
Naruto stat leveling system

Tatsumi Uzumaki was tranmigrated as a member of the Uzumaki clan.How will he survive his clans impending doom will he run away and abandon his clan or will he he lead his clan to overcome all its adversaries.

nexusstar21 · Action
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51 Chs

chapter 19

Takashi and Yuma were currently in an intense battle.Yuma attacked Takashi with some ice shurikens but Takashi disappeared using soru appearing behind Yuma.

He kicked Yuma in the back but he it turned out to be a water clone.Dozens of ice spears went toward Takashi.Wind breathing third form claws storm three.

All the ice spears were immediately cut to pieces as Takashi appeared behind Yuma kicking delivering a slash to his shoulder.

Yuma jumped away but the moment he landed he received a punch to the face.he skid back on the ground a few feet but immediately got back to his feet.

He sent hundreds of ice kunai towards Takashi."Scattering mist slash"said Takashi as the area was engulfed in mist as he appeared infront of Yuma slashing his ches as blood spilled everywhere

"What thar technique is similar to our hiding in the mist technique."said the mizukage in suprise."Ashina how did you get ahold of a secret hidden mist technique."shouted the mizukage.

"I don't need to steal other villages techniques unlike you but if you mist know that technique along with all the sword techniques you see displayed were created by tatsumi."said Ashina.

"Wait that's the one who is inside the barrier."said the raikage."Yes that's him he is probably the most powerful out of all of them if he used his bloodline he could easily beat all his teammates."said ashina.

The other Kage's and jonin were in shock they saw kushina just effortlessly eliminate the kazekage's student's and all the other teammates do feat that most elite jonin couldn't even dream of yet tatsumi could defeat them all.

The mist cleared revealing Yuma on the ground panting as blood ran from his chest and Takashi standingacrossfrom him.

Yuma the made some hand seals as dozens of ice mirrors immerged out of nowhere as an ice dome completely engulfed them.

Yuma entered the ice mirrors and started teleworking all around throwing ice kunai's at Takashi along with giant spikes made of ice.

"Wind breathing black wind mountain mist." Said Takashi as giant tornadoes started destroyed all the ice mirrors along with the ice barriers.

Yuma was left on the ground bleeding as slashes and cuts were all over his body.He then screamed as an ominous chakra surrounded him as two tails immerged from his back and his wounds started healing rapidly.

He clasped his hands as dozens of ten meter ice spikes rushed at Takashi.Takashi stood their unfazed as liquid mercury poured from his hands as it formed a giant 35 meter dragon that rushed at yuma's ice spikes.

A massive shockwave was caused by the collision as it resulted in the demolish ment of every thing in a forty meter radius surrounding them.

Takashi formed a giant mercury fist as hee sent it at Yuma who had just released a tailed beast bomb.


A massive explosion issued and everyone battling in the forest felt it as they turned towards the location.

Takashi and Yuma entered a taijutstu battle.Yuma sent a terrifying kick at Takashi but Takashi used tekai and easily tanked it as he kicked Yuma into a tree.

Yuma let out of primal roar as he charged at tatsumi like a beast as released a giant ice arrow at Takashi.

Takashi cut the arrow in half bit Yuma came and kicked him in the git sending him skidding as back as he spat out blood.Takashi smiled as dozens of explosive tags went off on Yuma causing a massive crater around him.

Yuma stood in the crater with sever burns over his body which the thre tails chakra was having trouble healing.

Yuma rushed at Takashi bur a spear made of mercury stabbed him in the leg as he fell down screaming but and ice spear came from yuma imbedding inside Takashi's shoulder.

A third tail started to immerg from his back but Takashi noticed this as he rapped him inside his chains while enhancing them with nen causing Yuma to cry out in pain as he reverted to his base form.

Takashi griped his shoulder as he was exhausted from the battle luckily his chskra reserves were still at one hundred percent but his body was a bit strained.

He walked over to Yuma who was in bad shape Takashi tooked all the scrolls from his body but he jumped as a kunai that was headed straight for his head imbedded in the ground.