
Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Mutsuki traversed into the world of Naruto, becoming an ordinary middle-level ninja teacher at Konoha's Ninja School and a member of the Root organization. Fortunately, he awakened the teacher system, allowing him to become stronger through teaching. In order not to become a brainless tool for Danzo, Mutsuki diligently teached to enhance his strength. "The first time completing an A-rated teaching evaluation. reward: Complete Mastery in Fire Chakra Nature Transformation." "Your student Shisui gained +30 chakra after hard training. You gained +60 chakra!"

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Chapter 181: The Secret of Mastering the Father and Son Duo

"Haha, who would want to be a Genin for life if they could promote?" Duy laughed heartily, but there was a hint of melancholy in his eyes.

If he had been content to remain a Genin, he wouldn't have practiced the Eight Inner Gates diligently for ten years.

This was twenty years of focusing solely on Taijutsu without training anything else, a huge test for both body and mind.

Although he eventually learned the Eight Inner Gates as he wished, it took too long. His performance during this time made him a despised figure, without the opportunity to prove himself.

Forget about A-Rank Missions or B-Rank Missions; he couldn't even get D-Rank Missions.

Many D-Rank Missions were subsidized by the village to train newly graduated ninjas, not to support the incompetent.

However, Duy believed that this experience wasn't all bad; at least it toughened his heart, making him internally stronger. His losses weren't in vain but served as lessons for Guy, preventing him from walking down the same path.

"The Ninja world is in chaos. Both the Land of Lightning and the Land of Earth have designs against the Land of Fire. At a time when Konoha lacks strength, it's unreasonable for Taijutsu experts like you, Dai Senpai, to remain as Genin," Mutsuki said with a pained expression.

Aside from the Special Jonin situation, there are only three levels of ninja positions, and each new level represents a qualitative change.

Genin only have the duty to follow orders on the battlefield, always under command. Chunin can serve as Squad Captains in situations where the tasks aren't particularly crucial, while Jonin are the main force in wartime, almost always leading squads on missions.

Then, Mutsuki and Duy discussed the encounters they had during their C-Rank Mission.

"If this continues, the ninja world will become more and more chaotic, and a major war might break out soon," Mutsuki sighed.

"Has the situation reached such a point?" Duy's expression became serious.

As a perennial Genin, it was difficult for him to obtain war-related information because nobody bothered to tell him.

"I have some special connections that make it easier for me to see Third-sama. If you, Dai Senpai, are willing to unleash the Eight Inner Gates, promotion to Chunin should be no problem, let alone Jonin," Mutsuki nodded.

Even after becoming an intern sensei, he didn't directly resign from his tutoring position; he just didn't teach regularly as before.

Duy could handle situations with the Six Gates without too much damage, meaning he could function as an ordinary elite Jonin. With this strength, coupled with the wartime situation, Mutsuki didn't believe Sarutobi Hiruzen would ignore such a force.

Sarutobi Hiruzen might hesitate to directly promote Duy to Jonin due to his background and achievements, but becoming a Chunin shouldn't be a big issue.

There are two ways to promote to Chunin. One is through the Chunin Exams held twice a year in Konoha. Excellent performance in the exams can lead to promotion. The other way is through contributions, meaning being promoted based on the quantity of completed missions.

Everything in Konoha revolves around missions. Teaching at the Ninja Academy, like what Mutsuki does, counts as a mission, and various actions during wartime are also considered missions.

It's naturally impossible for Duy to participate in the Chunin Exams since Guy's birthday is tomorrow.

Although Duy's mission data doesn't meet the requirements, his strength is high and can compensate for some of it.

Once he becomes a Chunin, Duy will have opportunities to demonstrate his abilities. By then, becoming a Special Jonin based on strength and merit won't be difficult.

As for becoming a Jonin, Mutsuki feels it's a bit challenging because Konoha currently has strict requirements for Jonin. Individuals like Duy, who specialize in specific areas, find it hard to become official Jonin unless they achieve significant feats in war.

"Even if you only unlock six gates, Dai Senpai, your strength surpasses that of many Jonin. Being a Chunin would be more than easy for you to achieve."

"How do you feel about my proposal, Dai Senpai?" Mutsuki asked, looking at Duy's rugged face.

"Great, as expected of you, Yumi-sensei!" Duy nodded vigorously and gave Mutsuki a thumbs-up.

"Thank you so much!" Duy stood up and bowed deeply to Mutsuki in gratitude.

As Mutsuki spoke, Duy pondered a lot.

His first thought was how to repay Mutsuki's kindness, but then he realized he had nothing to offer.

The only thing he knew, the Eight Inner Gates, Mutsuki also knew. Moreover, Mutsuki's strength was incomprehensible. Even without using Ninjutsu, he could surpass him with just two gates open, let alone six. Therefore, Mutsuki didn't need his help.

But in the end, Duy still agreed to Mutsuki's proposal, not because he wanted to prove his strength to others, but for Guy.

He had come a long way in his training, and he knew that building a powerful physique required investment. Various supplements and training elixirs were expensive, and the consequence of not having money was a lower ceiling and a heap of hidden injuries left behind.

In the past, he could let opportunities slip by, but now the opportunity is right in front of him. If he doesn't seize it, he won't be a qualified father.

Accepting Mutsuki's kindness without being able to repay him would make him feel guilty. But if he doesn't seize this opportunity to make Guy's path to growth smoother, he would feel even more guilty.

"Dai Senpai, you don't have to worry about this. I'm doing this for Konoha," Mutsuki said with a smile.

With Duy's agreement, everything was set. Tomorrow, he would definitely give Guy a big surprise.

"I have a secret elixir for Taijutsu ninjas' training that can eliminate hidden injuries. I'll give it to you as an early celebration for your promotion, Dai Senpai," Mutsuki said as he took out a pill from his ninja pouch and handed it to Duy.

Nowadays, elixirs can be bought directly with money from the system, so they are not as precious. Helping the present Duy is helping the future Guy.

"Eliminate hidden injuries? I don't need it at my age. You should either take it back or leave it for Guy," Duy refused with a shake of his head.

Over the past few decades, he had accumulated numerous hidden injuries, and even one elixir wouldn't suffice. He preferred to leave such a good thing for Guy.

"I've reserved one for Guy. This one is extra. Dai Senpai, you can try it to see its effects," Mutsuki said, placing the elixir in front of Duy.

Although Duy was reliable, Mutsuki still wanted to see him consume it before feeling assured. The medicine's effects were too potent; it could lead to trouble if leaked out.

"After all, I'm not as proficient in the Eight Inner Gates as you are, Dai Senpai. You'll have to personally teach Guy more in this regard in the future," Mutsuki added, seizing the opportunity.

He had grasped how to manipulate the father and son duo. To exploit Guy's potential, he needed to start with Duy. To make Duy obedient, he had to start with Guy.

With Mutsuki having brought up the topic to this extent, and seeing that Duy wasn't one to hesitate, he swallowed the elixir in one gulp.

Soon, Duy felt a warmth spreading through him, gradually enveloping his entire body, until he experienced an unprecedented sense of relaxation.

Duy knew he owed Mutsuki another favor. This definitely wasn't some simple elixir; its effects were too potent, almost immediate.

He felt that if he could take more of this elixir, his strength, which had stagnated long ago, could once again improve.

"Senpai, try to stay at home tomorrow. Third-sama will probably want to see your strength with his own eyes. If you need anything, I'll send a Shadow Clone to find you," Mutsuki reminded.

Duy nodded and gave a thumbs-up to indicate no problem.

"Tea's ready." Guy ran over and poured tea for Mutsuki and Duy.

After drinking a cup, Mutsuki bid farewell and left.

"We only chatted for a bit," Guy scratched his head, watching Mutsuki leave.

"Dad, what did Yumi-sensei want from you?"

Guy asked curiously.

"Haha, it's something very impressive and youthful. Once it's done, it will definitely shock you, Guy," Duy laughed after finishing his tea.

Mutsuki instructed him not to tell Guy until the results were out, saying that this matter wasn't guaranteed to succeed 100%, to avoid disappointing Guy if it didn't work out.

"What's so mysterious about it?" Guy became even more curious.


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