
Naruto: Storm release

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Ch 24

Hokage office

Naruto appeared in the office with a flash of blue light.

"Mom shit got ugly."

Tsunade opened a drawer filled with sake at the conversation that was about to go down. "Start from the beginning." Tsunade took a swig.

Naruto then began to give her a detailed report of what went down during the mission. He told her about how he transformed into Sasori in order to fool the spy which turned out to be Kabuto who managed to escape. Guren had stepped up to explain her fight with the glasses wearing loser is how she put it. Once done explaining her fight, Guren stepped back in order to let Naruto finish.

Naruto told her about how he was beating the shit out of her former teammate who was weakened. Tsunade wasn't that surprised that her son called Orochimaru a boring dance partner. Yes the snake was weak but he was a S rank ninja with multiple victories under his belt.

"He then ran away when I was about to finish his ass, but you know there is no hiding from me." Naruto said with pride in his tone making Tsunade roll her eyes at Naruto bragging about his sensing abilities.

"Yes yes, can you get back to the report?" Tsunade was already on her second bottle of sake which was becoming empty.

"Once we tracked him down, We found his base and I blew it up with a jutsu of mine. Once the place was destroyed I flooded it with a powerful water jutsu and then added some lighting on to it." Naruto said all of this like he was just talking about how his day went. Tsunade got a sweatdrop at how Naruto just said he destroyed a base and all the people in it.

"Orochimaru and none other than the runaway Uchiha came out of the snake hole. Long story short, the Uchiha disrespected me and the clan so killed him along with his teacher." Naruto shrugged his shoulders at the loss of a clan and once comrade.

Tsunade widened her eyes at Naruto's last statement. "So they are both dead?" Naruto only took out the scroll and tossed it to her. Tsunade caught it with ease and then set it on the desk and unsealed it, allowing the dead bodies of Sasuke and Orochimaru to appear on the desk. Tsunade gazed at the bodies with a critical eye to make sure this was no joke and they were actually dead. "I see, This is the real deal."

"You should expect nothing less from none other than Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto crossed his arms and smirked at the hokage. His features then changed into a serious face. "Now what is this I here about the stone sending 500 ninja's to the land of grass?"

Tsunade also got serious. "That is true and I have already sent ninjas to confront them along with backing up the land of grass."

Guren, Kakashi, and Sakura who didn't know about this gasp in shock. They had no doubt that this would spark the 4th great ninja war.

"Do you want me to go and back them up? I could easily wipe that force out." Naruto asked knowing full well he had the power to make such things happen.

"I would like to, but you have been requested for a mission by the princess of the land of spring in 2 days. Plus, the force i've sent will be good enough to handle this."

A smile crossed Naruto's face for a little. He hadn't seen her in a long time but did have a good farewell. "What does she need?"

Sakura, Kakashi, and Guren left the room to do their own thing. He would see Guren whenever he got home and Sakura was most likely going to hang out with her boyfriend. Which reminded him he needed to have a talk with that bony fella.

"I need you to protect the materials we will be receiving from the land of snow."

"If it's just me I can simply teleport them here."

Tsunade shook her head. "I forgot to mention. She requested Rukia Uzumaki and your team."

Naruto's eyes widened. "No way. I am cool with doing the mission with my team, but I can't go with Rukia-chan. My missions are way too dangerous for her!"

Tsunade only sighed at this. She knew he would react like this. "Look Naru." Tsunade's look softened and spoke in a motherly tone to Naruto. "Rukia-chan isn't a little girl anymore and you can't keep treating her like that. She is strong enough to be placed as an A rank ninja in the bingo book. You saw first hand how strong she was and you will also be there to protect her." Tsunade had gotten up from her desk and walked over to Naruto and was able to look him directly in the eyes. "If you keep trying to baby her she won't grow any stronger and it will only make her eager to leave the village and explore for herself."

Tsunade then brought Naruto in for a hug. "I am worried just as much as you are. I am the one who has to send her out on these missions and there is also a war coming. I…I don't want to see any more of the people I love die to this cursed ninja lifestyle." Tsunade put her head onto Naruto's chest.

The blonde, being shocked at seeing his normally strong mother in such a fragile state right now, wrapped his arms around her in a protective manner and went over her words. "Cursed ninja lifestyle." Naruto then remembered seeing the destroyed land of his clan's village and all the skeletons of the kids and innocent people. That was not something he wanted to happen to Rukia or anyone who had a family they loved. "I already have plans on fixing the shinobi lifestyle, this only hardens my resolve to make such changes. Out with the old and in with the new." Naruto pulled back from the hug and had a determined look for what reason Tsunade didn't know. Naruto gave her a kiss on the forehead much like she did to him. "It will all work out in the end. Just trust in me." Naruto wiggled the green necklace she had given him.

Naruto then flashed away leaving Tsunade in the office to get back to her paperwork so she could go to the compound and get drunk.

Uzumaki compound

Naruto appeared inside the compound. It was the afternoon and mostly everyone was relaxing around the place. Kin was setting out drinks for everyone in her maid's outfit. The black haired girl then saw him and smiled brightly. "Naruto-sama!" The shout alerted everyone to Naruto being home and they all waved. Naruto gave Kin a hug since she was holding him with a smile.

"So how's it going?" Naruto asked giving the girl a kiss.

"Great Naruto-sama, Everyone is having a good time."

"Why are you here?" A voice he hadn't heard asked in an irritated tone.

"Well everyone except her." Kin said and sighed at the woman who was making her way to Naruto.

"And who are you?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow. If the spiritual pressure he could feel was anything to go by then he had a good idea.

He saw the woman give him a rather arrogant smile. "Sode no Shirayuki." The now named Zanpakuto was a beautiful woman. She had clean pale skin with hair white as the richest snow that fell down to her lower back. Her hair was parted by a blue star clip on the left side of her hair. Icy blue eyes that looked similar to his in a way. Sode was wearing an all white kimono that had large sleeves, a long hem, and it had a pale yellow-green obi wrapped around her waist.

Naruto looked at his girls behind her who were making lewd hand gestures and giving him thumbs up. This was Anko, Guren, Tayuya, Tsunami who was a secret freak and even the shy Shizune. Naruto sent them all a wink and turned back to his daughter's sword spirit. The women really needed to chill out and he knew just what to do.

"Were you even listening to me idiot!" Shirayuki yelled in his face with her blue eyes glaring at him.

5 minutes later

"Oh yes! Fuck me master!"

"You like that!"

"I love it! You're hitting all the right spots!"

Naruto was thrusting into Shirayuki in missionary position like a bull. He was showing no mercy and destroying her pussy like no other. His dick was reshaping her insides while he was sucking on her left breast.

"I-I am a-about to c-cum!" Shirayuki moan out. Her mind was going blank and she could barely think. All that mattered was her master Naruto giving her a good fucking like he was doing now. He had picked her up and brought her to his room and the next thing she knew, She was calling Naruto master and begging to be fucked.

"Cum for me." Naruto whispered in her ear and bit on her ear sending the sword spirit over the edge. The white haired woman let out a scream and curled her toes and let out a massive orgasm to the likes she had never had before.

Shirayuki panted with Naruto still inside of her. She needed to catch her breath. "T-that w-was amazing master."

Naruto only grinned down at the white haired women. "We are not done yet." He than grabbed her shaking legs and pushed them back to her head and was now in the mating press ready to knock her out.

She panicked. "W-wait! L-let me restttttttttttt!" She was cut off when Naruto thrusted into her causing her tongue to stick out her mouth while her head shot back in pleasure.

hours later

Naruto was sitting on the couch drinking tea he got from Kin with a satisfied smirk on his face. Around him was the rest of the family, they were currently looking at the red faced Shirayuki. It was a good thing Rukia was outside so she couldn't see her like this and not the proper women she knew.

"Soooo?" Tayuya asked leaning in with a smirk.

"How was it?" Anko asked with her own smirk.

The white haired sword spirit tried to fight of the looks until it got too much for her. "IT WAS AMAZING AND I CALLED HIM MASTER!" Everything was silent after her outburst only making her more embarrassed that she said that. She couldn't believe it herself, Naruto was so loving and he hit all the right spots. He would make her scream his name and when he made those clones she had passed out from a sex coma. Naruto was a beast and she had submitted to his dominance.

They all started to laugh at her causing her to go red from embarrassment and she ran out to the back where Rukia was out training. Naruto calmed down from his laughing fit and got up from his seat and walked to the backyard to see what Rukia was up to. He was wearing orange shorts with black slip on sandals with no socks. He was wearing a baggy white t-shirt with a red Uzumaki spiral on the back.

Naruto watched as Rukia performed different stances and slices along with attacks.

"Hado #33 Soukatsui!" Rukia held her right arm extended like she was about to perform a palm thrust and her left hand on her right forearm. A blue ball gathered and Naruto raised an eyebrow at the attack that looked similar to his Storm release supernova. Naruto saw Rukia launch the attack with immense speed and saw it cause a massive explosion that shook the ground.

Naruto then saw Rukia disappear in her incomplete flash step above the explosion sight and perform an overhead slice that shot giant ice spikes from her sword. However, Naruto saw a flaw in her movements. "Good job Rukia-chan! But can you do that flash step again."

Rukia looked over with surprise at Naruto before she registered what Naruto asked of her. The purple eyed girl nodded and left in another flash step.

"There it is again." Naruto narrowed his eyes and flew over to the panting girl. "I've noticed a problem in your flash step."

Rukia widened her eyes in surprise, She knew something was wrong with it but she just couldn't figure it out. "What is it father? Can you help me?" Rukia asked Naruto with hope in those royal purple eyes of hers.

It had been a while since she asked him for help in her training, Not since she first started to use a sword. He was about to ruffle her hair like he always did but stopped when he remembered that Tsunade said not to treat her like a kid. So he only smirked. "Of course I can."

This made his daughter smile and almost jump with happiness. "Now with your flash step it seems that you seem to be using it wrong."

"How so?" Rukia asked taking a sip of water.

"It's more of a leap in space and time and not constant steps like you are using it. You want to leap off a foot and not jump off your flat foot how you are doing it."

"What do you mean father?" Rukia asked Naruto not getting what he was saying."

"I'll just show you." Naruto said with a smirk.

"How? You don't know the flash step." The smirk Naruto gave her made warning signs go off in her head. She watched Naruto channel wind chakra in the bottom of his feet and saw him bounce for a minute.

"Like this." Naruto then skipped out of sight for Rukia making her go wide eyed. She than saw a bunch of Naruto's flashing all around her. "Just bounce." One of the Naruto's said. He stopped and appeared in front of her with a smirk.

"H-how did you do that?" Rukia and Shirayuki were amazed at Naruto being able to copy the flash step with just his raw speed and wind chakra.

"I simply cover my feet in wind chakra and just bounce all around while also using my own speed and force of how hard you push off the air. However." Naruto stopped and disappeared again and started to flash around at even faster speeds and was only a blur to Rukia; she couldn't see him at all. "This is the body flicker jutsu, a much better version of what I just did and also a watered down version of your flash step that could surpass all of those in speed." Naruto said with pride aimed towards Rukia who only smiled.

"Let me give it a go!" Rukia then bounced off her foot and started to do multiple flash steps. Naruto watched as he saw Rukia flashing around with her black shihakusho that had a red Uzumaki swirl on the back. She was still wearing that white tekko. Naruto still saw a problem in her flash step and it had more to do with her blade.

"To loose." Naruto reached out and caught Rukia who had lost her balance and almost fell. Rukia had an embarrassed blush because Naruto caught her over his shoulder.

"Heheh…thanks dad."

"No problem, Now I saw another weakness in your flash steps." Naruto put her down so she could pay attention better. "When you flash step you weaken the grip on your sword which can lead to you dropping it during transition or it being knocked out of her hand which would lead to your death." Naruto said in a serious tone to Rukia who had a serious face giving her dad full attention.

"I see. I indeed sometimes fumble around with my blade when I move at fast speeds." Rukia held her head down in shame until she felt Naruto pull her into his chest.

"Now, Don't you get all sad because I said you have some weakness. Just train until you remove those weaknesses. You got me?" Naruto said, patting the girls back. She was still shorter than him, only going to his upper abdomen. Naruto smiled down at his daughter who was leaning against him. "She has really grown." Naruto recalled the times when she was much younger and still called him papa.

"I get it dad. I just want to make you and the others proud of me." Rukia said stepping back from the hug with a smile.

"We are already proud of you and we always will be." Naruto said with a smile.

"Master is right, We will always be proud of you no matter what." Shirayuki said through the mental link she had with Rukia.

Rukia's eyes widen. "Why did you call my dad master?"

Shirayuki panicked and blushed but no one was able to see it thankfully. "N-n-no r-reason, I s-simply lost a bet a-and have to call him that f-from now on."

"Okay." Rukia said with suspicion in her tone. She would have asked more if it wasn't for Naruto bringing her from her thoughts.

"Alright, I'll train you until our mission in 2 days."

"We have a mission together?!" Rukia was happy to be going on a mission with her father and was now pumped up. She could feel the ice running in her veins and got ready to train with her father.

Outside the Hidden grass

A group of 500 leaf ninja were standing across from the hidden stone ninjas who also numbered at 500. The battle was about to commence and things would get bloody and not everyone would leave out alive.

"WE FIGHT TOWARDS PEACE AND LET THIS BATTLE BRING US A STEP CLOSER!" Yugao Uzuki yelled out to her forces. She was the leader of this small army. The woman gripped her sword and raised it into the air making the leaf ninja cheer out.

"Let's do this." Iruka said with determination. He had gotten back into training after seeing how strong his former students had become over the years. Tsunade seeing this had drafted him for the battle.

"Damn straight, now let's kick some stone ass!" Genma shouted.

"The tree leaves shall bud anew this day, CHARGE!" Yugao shouted and charged with her sword ready.

2 days later

Rukia flashed stepped behind Naruto. She went for a downward slash but not to her surprise Naruto disappeared from her view. Naruto appeared above Rukia and delivered a falling axe kick to her. Rukia tried to put her sword to block but the strength from Naruto was just too great. Rukia flew into the ground and formed a crater causing her to also drop her blade.

Naruto landed next to her without a sound. "Didn't I tell you not to let your blade go."

Rukia coughs and gets her breath together. "I-i tried, my arms are just tingling right now from your kick."

"Don't worry about it, You need to put some muscle on that little body of yours and eat some steak." Naruto then stopped and got a teasing grin on his face. "Maybe then your flat chest will grow."

Rukia got a tick mark and her face became red with anger and embarrassment. She got to her feet in an instant and arched her arm. "HAKUREN!" a large and powerful avalanche is launched from the tip of Rukia's blade. It hits Naruto, sending him into the house frozen in ice. "Idiot fathers."

Naruto encased in ice appeared in the living room. Though he was trapped he still had a grin on his face.

Haku got up from her seat with a sigh and walked over to Naruto.

"What did you say this time, Naruto-kun." Haku was about to get Naruto out of it until he just burst out of it.

"I only said she needs to eat and maybe her boobs will grow." Naruto walked over to Haku and planted a kiss on her lips. "So ready for our mission?"

"Yes, It will be a nice change of pace from working at the hospital and only going out on supply runs."

"Great, we just need Anko-chan and we will be ready." Anko than jumped on Naruto's back and wrapped her legs around his waist while he held her by her juicy ass. "Speak of the devil."

"I heard you were looking for me." Anko nuzzled Naruto's face making them both laugh.

"Get a room mom and dad." Rukia said coming in from the back. Over the years Naruto was gone she had grown closer to the older women in her life and just saw them all as mothers. It may seem strange to others but the whole clan was strange.

"If we do that we wouldn't make it in time for the mission." Naruto said with a smirk making Rukia blush in embarrassment at what Naruto was hinting at.

"Stop saying such things out loud, Have you no shame." Rukia was not as free going as Naruto. She had a wild side like the rest of the clan but she had a much better handle on it.

"Ohhhh come on little bunny, Have some fun!" Anko said from Naruto's back.

"Anyways, are you ready to go?" Naruto asked Rukia.

"I have to grab something from my room and say goodbye to chappy."

"Oh, Let me come and talk to the little rascal." Naruto walked with Rukia to her room with Haku and Anko still on his back. They opened the door to see the perfectly clean room of Rukia. She had her bed against the wall in the corner with a white stuffed rabbit. She had a white carpet where the snow white bunny chappy laid. There were other things you normally kept in your room. Rukia had a mini ice box in her room where she kept her secret stash of carrots and lemonade.

Chappy popped his head up and hopped towards Rukia who opened her arms for him. "I'll be going on a mission soon." Chappy licked her face making Rukia giggle. "Just go through the rabbit door if you need something." Rukia had made a doggy door but changed the name to rabbit hole.

"What's up chappy!" Naruto started to rub the bunny's head who leaned into his hand. "I am glad you are getting along with my daughter."

"Yes, Chappy is just a sweetheart." Haku said and rubbed the white rabbit's head.

"Okay let's get going, We wouldn't want the hokage storming into the place." Anko said with a chuckle.

"I know what you mean, She has a real mean streak." Naruto said and walked to the door.

"Okay just let me grab one more thing." Rukia said and went to her dresser and pulled out some fancy white goggles that she placed on her forehead while she moved her headband to her left arm bicep.

"Why are you wearing goggles?" Naruto questions with a tilt of his head.

"Well,I just think they look really cool." Rukia said with a bright smile.

"If you like then that's all that matters. Let's just go before Granny Tsunade blows a casket." Naruto placed a hand on Rukia's shoulder while Haku wrapped her arms around him. He left in a blue flash.

Hokage Office

"We are about to leave hokage-sama." Rukia said with a bow making Tsunade smile at the young girl.

"Yea mom so don't grow any gray hair while we're gone." Naruto said with a smirk making Anko and Haku giggle while Rukia elbowed him in the side.

"Why can't you be more like your daughter?" Tsunade said with a giant tick mark on her forehead.

"If I was like that I wouldn't be as badass." Naruto patted his chest which was covered by a regular jounin vest. He was wearing the regular leaf ninja outfit except he had a Uzumaki flag on his waist along with a black sword holster horizontally on his lower back. He was also wearing fingerless gloves which had a metal plating on the back of the hand.

"Well I hope Rukia doesn't follow in your footsteps." Tsunade said with crossed arms. "We don't need her flying around with ice dragons." She looked up to see Naruto and Rukia crossing something out on a list. "YOU WROTE THAT DOWN!" Tsunade yelled, slamming her hands on the desk.

Naruto and Rukia looked away with a sheepish look. "Nooo." They both said at the same time.

"GET OUT!" Tsunade yelled.

"Old hag!" Naruto said and flashed away dodging the desk that Tsunade threw at him.

Naruto along with the rest of everyone appeared in the sky. They began to fall to the ground. The girls let out screams at falling from so high up while Naruto was simply staring at them in deadpan.

"It's like they forgot I can fly." Naruto thought to himself. He bit his finger and went through hand signs for a summoning jutsu.

A puff of smoke and everyone was caught by two thunderbirds. It was blanco and negro. "Sup you two."

"Hello master." Both birds said at the same time.

Naruto looked around not seeing Rukia. He then felt for her chakra and looked up to see her standing in thin air. "Now that's impressive." Naruto said with a whistle. Everyone else looked up to see Rukia standing there.

"Rukia-chan! How are you doing that?" Haku questioned Rukia with a shocked face.

"Well I don't know, I just did it."

Naruto narrowed his eyes towards her feet and tried to feel for wind chakra but didn't feel it at all. "Must have to deal with her spiritual power. This was something done on instinct." Naruto simply gave a proud smile. "At least I know she has the moves of the Shinobi killer."

Rukia than descended to the bird Naruto was on which was Negro. "Alright, that was awesome. Is that how it feels when you fly Dad?" Rukia said with excitement.

"Something like that, but you were only standing there so next time try to fly off." Naruto said with a smirk. He then rubbed Negro's head. "Now take us to the land of spring!"

The two thunderbirds zoomed through the sky with a mighty caw.

Land of spring

The group was now jumping through the trees of the country since they had got off the birds a while ago. They sent Naruto another message from Haiiro telling him she wanted to see him for some training. He would go see her after this mission before she raided the village looking for him.

"Alright we are almost there." Naruto said to his team. They all nodded in confirmation.

"So what is this place like?" Haku asked.

"Well last time we saw it, There was snow everywhere until we activated a big ass generator. It is most likely a grass field with mountain tops filled with grass and trees now." Naruto answers Haku's question without missing a beat from tree jumping.

Naruto then stopped on the next branch making everyone stop on his tree. The blonde wasn't really focused on what was going on, He closed his eyes and reached out with his senses.

"Naruto-kun?" Anko asked with a head tilt.

She saw Naruto drop to a knee and place his index finger on the ground. They all knew he was trying to sense something. He only got in this position if he was double checking. This meant the person was either strong or it was multiple people. They then saw his face split into a full grin. Or he was about to have the fight of his life.

Naruto then got up with his grin still in place. "Let's go." Naruto dashed off at a faster pace causing the others to try and keep up with him.

The blonde fingered the sheat of his sword with barely contained excitement.

"Naruto-kun, what has you so excited?" Anko asked the question everyone wanted to know.

"It's time." He simply replied not really giving anything away and only bringing more questions to their mind.

They all kept jumping until something shot out of the trees at blinding speeds and connected with Naruto who threw his fist out with a grin to match what just collided with him. The force from which they collided blew the other's back causing just Naruto and the figure to be in the tree.

Rukia came back to her senses and saw her dad in an intense taijutsu battle with what looked like a woman. She saw Naruto block and dodge a round of punches. Naruto then knee the person in the stomach and grabbed them by the stomach and flipped them into a tree causing them to crash through it. She watched as Naruto flew after them with a grin on his face.

Naruto and the person were jumping through the trees and clashing at the same time at speeds she could barely keep up with. It seems her dad was still holding back when he showed her his speed. Naruto received an upper cut which shot his head back and got several punches to the gut which was finished by a straight kick sending him flying through a horde of trees.

Rukia saw Naruto get up from the tree and launch back in the fight with some blood coming from his lip. However, He was still grinning and seemed to be having fun. His fight then resumed and he seemed to have the upper hand in the fight this time. She watched as Naruto ducked a left hook and rose up with his own uppercut making the woman rise off her feet. Naruto backflips in the air and than zoomed back down with a dynamic entry which landed with the women's stomach sending her crashing into a grassy plain causing a trench to form with her body in it.

Naruto then hovered a good distance in the air and had a smirk on his face. "Well it seems you are looking submissive and breedable as ever." Naruto said with a playful smirk down to the women who had gotten up and now had red cheeks.

"YOU STUPID BIRDBRAIN! Stop saying such nonsense to me!" Kurostuchi yelled with a tick mark on her forehead.

Naruto laughed at the black haired teenage girl who only seemed to get angrier. "Sorry Kurotsuchi, It's just been so long since I've seen you and I just couldn't help myself, Little bumble bee."

The named Kurotsuchi now started to release her chakra which melted the ground due to her bloodline. Naruto released his chakra as well causing the sky to darken and thunder to sound.

"I'm going to beat you this time!" Kurotsuchi yelled and went through hand signs and slammed her hands on the ground. Lava shot up from the ground like a gaiser.

"So you want to play it like that?" Naruto also went through hand signs of his own for one of his most powerful jutsu. The familiar 3 heads of Arashi started to form. When the beast finished he rushed towards Kurotsuchi.

The pink eyed teen was on top of a giant golem covered in lava and earth. It was big like a biju and matched the size of the towering Arashi. She rushed towards Naruto with a yell and clashed with her golem with his 3 headed dragon beast causing an explosive force to blow away everything in range.