
Naruto stat leveling system

Tatsumi Uzumaki was tranmigrated as a member of the Uzumaki clan.How will he survive his clans impending doom will he run away and abandon his clan or will he he lead his clan to overcome all its adversaries.

nexusstar21 · Action
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51 Chs

chapter 15

Third person p.o.v

The written part of first stage of the exam was just finished as everyone sat in their seats staring at orochimaru.

"As you all know you have to make your choices if you wish to kick off whoever fails on your team please stand."said orochimaru.

"Keep in mind that persons who get kicked off their teams will remain chunin forever if no one on your team failed but you and your team stand your team will be disqualified."

"If you're whole team were to all sit none of you will be able to ever become chunin ever regardless of if you all passed."

Many teams began to stand but tatsumi and his team stayed seated.After a few minutes more than sixty percent of all the teams were standing.

"Okay I see you have all made tour choice for all the teams where no one decided to stand you all pat."said orochimaru.

"What but thats not what you said would happen."protested a kiri nin.

"It was a test it was to see how much faith you had in your teams ability if one doubts himself or his team they will not last long on the battlefield."replied orochimaru.

"Now every person from every team that stood up regardless of how many stood up from that team are now disqualified."said orochimaru a small grin on his face.

Many genin started to protest but were immediately frozen by orochimaru's killing intent as he told them to leave or he would force them to.

Just as all the failing teams left a man with long white hair tied into a pony tail wearing a konoha jonin vest with a short sword on his back walked in the room.

"Sakumo San I see you have come to be the Procter of the second and final stage of the exam."Said orochimaru.

Sakumo nodded his head before telling the genim to meet him at the forest of death as he disappeared with the body flicker

"Tatsumi your hunch about this being some sort of test was Wright."said toji."How did you figure out it was a trick in the first place?"asked mitsumi.

"Well their were multiple different factors was the main one is that no village has authority over who from another village can become a chunin because the chunin exams is not the only way to become a chunin."said Tatsumi.

"Wait their are other ways to become a chunin other than participating in this exam."said kushina somewhat shocked.

"The truth of the matter is the chunin exam is never about genin getting a chance to be promoted it's also I way for the major nations to flex on each other by competing for who has the strongest youmger generation."said Takashi.

"If the villages actually wanted to they could just hold their own chunin exams in their own villages and evaluate and promote their own ninja."said mitsumi.

"I get it they keep on this false show of that the exam is all about establishing greater relations with other villages when in reality they just want to show which is more powerful."said kushina.

"We should probably get going we don't want yo be late."said Tatsumi.The team of five then started leaving the building in order to make it to the next exam site.

"Hey what penalties do you guys think we'll face?"asked mitsumi."Im not sure but it definitely won't be easy."replied toji.

The team of five appeared at the entrance to the forest of death.They saw all the other chunin hopeful standing attentively looking at sakumo.

"The second stage of the exam is about to commense before I explain the rules I need you all to sign these waivers saying if you die konoha will not be held accountable."said sakumo.

"Wait but why do we need to sign them it's not like we can actually die from this exam."said a grass shinobi.

"In this exam killing is allowed and konoha does not want to be held accountable for anyone of your death and their are many dangerous creatures in this forest."replied sakumo.

Everyone was a little hesitant but tatsumi then stepped up signing his name on the waiver.Seeing this many people started signing their own waivers.

After the waivers were all signed sakumo collected them placing them in a storage scroll.

"Alright the rules of this exam is quit simple every team will be given three scrolls and seven day to take as many scrolls from the other teams as possible the top 6 teams with the most flags will move on to the next stage to compete against each other."said sakumo.

"Do any of you have any questions? Good then it's time to begin."

Does anyone has any suggestions for what penalties I should give the Mc and his team if so comment down below

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