
Naruto: Storm release

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs


Gates of Konoha

We can see the ever present guards who defend the village with all their might and years of fighting those who dare to challenge their village.

Izumo and Kotetsu

"Man I am so bored I wish something new would happen." Kotetsu says drawing another card from the deck. Him and Izumo often play cards to help pass the time because on days like these it just goes by so slowly.

"Stop complaining, we have a duty to do for the village, we have an important job. We must make sure no person who wishes to harm the village can come in." He says placing down his cards for a royal flush with a grin.

Kotetsu can only sigh and slump in his seat at another loss in his belt. "You only say that because you keep winning." pointing a finger at his best friend.

Izumo puts his hands up in defense of his statement. "Hey no need to play the blame game you just suck at this game." He then sighs. "Where is Naruto when you need him, he always keeps this place feeling lively."

"Yea who are you telling? He has gotten so strong he even beat Anko and we can't even beat her if we team up." Kotetsu replies with excitement when talking about Naruto. Turns out he has always been a fan of Naruto's prank's and his new powers.

"Yea he will most likely become a jonin before we do." Izumo replies a little sad at that part. "Hey, why don't we start to train again? Maybe we will be able to get prompted as well." He says a little excited at the last part.

"Yes you're right! we will start to train tomorrow and we will be able to kick Naruto's but in no time!" the two high five each other at their new goal. But the two are stopped when the ground starts to rumble and they can see trees being knocked down in the distance.

"ANBU!" Kotetsu yells, making 5 anbu appear out of nowhere. "There is something coming from the tree line and I can sense multiple chakra signatures.

"Squad I will get on top of the wall to check you stay here and wait for any attack that might come." they all do just as they said with them getting there weapons ready. What the anbu sees surprises him; it is a massive wave of water coming this way.

"Everyone perform the basic Earth wall and put in as much chakra as you can!" the captain says jumping down and they all perform the jutsu. As the wave approaches they can all see it and hear the waves crashing and what sounds like laughing.

"Prepare for impact!" A second later they are all smashed with the heavy waves and the wall starts to crack and some water shoots through some holes."Hold it!" the captain screams only for all the water to disappear.

"That was fun Naruto-kun can we do it again." Anko says hanging off of Naruto with a wide smile on her face. She wasn't the only one smiling Kakashi, Sakura, Rukia, Tsunami, Inari, Sasuke, and even the now free Ranmaru who was stuck in a sealing seal until Naruto released him.

Everyone on the other side of the wall and even other ninja who had come because they felt all the chakra being used along with some civilians. They froze when they heard the name Naruto. Some were confused, was he the one who did all that chakra and massive waves?

"Hahah don't you worry your pretty little head we can do it as much as you want." he replied laughing until he saw everyone looking at him. "Oh, hey there Kotetsu and Izumo, how's it going?" waving a hand like nothing happened.

"Uzumaki-san, did you create this huge wave?" The captain of the anbu asked getting out of his shock. He wanted to take this brat to the hokage and have him explain why he did what he did.

"Yes I did, awesome right." He says grinning at them.

"Hell yea it was can I come next time?" an anbu with a lizard mask said. Only to be hit by another to be quiet.

"You bet you can, I'll even take you guys." He points to the gate guards who are shaking with excitement.

"Uzumaki-san, that was dangerous and could have harmed someone. I will take you to the hokage office and have you explain your actions."

"Ma ma knowone was hurt we just wanted to make it to the village fast and he used this to travel here." Kakashi says trying to calm down the problem.

"Kakashi-senpai, you were also involved in this. I must tell everyone how childish you have become." The anbu then tried to walk to Naruto and grab him but Naruto pushed his hand away.

"If you want to take me you will have to catch me." he replied with a devilish smirk that scared the anbu because they knew they could not catch him.

"I will not be in these games Uzumaki-san just-" He is cut off when Naruto hit him with a paint bomb that turned his clothes pink. Making everyone laugh at him. "Fine if that's what you want when I catch you I will cut your legs off so you can't run anymore." He then orders the anbu to engage him.

"You guys go ahead to the old man's office and I will meet you when I shake these guys." He says while running into the village at high speeds the anbu could barely keep up with.

"WIll daddy be okay? He said those guys are the elite of the village." A worried Rukia asked Haku who only picked her up.

"Don't worry Rukia-chan Naruto-kun has told me he was able to avoid those guys at your age so I'm sure he will be just fine." Haku says, rubbing her head.

"Well we can leave him to have some fun with those guys while we go to the office. I am sure he will have lossed them by the time we get there." Anko says starting to walk off and the group follows him.

While walking through the village Rukia, Tsunami, and Inari are amazed by how big the village is and can't believe how many stores that they have. But they also feel a little anger towards them because they are the same ones who were hurting Naruto.

When the group finally makes it to the office of the hokage they can hear voices in the room and it sounds like a meeting is going on. They decide to go inside to see what is going on but are shocked at who they see.

The current Raikage Ay who has blonde white hair that are in braids with dark skin. A build that is built for muscles and to grapple and throw heavy punches that will leave you in the hospital. 2 companies with him. The one two is right is Killer bee the 8 tails jinchuuriki and has a build similar to that of his brother the Raikage. On the other side of the Raikage is a woman who has a more slender build with light skin and blonde hair that goes to her back in a braid who happens to be the 2 tails jinchuuriki.

They all stop when team 7 and 11 enter the room and a moment of silence is there until it is broken by the old hokage who gives an awkward cough.

"Hello teams I see both missions were a success." He says giving them a smile trying to make the awkward situation go away.

"Yes Hokage-sama our mission was a success but had some weird things go on during the mission and my report…will definitely be one for the ages." Kakashi steps up speaking after giving a bow to the Raikage. Who only nodded recognizing who he was.

He then motions for Tazunas family along with Rukia and Haku to walk forward and they all are a little nervous at all the high class people in the Room.

"H-hello Hokage-sama my n-name is Tsunami and this is my son Inari and we wish to join the village." The woman speaks up a little nervous

The old hakage can only give a grandfatherly smile at them which makes them feel a little better. "Okay what makes you come to our village if I may ask?"

"W-well I came here to be with N-naruto-kun." She replies blushing at remembering Naruto and how many times they had sex of the week.

"Hehe I see so you are sharing him with Anko." The old man and Kakashi giggle like perverts.

"Oh Hokage-sama, they are sharing him alright." Kakashi says hinting at what they did, making Anko and Tsunami blush.

"S-shut up you pervert." Anko says, hitting him in the balls with a red face. The old man gets a bit off a nose bleed at what he is thinking but he wipes it away.

The raikage and his group can only sweat drop at what is going on. It's like they totally forgot we are here and who is this Naruto they keep talking about. Must be some lucky man if two women are sharing him.

"Okay we can talk more about that when Naruto-kun gets here." He says getting under control a little bit. "Now what about you too." looking at Rukia and Haku.

"Well My reason is similar to Tsunami-chan I also wish to join the village but as a ninja." Haku says making an Ice rabbit much to the hokage and group from kumo surprise.

"Hey old man don't forget about me I can also do that." She then makes another ice rabbit like Haku.

They are surprised again at this because there are two clan members that could bring in new blood lines. "Haha old man, I can see you hang with Naruto-kun a lot, can't you. He replies laughing at her name for him.

"Of course I will, he is my dad after all." Rukia says smiling. The hokage stops laughing and looks at her in shock.

"Daughter, he must have picked her up on his mission and with how similar these 2 are I can see why he did that. But if raises her to be just like him OH MY GOD this is not good another prankster and she has ice powers she will also be really strong. I need to find another successor to take my place or I will die from a heart attack with these two." He then starts to sweat heavily at all the things that go through his head at the possibilities.


"Oh sorry about that I was lost in my thoughts for a second. So you wish to be adopted by him I shall write everything up now." He pulls out some papers and starts to write at light speed so he can help Naruto and this girl.

"By the way, where is Naruto-kun? We need him to sign and give me a report." He says looking at them.

"Well the anbu were after him because we arrived at the village on a wave the size of the front gates and they wanted to arrest him for scaring them and causing trouble." Kakshi says a little bit nervous

"Haha this sounds like a very fun guy. I wish to meet him, where is he?" the raikage says laughing at everything this Naruto guy was doing.

"Well he should be here in a little while, you know how the anbu can never catch him." Anko replies with a wave of her hand.

"Raikage-sama, I can feel a great power coming here and it feels similar to mine." Yugito says looking outside for the power closing in fast.

"Yea bro this power is massive it's even stronger than all of us," Bee says in a rare moment of seriousness and a little nervous at the power.

Everyone turns to the window where they can hear the cheers of the crowd and cat calls of the ladies. They can see what looks like something is coming. Everyone from the leaf already knows but those of kumo have no Idea and are getting ready for anything.

"Hahaha Dynamic entry the shout comes from Naruto as he is seen coming through the window with a grin in place and in his blue armor similar to that of the second hokage.

"I told those anbu they wouldn't catch me not even when I'm on my deathbed would they get me." He says dusting himself off while taking a look around at everyone with wide eyes.

"Papa!" The shout came from Rukia as she ran to him and he caught her in his arms while spinning around making her giggle and laugh.

"Hello my little snow princess is everything going okay with the old man." He replies, smiling at her still in his arms.

"Hehe yes and I called him old man just like you said. But Hake nee-chan says I must call him with respect and she hits me on the head. Will you punish her for me daddy?" Rukia says doing the puppy eyes jutsu on him with tears in the corner of her eyes.

"Aww don't you worry I will be sure to make sure Haku gets spankings for making you cry." He says giving Haku a smirk, making her blush and covering her butt.

"But she is right we must address him with respect even though he is an old man he is still the strongest ninja, after you kickass dad that is." He says puffing out his chest making her giggle.

"Yea I want to be a kickass ninja too." she says waving her hands up only to be bonked on the head by her dad.

"Language or no candy for a week." he says, giving a stern glare making her go wide eyed.

"A week no! I promise I won't say the bad words ever again." she shakes him looking at him with horror.

"Well I better not catch you saying any bad words." he says smirking at her.

"Naruto-kun you can do that later, we have other matters to get into." he says trying to get things under control.

"Yea no problem Lord old man, what do you need." he says, stepping by his team ignoring the kumo group who are looking at him with wide eyes at seeing what he just did and how everyone is all calm.

"Raikage-dono, we will continue our talk tomorrow for the exams if you don't want to listen to all this stuff.

"No, that's okay I am really interested in this group you got here." he says, eyeing all of them.

Hiruzen nods his head and then looks to the teams and ask for the report and what has happened. An hour goes by and Kakashi is just now starting to finish his report about what has all gone down on the mission. With wide eyes at what he is hearing along with the hidden anbu and kumo group.

"So haku you used to work with Zabuza and now have split up and want to join our village." He says looking at her.

A quick nod from the girl and he sighs. "Well if that's the case you will have to go on a probation for 2 months and then after that you can join our ninja ranks like you asked."

"Okay hokage-sama I understand," She bowed in appreciation,

"For the meantime you can stay with Naruto along with the new Rukia Uzumaki." He said smiling. Making Naruto smile but Rukia was asleep.

"Tsunami and her son will also live with you."

"Not a problem but I am gonna need a bigger place with all these people. Can I have the direction of the Uzumaki compound? I know one must still be here. This makes the old man freeze and a little nervous and scared.

"N-naruto I-"

"Don't old man, I don't agree with what you did but just let me have everything that belongs to the clan and scrolls from my mother. And we can call it even but come the chunin exams I expect to know who my father is."

"Okay Naruto-kun I'll give you everything." He then goes and opens a slot under his desk and takes out scrolls and sealed letter. "Here this is everything Kushina sealed up before she died to the kyuubi."

"W-wait he is the son of Kushina Uzumaki the Red death!" The raikage shouts losing his cool for a second.

"Wow my mom sounds pretty bad ass if she was able to make you react like that and she also got a pretty badass nickname." Naruto says, smirking.

"Kid you have no idea, that woman was scary." KIller bee shivered at hearing the laugh of the Red death.

"Can I see a picture of her please?" Naruto said looking at the hokage with hope.

"Well there are better ones at the compound but I guess you can look at this old one." Grabbing something from his desk the hokage hands a picture to him and Naruto gasps.

"Oh my kami, my mom is freaking hot." The blonde says making everyone sweat drop at what he said.

"Really Naruto-kun, that is the first thing you say when you see her." Anko smacks her face in exaggeration.

"I can't help it, just look at her beautiful red hair and round face that just makes her look even more cute. Not to mention her rocking body and cup size."

"Naruto-kun you do realize you're checking out your mom right." Tsunami says in a blank tone.

"Well anyways Naruto-kun now that you know you're in a clan you will have to go in the CRA and I have to tell the council of this along with your daughter and Haku." the old man says a bit seriously.

"If they try anything stupid or talk out of line they are dead no question's asked." Naruto said dead serious looking at Hiruzen who tries to suppress a shutter at his gaze.

"Okay and about your bloodline they will also try to force women on you."

"It won't work, only I will pick who gets a piece of me." He then picks up Rukia and walks off to his house and the rest of his group.

"Well hokage-sama, that is one interesting kid you have there." The raikage said sitting in a chair.

"Yes and I can sense he holds the kyuubi. That must be why he is so strong and can do all those jutsu he said he did." Yugito says, speaking up.

"Yea yea ain't no way he's stronger than 8'o as a little brat but if he thinks he's good he can always come and mess with the bull weeee." Bee says rapping again.

"You have it wrong, he's never used the kyuubi chakra once." The old man says shocking all of them.

"B-but why are they not on good terms." Yugito asked.

"He tells me they are really close, he just hasn't met anyone where he needed to use the chakra, so he only has fought with his own power." shrugging his shoulders at them.

"Well when we get back to kumo we will have to tell our genin to up their training." the buff raikage says.

"And not to mention he didn't even acknowledge that we were in the room." He is a little bit pissed at that part

Uzumaki compound

We can see Naruto walking with a sleeping Rukia and Inari on his shoulders sleeping. He is walking with Tsunami, Anko, Haku and Ranmaru who have all decided to stay with him.

"So ranmaru when we get settled in and they have the council meeting I will introduce you to the hyuga head and try to get you in their clan and they will help you." He speaks to Ranmaru in the arms of a clone.

"O-okay thank you for doing all this for me." He says a little shyly.

They all stop when they get to a gate with a giant red swirl in the middle of it. He sees seals on the gate and rubs some blood on it recognizing it as a blood seal and the gates open to a compound in perfect conditions due to the seals that help keep the place clean.

"Wow this place is huge." He says looking at the massive front yard that has a stone pathway in the middle. They begin to walk the path until they make it at the front door and Naruto puts the key in and opens the door to a massive mansion with space enough for them to stick a pool in the middle of the floor.

"Holy crap this place is huge." Anko says with her jaw on the ground.

"I know, look at that kitchen." Tsunami says and quickly runs to it with stars in her eyes. Making everyone sweat drop.

"Rukia-chan , Inari-kun, wake up and look at your new house." He says softly shaking the kids awake.

"Papa." they both say at the same time.

"Yea that's me now look at your new house." they turn around and go wide eyed and start to run around. Rukia even walked on the ceiling making Inari pout because she didn't help him.

"Rukia nee-chan pick me up as well." He says reaching out. She grabbed his hand and tried to pull him up.

"Little bro you are so heavy what have you been eating." She says struggling.

"W-what I am not heavy y-you rabbit brain." He says to Rukia.

"What did you call me fish brain?" she says getting his face.

"Rabbit brain!"

"Fish brain!"

The two disappear in a comical cloud of smoke fighting and throwing insults at each other.

"Alright you too you can stop now." he says walking up only to be hit by a flying carrot making the kids stop and look at their dad in horror. "Alright you kids are gonna get it now." He then makes a water whip to spank them and start chasing them around the compound. Making Anko, Haku, and Ranmaru sweat drop.

"Well they can go and play, how about we go pick out our rooms." Anko said, getting out of her shock.

"Yes, let's." Haku said, picking up Ranmaru who needed help to walk.

Once Narto was done playing with the kids he goes into the master bedroom where he can see pictures of his mother and a blonde man who.. ..him. "T-this is the fourth hokage, am I the son of the fourth hokage." He sits down on the bed in shock. Looking around he can see more pictures of the two and then see a pregnant Kushina along with Minato Namikaze.

"So my own dad sealed Kasumi-chan into me." He smiles a little bit holding the picture and some tears come to his eyes at finally knowing who his family was. "I was born to be a badass." He chuckles a little bit at that statement. He gets up and walks to the closet seeing all his mothers clothes and his dad's cape as well.

"A little big but I can grow into it." He says taking the cape off. " I will tell the group and those I trust." He leaves the room to go to the front of the house. He sees Tsunami in the kitchen happily cooking lunch. Rukia and Inari in the back yard training with Haku. Anko Is on the couch eating Dango watching Tv with her coat off leaving her only in her fishnet shirt with Ranmaru in her lap also eating dango with a smile.

"It's what I always wanted, friends and family to call my own." He says a little more tears are coming to his eyes but he wipes them away and walks to the front door.

"I am going out. I will get the rest of your stuff Anko and also mine so we can get settled into our new home." Everyone smiles and waves him goodbye.


In the streets he can see many people giving him smiles and nods from the ninjas and the kids still smiling happily at him. "It seems as if they are starting to see me for me and not Kasumi-chan." He frowns at the fact that she is still not talking to him.

He is cut off when he can smell his favorite food and he goes over there to greet the 2 people who work there. "Hello you guys have you missed me." He said sitting in the seat reserved for him.

"N-naruto-kun is that you." The shocked Ayame says a little pink on her face at seeing how handsome he looks.

"Oh hello Naruto where have you been? We thought you forgot about us."

"Sorry about that I was training and also just got back from a mission. But can I get some of that food of the GODS." he says drooling at the food.

"Sure Naruto-kun just don't do that again okay." Ayame says, hitting him on the head.

"Sorry nee-chan, I won't do it again."

He then spends a little while eating 30 bowls of ramen and telling them about what he has been doing for the last 2 months. And to say the two were shocked is an understatement. He said he would show them during the chunin exams if they made a poster and cheered with his new family. They agreed to it instantly, making him laugh.

He is now walking from Anko house with all her stuff in a scroll and was now making his way to his house only to be stopped when an angry Kurenai Yuhi jumped in his path giving him a death glare.

"Hello Kurenai-chan I've missed you." He said smiling. She blushes a little bit but shakes it off because she is angry at him.

"Don't Kurenai-chan me. Where have you been, mister." She says getting in his face. Making him raise his hands.

"I am sorry I wanted to tell you I had a mission with Anko but it was an emergency and I couldn't find you."

She looks at him for a bit before sighing. "Okay that is a good reason I just overreacted a bit I understand."

"Don't worry Kurenai-chan, how about I make it up to you." He grabs her and pulls her into an empty ally and pushes her against the wall. Making Kurenai blush and try to look away. But Naruto grabs her by the neck and whispers in her ear. "How about I rip these clothes off you and take you up against this wall." giving her ear a bite and kissing her on the neck making her moan.

"N-n-naruto-kun no w-we can't d-do that." She says through moans arching her back a little bit. He then starts to run his hands down her sides and grabs her by the ass and giving it hard smacks. He slides a hand in between her legs and grabs one of her breasts giving it a squeeze.

"My my Kurenai-chan you are all wet. You are liking this aren't you." He says smacking her ass again. He then plants a kiss on her lips making her eyes go wide at getting kissed by Naruto for the first time. She then gets over the surprise and starts to kiss him back trying to get control but is stopped when he picks her up making her gasp and he sticks his tongue in her mouth.

"Naruto-kun I-i-i- like you." She says red faced at everything that is going on to her. "I know I am going to have to share with Anko but I am okay with it. She already told me it was okay."

"Well that's good because I am in the CRA and you are gonna have to share with some other women." leaving her shocked.

"I knew this would happen at least I can have you to myself right now," She says going back into the make out session.

"Oh Kurenai-can you naugty girl It seems you are a pervert." She blushed at what he said before she smirked.

"Only for you Naruto-kun." she says reaching in his pants only to go wide eyed. "How are you so big, you're only 13?'' she says, a bit more shocked.

"Well I look like a 15 year old and that means certain parts of me also look older." He says smirking at her shock. "Just ask Anko and Tsunami when you get back to my compound they will tell you all about it."

"Y-you and Anko had sex." She says shocked.

"Yup and I tore that ass up. But don't worry youre time will come he gives her ass a smack before body flicking her to his house and giving Anko her stuff, getting a kiss from her and giving Tsunami a kiss as well.

He left to go back to get his things from his house. When he was finally done with that he was walking back down the streets of the village when an anbu appeared in his path.

"The council wishes to speak with you." The anbu said and disappeared.

"I knew it would come sooner or later." he then body flickers to the chambers.

Council Chambers

In the chambers all of the clan heads and the civilian members can be seen all together. With the hokage at the end of the table and everyone else on the sides waiting for the uzumaki to show.

"Hey there old man, is it already time for this meeting?" He says standing in the middle of the room with everyone looking at him.

He looks at all the civilian heads with a blank face, unnerving some of them until he sees Sakura's mom and gives her a charming smile. Because out of everyone she was always nice to him and helped where she could. This makes the young blonde blush a bit at how handsome he looks.

He then looks at the clan heads and nods but when he sees Hiashi he stares at him for a little bit making the room tense a bit. "I have something to talk to you about Hyuga." He says in a neutral tone.

"It is Hyuga-sama to you boy." He responds in a blank tone matching Naruto.

"You get my respect when you earn it. But I have discovered a child on a mission with powers similar to your byakugan but his eyes go red and he lacks physical strength because of his eyes from what I could see so far.

Hiashi eyebrows raised a little bit at what he was hearing. " I want to see him for myself."

"I will go get him now." He disappeared in a lighting body flicker shocking everyone. Only to come back a moment later with him.

"This is Ranmaru and he has the bloodline I am talking about." Ranmaru then activates his powers and Hiashi is shocked because it is something that was only shown in the early years of the hyuga days during the war and states area. When the hyuga's eyes would get stained with blood leaving them that color causing a genetic mutation.

"H-how that is the red byakugan not seen since the war and states period." This shocked everyone because he never loses his cool and then they heard what he said and were even more shocked.

"Hiashi what does this red byakugan do that is different from yours?" Asked the hokage wanting to know about anything.

"Well there is not much on it but from what I know it can see further and predict movements like the sharingan. It has the ability to see even more chakra points that my eyes can't see."

This left everyone surprised and even Naruto and Ranmaru. "Well would you look at that you are gonna be a kick ass ninja like your nii-san." Naruto says grinning at Ranmaru on his shoulder blushing from the attention he was getting.

"T-thank you N-naruto nii-san."

"Okay I will take you home and tell everyone about your new powers." He then disappeared again.

"Wow that boy is just full of surprises." Said shukaku who was up for once.

"Oh you know I am." He appeared standing next to Tsume who was shocked at his appearance. She was even more shocked when he picked her up and sat her in his lap grin still in place. "I can sense your arousal, are you in your heat cycle." he says in her ear.

"Shut up you stupid gaki that's not for you to know." She says getting out of her shock. He then puts his hands on her waist moving them up and down.

"No need to lie to me Tsume-chan." He blows in her ear making her shiver at how sensitive her ears are.

"S-stop d-don't do that." she says, hitting his chest. He then starts to rock her back and forth making her rube against his crotch with her wetting folds.

"Do you need me to come and help you with your problem. How about I come over later and help you." He says till talking into her ear. She then gets up and body flickers to her house with her nin-ken.

Everyone in the room was shocked, the men had nose bleeds and the women had slight blushes.

"N-naruto-kun back on topic to the meeting." he coughs in his hand getting ready to speak. " Naruto is the last member of the Uzumaki clan and has agreed to be in the CRA to help his clan. He also brought two Yuki clan female members and one his adoptive daughter.

The clan heads are shocked because they didn't expect for him to be in the Uzumaki clan; they thought it was just a name given to show respect. The civilians on the other hand were not so happy, most were angry and some wanted his clan's power.

One stupid civilan member got out of his seat to yell. "This demon brat is no clan heir, he is the son of a whore." Naruto got out of Tsume chair and put his hands together and pulled them apart showing a scythe of lighting and made his way to the man. Anbu jumped in his way but they were put to the ground when he released some of his killing intent and they all fell to their knees and the clan heads also fell and the hokage started to sweat. The civilians were throwing up and choking except for mebuki who was only sweating.

My mother Kushina Uzumaki was not a whore and those words will never come out of your mouth again." He says in a cold tone.

"P-p-please I-i am sorry." the man said shaking.

"I don't care, you fools take me for some kind of joke. But you will learn to put some respect on my name." With that said he sliced the man's head off and then sat back down. Leaving everyone silent for a moment.

"Anbu take the body away." The hokage said getting over his shock.

"H-h-hokage-sama k-kill this demon he killed larry." a civilian member said.

"You see old man, this is what happens when you get soft and don't enforce rules, fools like this think they can just order you around. Leaving people like me to clean up the mess." Naruto then gets up and does the same to the stupid civilan.

"This is why I told you to get your act together and you should probably start to train again if you are gonna invite the other kage to the exams. Because they won't respect you if you just look like an old man doing paperwork."

This makes Hiruzen realize how right Naruto words are again and the clan heads can see the fire come back to the old man again and they smile while Danzo curses in his head. But he takes this moment to speak up.

"Hiruzen I-" He is cut off when the hokage looks at him and corrects him.

"It is hokage-sama to you elder." Hiruzen says in a firm danzo curse even more in his head.

"Sorry Hokage-sama, But we should put these girls in the CRA to rebuild the clan. Giving us more Ice users.

In an instant Naruto was at Danzo's neck with his lighting scythe ready to cut his arm off. "Clearly you need some more convincing. How about I just get to the ROOT of the problem, lord old man?"

Not giving him a chance to respond, Naruto slices Danzo's arm off that is covered in bandages to everyone' shock. But what they see leaves them grossed out. It is an arm covered with sharingan eyes that are open. Naruto throws it to the ground and burns it with his lighting.

"Damn you boy do you know what you just did." Danzo replied in pain.

"Anbu take his ass to Ibiki." The hokage said and they did just that. Everyone just looks at Naruto.

"Now I think we all had a long meeting and just want to go home so let's wrap this up and go shall we. oh Mebuki-chan I will be coming over some time to help Sakura-chan with her training."

"So she has finally apologized to you, I am so glad" she said giving

him a hug.

"Well see you guys some other time." He wraps his black trench coat with the orange flames on the bottom around him and disappears in a water tornado.

"That boy is so troublesome." came the reply from the Nara head. Everyone can only nod

Uzumaki compound

"Hey guys I am back." Naruto appears at the front door taking off his sandals.

"Hello Naruto-kun." Anko, Kurenai, Haku, Tsunami, and Kurenai replied at the same time.

"Hey papa." Rukia and Inari say jumping on Naruto.

"Welcome back Nii-san." Ranmaru said, waving on the couch.

He could only smile at his welcome party. "Who is ready for dinner!" He shouts getting excited from everyone. The Uzumaki compound was once again filled with laughter and joy.