, allowing him to become stronger through teaching. In order not to become a brainless tool for Danzo, Mutsuki diligently teached to enhance his strength. "The first time completing an A-rated teaching evaluation. reward: Complete Mastery in Fire Chakra Nature Transformation." "Your student Shisui gained +30 chakra after hard training. You gained +60 chakra!"

ChaosNinja · Anime & Comics
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183 Chs

Chapter 9: Obito's Surprise

Obito, who was working on his exercises, couldn't help but lift his head upon hearing the conversation between the two, then froze.

He recognized Shisui.

The Uchiha Clan lived together, all residing in the family land divided by Konoha, so people of the same generation more or less knew each other. After all, being from the same family, even if they hadn't met, they had heard about each other. Geniuses like Shisui often appeared in the conversations of various elders as children from other families, making it difficult not to recognize them.

Obito was somewhat puzzled. Why would Shisui appear here, and why did he seem so familiar with Mutsuki?

"Could it be that Yumi-sensei is a distant relative of Shisui?" Obito came up with an unreliable conjecture.

"Sensei, I'm done!" While Obito was daydreaming, Might Guy next to him suddenly shouted energetically.

"So fast?" Obito was bewildered. He remembered not taking a long break, so why did Might Guy suddenly say he was done?

Curious, Obito peered over and saw that Might Guy had only answered the first three multiple-choice questions; the rest were left blank.

Obito didn't know what to say for a moment because the entire test paper had only ten questions, four multiple-choice, and six open-ended. Although he didn't know how to answer many questions, he would choose to fill in the test paper a bit to make it look better.

Upon hearing Might Guy's words, Mutsuki walked over and helped Might Guy check his answers. He got two wrong, only the first question was correct.

"Sorry, sensei, I..." Might Guy looked at the two mistakes in the only three questions he attempted, momentarily unsure of what to say.

"It's okay. It's normal not to know. If you already knew, you wouldn't need me to teach you," Mutsuki comforted with a smile.

"Don't feel down about your low scores. Look at it from a different perspective; you have a lot of room for improvement. Going from five points to twenty-five points in your score is definitely much easier than going from eighty to one hundred."

Upon hearing Mutsuki's words, Might Guy's body trembled. He, who had always been treated as the tail of the crane and left to fend for himself, received encouragement for the first time, excluding his father.

"Sensei, you're right! I have a lot of room for improvement!" Might Guy's momentum instantly peaked.

Next, Might Guy listened attentively to Mutsuki's explanations. Even if it was challenging to understand, he made an effort to comprehend.

Next in line was Obito, who answered six questions but got only two right. Mutsuki treated Obito in the same way as Might Guy—first comforting, then explaining the questions.

After the explanations, Mutsuki handed two more sheets of similar test papers to the two.

"We still have more to do," Obito said, unable to take his eyes off Shisui, who had started practicing Fire Release.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu!" Shisui swiftly formed hand seals, instantly spewing a two-meter-high fireball towards the river.

Watching the enormous fireball, Obito was deeply impressed, acknowledging Shisui as a true genius renowned within the clan.

As an Uchiha, he could also perform the classic Ninjutsu, the Great Fireball.

However, whether it was the size or the might of his Great Fireball, compared to Shisui, it could only be considered a small fireball.

"Is he another genius like Kakashi?"

Though Might Guy didn't know Shisui, judging by Shisui's appearance and figure, he was at most six or seven years old. The fact that he could wield such a powerful Ninjutsu astonished Might Guy.

This reminded Might Guy of Kakashi, whom he had considered his arch-nemesis.

The Academy had three terms: the first term was from April to July, followed by a summer break; the second term was from September to December, followed by a new year break. The third term came after the new year break.

Kakashi didn't even finish the second term at the Academy; he directly applied for early graduation and got approved, showcasing his exceptional level of genius.

At this moment, Shisui gave Might Guy the impression of being a peer to Kakashi.

Following this, Shisui began practicing the Great Dragon Fire Jutsu.

Watching Shisui perform other Fire Release Ninjutsu, Might Guy became even more astonished. After practicing the Three Basic Jutsu taught in school for three years, he felt he had learned them with great effort.

Observing Shisui controlling the fire dragon dancing in the sky, Obito felt a deep sense of envy. If only he could master such a technique, he was certain it would earn Rin's admiration.

"It's evident that there's been significant progress in form changes compared to the first time. The fire dragon is a bit faster now. You must have practiced a lot since yesterday," Mutsuki commented, praising Shisui.

"Mostly thanks to your training manual, Mutsuki-sensei. It has been a great help to me," Shisui replied with a smile upon hearing Mutsuki's praise.

"Let me demonstrate it again for you."

Mutsuki walked in front of Shisui, clapped his hands, and rapidly compressed Chakra within his body. Instantly, he opened his mouth and spewed out three enormous fire dragons.

Watching the ferociously burning three gigantic fire dragons, Obito was a bit dumbfounded. In the previous moment, he thought Shisui's Great Dragon Fire was impressive, but after witnessing Mutsuki's Great Dragon Fire, Obito's perspective changed.

The two didn't seem to be releasing the same Ninjutsu. The fire dragon unleashed by Shisui and the one released by Mutsuki were as different as a snake and an eel. Moreover, why were they so fast, as if they didn't need hand seals?

The three enormous fire dragons swiftly flew in the sky, leaving behind flaming trails in their flight path, eventually forming several large characters in the air.

"Don't just stare, hurry up and do the exercises," Obito read out the characters in the sky and then noticed Mutsuki looking at him with a mischievous smile.

Obito was instantly startled and quickly explained, "I was just taking a break and looking at the sky."

Glancing at Might Guy, who had been watching with him, Obito found that Might Guy had already picked up his pen and started working on the exercises, reacting very swiftly.

"Have you seen enough now?" Mutsuki asked.

"Seen enough, seen enough," Obito quickly picked up his pen and started doing the exercises.

After working on the exercises for a while, Obito couldn't resist stopping and asking, "Yumi-sensei, what's your relationship with Shisui?"

"The relationship between a sensei and a disciple, what do you think it is?" Mutsuki glanced at Might Guy's paper and answered.

"Hehe, I also think it's like a master and disciple." Obito didn't mention his initially unreliable speculation.

"Yumi-sensei, if I pass the exam, can you teach me the Ninjutsu you just used?" Obito continued to ask. In his mind, he was already envisioning scenes of showing off the new Ninjutsu to Nohara Rin, essentially preparing to pop open champagne.

"Of course," Mutsuki nodded.

"Really?" Obito looked pleasantly surprised.


"Yumi-sensei, have you mastered any Taijutsu?" Might Guy looked at Mutsuki with eager anticipation.

Although he also thought that Mutsuki, who released the Great Dragon Fire Jutsu, was impressive, Might Guy had a clear goal – he only practiced Taijutsu!

Mutsuki didn't speak. Instead, he walked up to a large tree, condensed Chakra on his feet, tightened his muscles, and then kicked out a Whirlwind Kick at an extremely fast speed.

With the sound of a thud, the large tree quickly toppled, kicking up a cloud of dust.

"Do you like this Taijutsu?" Mutsuki gathered his feet, dusted off the dirt, and smiled at Might Guy.


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