
Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Mutsuki traversed into the world of Naruto, becoming an ordinary middle-level ninja teacher at Konoha's Ninja School and a member of the Root organization. Fortunately, he awakened the teacher system, allowing him to become stronger through teaching. In order not to become a brainless tool for Danzo, Mutsuki diligently teached to enhance his strength. "The first time completing an A-rated teaching evaluation. reward: Complete Mastery in Fire Chakra Nature Transformation." "Your student Shisui gained +30 chakra after hard training. You gained +60 chakra!"

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Chapter 40: Seven Attribute Ninja

When the right hand is completely opened, only a little black-gray is seen on the hand, and there are no green leaves as before. After the wind blows away the black-gray, there is nothing left.

Obito smiled triumphantly and said, "Kakashi, it seems you guessed wrong."

Kakashi squinted his eyes, grabbed Obito's left hand and opened it. As he expected, it was empty. After a moment of thought, he clarified the cause and effect.

"Fire attribute Chakra Nature Transformation." Kakashi looked at Obito with some surprise. He didn't expect that Obito not only had a basic grasp of Nature Transformation but also set a trap for him with his intellect.

The former, although somewhat bizarre, is not impossible, but the latter truly surprised Kakashi.

"Hahaha, Kakashi, you didn't see that coming." Obito's smile became increasingly arrogant.

"It is indeed a bit unexpected; it seems I've been slackening off lately." Kakashi's face returned to calm.

Although he felt that Obito had grown a lot, Kakashi, looking at Obito's arrogant expression, was in no mood to praise.

"Damn it, Kakashi, what do you mean by that?" Obito was a bit displeased.

Losing to him means slacking off, implying that he's weak.

Kakashi casually remarked, "Just the literal meaning."

"You..." Obito originally wanted to argue with Kakashi again, but then thought that since he had already achieved his goal, it was better to quickly return to training.

This time, he won against Kakashi, but during the match, there was no opportunity for such clever tactics; it was a test of pure strength.

"Let it go. I'm in a good mood today, not going to argue with you. Remember to sign up for the competition. You won't deny your defeat, right?" Obito said.

"I'll honor the bet." Kakashi gave his answer.

Originally, he thought this competition was not very meaningful, but seeing Obito's significant growth, Kakashi felt he could afford to have a bit of expectation.

With their goal achieved, Rin and Obito soon bid farewell to Kakashi and left.

"Obito, how did you do that just now? It felt so impressive."

On their way back, receiving praise from Rin, Obito instantly swelled with pride, laughing, "Hahaha, it's just Chakra Nature Transformation, nothing too impressive..."

Due to his overconfidence, Obito wasn't paying attention to the road and ended up colliding with a utility pole beside Kakashi's house.

"Damn Kakashi!" Obito thought it was Kakashi's house's utility pole's positioning that caused the problem.

Kakashi, who was watching them leave: "..."

He retracted that tiny bit of expectation in his heart. Hasn't he completely stayed the same, still that silly appearance from before?


In Ninjutsu class, after Mutsuki finished the lecture and demonstration, he let the students practice on their own. If they had any questions, they could approach him directly.

Mutsuki deeply understood the gap between theory and practice.

Most of the time, the mind would think it understood after seeing it, but then the body would reveal that understanding was quite lonely.

"I'm used to splitting into clones that look like me, so creating other forms feels uncomfortable," Hagane Kotetsu scratched his head and said.

"How about asking Yumi-sensei if there are any special techniques?" Kamizuki Izumo suggested.

Anko also nodded and said, "If you have questions, just ask Yumi-sensei."

The three of them were collaborating on developing a new Ninjutsu, combining Clone and Transformation techniques, aiming to astonish the entire school in the next final exams and achieve better results.

The three unanimously agreed and approached Mutsuki, sharing their concerns.

Mutsuki thought for a moment and then said, "You can try starting with simple objects to familiarize yourself with this sensation, then gradually move to more complex ones."

"Simple objects..." Hagane Kotetsu fell into contemplation.

And Anko, seeing the chairs on the platform, pointed directly at one, saying, "Then start with a chair; that's simple enough, isn't it?"

Hagane Kotetsu looked over and nodded; the structure and design of the chair were indeed simple enough, after all, it was just a combination of a few pieces of wood and a wooden board.

So the three of them began practicing according to Mutsuki's suggestion, and the atmosphere in the classroom gradually became peculiar.

Several chairs with three legs, two legs, or even one leg appeared in the classroom.

"It seems chairs are not as easy as we imagined." Kamizuki Izumo scratched his head awkwardly; the chair with one leg was the result of his transformation.

"Are you trying to make me laugh to death, Izumo?" Hagane Kotetsu immediately pointed at Kamizuki Izumo's one-legged chair and laughed loudly.

Hagane Kotetsu's actions attracted the attention of the entire classroom, and then everyone burst into laughter at these magical chairs.

"Isn't your two-legged chair strange too?" Kamizuki Izumo retorted with a red face.

People turned to look at the chair next to Hagane Kotetsu, which had one leg in front and one in the back, all on the same side, and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"You two are not enough. You have to see me, the second in this grade." Anko crossed her arms; her chair not only had three legs but was also walking around her.

Watching this strange scene, the students in the classroom couldn't hold back their laughter any longer. Due to the laughter nearing the end of the school day, it even attracted students from other classes to come and watch.

Amidst the laughter and joy, the school bell for the end of the day rang, and Mutsuki also announced the end of the class.

[Lecture Completed]

[Evaluation: A]

[Reward: Mystical Palm Jutsu]

Memories of the practice and use of Mystical Palm Jutsu entered Mutsuki's mind.

"Today is my lucky day." Mutsuki nodded to himself upon seeing that the reward was the advanced Medical Ninjutsu, Mystical Palm Jutsu.

Mystical Palm Jutsu is not just an ordinary Medical Ninjutsu; it's a highly advanced one. There are not many medical ninjas in Konoha who have mastered Mystical Palm Jutsu.

Mystical Palm Jutsu can heal not only external injuries but also internal diseases, making it extremely powerful in the field of medical treatment.

With Mystical Palm Jutsu, Obito's practice of Nature Transformation became safer, as any injuries could be immediately treated.

"Now, I've got all seven types of attributes." Mutsuki thought to himself.

Mystical Palm Jutsu belongs to the Yang Release Chakra Nature Transformation. Since he hadn't mastered this attribute, the system, following its usual practice, provided him with a bit of memory for Nature Transformation training.

Combined with the Yin Release Genjutsu he had previously learned, he had now mastered all seven attributes of Nature Transformation.

After school, Mutsuki routinely trained with his disciples. Instead of returning to the main city area after training, he stayed at his residence on the southern outskirts of the forest.

Today was the day he reported his tasks to the Root organization.

Due to Shisui's inherently different personality from the typical Uchiha, Mutsuki reported truthfully about this aspect. In other areas, Mutsuki used a bit of literary technique.

For example, in the grade-level practical exams, Hyuga Kamon's defeat of his opponent showcased his genius by effortlessly demolishing his foes. In the case of Obito and Might Guy, their victories were portrayed as fortunate, with luck playing a significant role.

During the Asuma mission, Mutsuki reported that he had successfully gained Asuma's recognition as a sensei and inquired about the possibility of bringing Asuma into the Root organization.

As long as Danzo isn't suffering from senile dementia, Mutsuki believes Danzo won't give him a positive response.

The reason for reporting in this manner is simply to let Danzo know that he has completed the mission well, has gained Asuma's approval, and to express his loyalty to the Root.


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