
Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Mutsuki traversed into the world of Naruto, becoming an ordinary middle-level ninja teacher at Konoha's Ninja School and a member of the Root organization. Fortunately, he awakened the teacher system, allowing him to become stronger through teaching. In order not to become a brainless tool for Danzo, Mutsuki diligently teached to enhance his strength. "The first time completing an A-rated teaching evaluation. reward: Complete Mastery in Fire Chakra Nature Transformation." "Your student Shisui gained +30 chakra after hard training. You gained +60 chakra!"

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Chapter 10: I wonder who's lucky here

Watching Mutsuki's incredibly swift and clean Whirlwind Kick, Might Guy's eyes lit up instantly. He felt like he had encountered a dreamlike technique, fulfilling all his fantasies about Taijutsu.

Simple, fast, powerful, and handsome.

"I like it, be sure to teach me this one when the time comes!" Might Guy expressed his satisfaction with Konoha's Whirlwind with full enthusiasm.

"As long as you like it," Mutsuki smiled and nodded.

Might Guy's reaction was within Mutsuki's expectations. After all, this Taijutsu was developed by Might Guy himself in the future, and he even created a whole series, including techniques like Big Whirlwind and Just Whirlwind. It would be strange if Might Guy didn't like it.

With Mutsuki's assurance, both Obito and Might Guy were very pleased. Even the exams, which they usually found extremely troublesome, seemed much more pleasing to the eye.

"Watch as I unleash all my firepower, this time I'm definitely taking on more than four!" Obito exclaimed, excitedly rubbing his hands together. If someone didn't know better, they might think he was gearing up for a battle.

"It must be more than three, or else tonight, we'll run five hundred laps around Konoha!" Might Guy, determined to master the dreamlike technique, got serious and resorted to self-discipline.

He planned to challenge Kakashi once he learned this Taijutsu, testing how much his skills had improved.

However, the sudden enthusiasm faded quickly. After attempting a few problems, Obito understood a harsh truth.

If pushed, he might unleash a bigger Great Fireball or accurately throw five Shuriken in a single breath. But when it came to exam questions, no amount of urgency seemed to help.

Propping his head with one hand, the other hand playing with the pen in various poses, Obito, frustrated and distracted, couldn't stand even the swaying leaves, feeling like they were mocking his inability to solve the problems.

Unable to resist, Obito glanced at Might Guy beside him.

Although Obito has been classmates with Might Guy for over three years and shares Kakashi as a mutual friend, their relationship is quite ordinary.

They are not strangers, but they can't be called friends either; they are more like friends of friends, coincidentally being in the same class.

When thinking about Might Guy, the first thing that comes to mind is being at the bottom of the class.

Even though he is also labeled as such, Obito believes that he is just somewhat specialized. His Ninjutsu and Shuriken throwing skills are decent, but his theoretical knowledge is particularly lacking.

It's just that the other Uchiha are too outstanding, excelling in every subject, making him, an imperfect Uchiha, seem like he's lagging behind.

Might Guy, on the other hand, is different. He's not good in theory, and his Ninjutsu is lacking. He ranks near the bottom in most subjects, widely recognized as the class "tail-ender."

However, at this moment, Might Guy is displaying more patience than Obito, diligently tackling difficult problems even when it's making him scratch his head in frustration.

Obito recalls a bold declaration Might Guy made once when he was being mocked.

"I believe that with this kind of effort, I will surely become the strongest Taijutsu Ninja in the future!"

Although Obito wasn't among those mocking him, when he heard these words, he didn't think much of it. He didn't believe Might Guy could become the so-called strongest in Taijutsu.

But now, his perspective has changed a bit. Whether or not Might Guy can become the strongest Taijutsu Ninja is uncertain, but he should be considerably stronger than those who mocked him.

"Becoming friends with him might not be a bad idea," Obito muttered. This way, they could team up against that annoying Kakashi.

Watching Might Guy diligently working on problems, Obito also started writing with determination, brainstorming.

Observing this scene, Mutsuki showed a pensive expression. He hadn't expected that these two individuals together could create such a chemical reaction. Obito, who was usually impatient and restless, was influenced enough to calm down and focus on the questions.

In the future, similar methods could be used to motivate Obito to train.

Once the two finished, Mutsuki helped them correct their work.

Obito got three correct, and Might Guy got two.

"Sigh, still not up to four; I've done my best," Obito slumped on the desk, looking exhausted.

"Tonight, add another five hundred laps to the run," Might Guy incorporated the punishment for failure into his training plan.

Seeing this, Mutsuki consoled, "You're only five questions away from passing, and you've progressed one question in just an hour. Thinking about it this way, isn't it much better?"

As Obito and Might Guy pondered, it seemed to make sense. Success and mastering Ninjutsu were within reach.

After offering comfort, Mutsuki, with a smiling expression, once again took out two exam papers.

Looking at the fresh papers on the desk, Obito, considering the three weekends left before the exam, couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed.

But he had no choice but to pick up the pen and continue, because giving up now would mean the previous papers were done in vain.

Meanwhile, Shisui, having restored his Chakra, started another round of Fire Release practice. Fire dragons danced in the sky, capturing Obito's attention once again.

"Yumi-sensei, after learning your Ninjutsu, are we considered your disciples like Shisui?" Obito thought for a moment and asked.

"If you want it that way, then sure," Mutsuki replied ambiguously.

"Hehe, since we're eventually going to be disciples, why not teach us now, sensei?" Obito, at wit's end, revealed his true intention.

Mutsuki looked at him skeptically. Although it was the result of his deliberate setup, Obito's eagerness seemed a bit too hasty.

Obito patted his chest and assured, "Mutsuki-sensei, it's not that I don't want to study; I just think these two can be done simultaneously."

After saying this, Obito pulled Might Guy beside him and asked, "Guy, you agree, right?"

"Sensei, I think Obito is right," Might Guy chimed in, eager to learn Konoha Whirlwind early to challenge Kakashi.

"What if you both don't pass when the time comes?" Mutsuki didn't hastily agree but posed a counter-question.

"When the time comes, sensei, we'll follow your lead. I trust you for sure," Obito still had confidence in passing.

"Me too," Might Guy nodded in agreement.

"Alright then..." Mutsuki wore a conflicted expression, seemingly hesitating about something.

"Mutsuki-sensei, just trust me. I'll study hard with you and won't let you down," Obito continued eagerly when he saw a chance.

"Same here," Might Guy added, clenching his fist to emphasize his commitment.

"Well, I believe you can live up to your words. Once you finish this paper, I'll teach you both the Great Dragon Fire Jutsu and Konoha Whirlwind," Mutsuki looked convinced.

"That's great! I always knew you're the best, Mutsuki-sensei. I won't disappoint your trust," Obito exclaimed excitedly.

He felt today was indeed his lucky day—improving his theoretical scores and gaining an impressive sensei for free. Quite a catch.

"Mutsuki-sensei, I will definitely work hard to master your Taijutsu!" Might Guy declared earnestly.

He also felt fortunate today, encountering someone willing to be his sensei and teach him Taijutsu.

[Establish a mentor-disciple relationship with Uchiha Obito]

[Establish a mentor-disciple relationship with Might Guy]

Looking at the two pop-up windows, Mutsuki displayed a satisfied smile. 'I wonder who's lucky here.'


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