
Naruto: Starting as a Worker

The story is set in the 54th year of the Konoha calendar. Two super-geniuses emerged in the Konoha. One is called Uchiha Itachi, the other is named Akihara Kagura. One is considered a tool of the village, who is willing to sacrifice everything for Konoha, except for his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke. The other self-proclaims to be a tool of the village, who is also willing to sacrifice everything for Konoha, including Uchiha Itachi's younger brother, Uchiha Sasuke. --x-- This is a translated novel, and you can find the raw version by the name: 从火影开始做打工人 Found errors in the translation, or want to suggest a novel to be translated/written? Join our Discord group! discord.gg/onsenhub --x-- Do you want to support our translation and original creation work? Join our Patreon! patreon.com/OnsenHub

ZhouXi · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Chapter 23

Shimura Danzo saw Akihara Kagura and Kabuto Yakushi walk in, his first reaction was to scold him, "Kagura, I heard you always drive away the people who practice with you."

"It's too much of a waste of time."

Akihara Kagura shook his head, his face suddenly not very happy, "Those guys are just too weak. Training with them for half a month isn't as beneficial as half an hour of your guidance, Master Danzo."


Shimura Danzo nodded with some smugness, and continued, "Tomorrow you're going to take the Chunin Exam, don't disappoint me."

"It's starting so soon?"

Akihara Kagura took out a piece of paper from his chest, and asked with surprise, "I haven't submitted this Chunin Exam registration form yet. Should I submit it before the exam tomorrow?"


Shimura Danzo's face became a bit strange, feeling that he was going to be frustrated by the boy, "Why haven't you done something as small as submitting the registration form? It should have been submitted a week before the exam, why didn't you submit it!"

Akihara Kagura was silent for a while, then said softly, "Because Master Danzo, you didn't allow me to leave the base and training ground of the Root, and I didn't know who to submit it to…"


Shimura Danzo was instantly deflated.

The old man stretched out his hand helplessly, taking the registration form from Akihara Kagura, "Give it to me, I'll help you deliver it to the examiner of the Chunin Exam."

Faced with this kind of situation…

Shimura Danzo could only pull some strings to help.

"By the way…"

Akihara Kagura soon raised a new question, "I'm not too familiar with the village's roads. Master Danzo, do you have time to take me to the exam site tomorrow?"


Shimura Danzo really didn't want to appear when there were many people around.

The old man who only wanted to hide in the darkness saw Kabuto Yakushi standing next to him, and his expression immediately became cold, "Yakushi, I have a new task for you, take Kagura to the Chunin Exam site tomorrow."


Kabuto Yakushi bowed his head in agreement.

"Yakushi, why do you seem a bit reluctant?"

The young man couldn't help but chuckle lightly, a wicked curve forming at the corner of his mouth, "I've been very considerate of you, don't you want to accompany me? Or do you no longer want to live?"


Shimura Danzo sternly halted Akihara Kagura's murderous intent and rebuked, "Yakushi is still useful to Root. Without my orders, you must not kill casually."

"I understand."

Akihara Kagura cheerfully agreed.

Only then did Shimura Danzo feel relieved, turning his head to look at Kabuto Yakushi.

With an icy look on his face, the old man continued to instruct, "After delivering Kagura to the Chunin Exam site tomorrow, go to the Land of Earth and find an opportunity to infiltrate Iwagakure and wait for instructions!"


Kabuto Yakushi could only accept the command.

"Alright, go wait outside!"

Shimura Danzo waved his hand, indicating Kabuto Yakushi to leave, leaving only him and Akihara Kagura in the office. The old man's gaze instantly became evasive.


Shimura Danzo mentioned this matter with a faintly gloomy expression, "How is your progress with the Wood Dragon Technique I taught you before? If you can't master it, there's no need to force yourself to learn the First Hokage's jutsu..."

Shimura Danzo was actually a bit angry.

Because the old man believed that he could not teach Akihara Kagura to master the First Hokage Hashirama Senju's Wood Style jutsu through such an abstract teaching method, he had asked Hiruzen Sarutobi if he could review the Sealing Book written by the previous Hokage.


Hiruzen Sarutobi refused Shimura Danzo's request.

Shimura Danzo had reason to suspect that Hiruzen Sarutobi was worried that Akihara Kagura's power would become stronger and that the strength of Root would threaten his position as Hokage.

This made Shimura Danzo quite troubled.

If he wanted to become Hokage, he had to make Akihara Kagura stronger; if he wanted to make Akihara Kagura stronger, he had to get the Sealing Book; if he wanted to get the Sealing Book, he had to become Hokage.

This... it's a vicious cycle!

Shimura Danzo could only temporarily give up on the Sealing Book, placing his hopes on Akihara Kagura's talent, hoping that he could develop a powerful Wood Style jutsu with his Wood Style Kekkei Genkai!

"You can try developing your own Wood Style jutsu..."

When Shimura Danzo spoke of these things, he was like a patient and persuasive team leader, "I've seen your talent in learning jutsu. The Wood Style jutsu you develop on your own may not be inferior to the First Hokage's Wood Style jutsu."

"Yes, Master Danzo."

Akihara Kagura nodded, hesitated for a moment, then explained, "However, I might have already mastered a version of the Wood Dragon Technique, I'm just not sure if it's exactly the one Master Danzo taught me, but its power is quite astonishing..."


Shimura Danzo raised his eyes.

Why hadn't he been told about this?

Before Shimura Danzo could question, Akihara Kagura seemed to have understood his superior's doubt and quickly added, "A few days ago, I mastered the Wood Dragon Technique and I've been wanting to tell Master Danzo!"

When he said this, Akihara Kagura seemed a bit unhappy, "But those who trained with me didn't let me see Master Danzo!"


Shimura Danzo stayed silent, unsure of what to say.

Because the Root ninjas were right. Shimura Danzo indeed didn't want to see him to avoid embarrassment. Who could have guessed that this young brat would have made progress in his learning?

Shimura Danzo avoided the topic and complimented, "Never mind, there's no need to mind them, as long as you can master the jutsu I taught you..."


Akihara Kagura quickly nodded, doing his best to show his respect and admiration for Shimura Danzo, "As long as Master Danzo can guide me in the right direction, I will strive towards that direction, no matter what the jutsu is, I can master it..."


Shimura Danzo's face immediately improved considerably.

However, after pondering for a moment, the old man decided to avoid the topic of teaching Wood Style jutsu for now, "In the future, when I have time to read through the Sealing Book left by the First Hokage, I'll teach you a new jutsu."

This was Shimura Danzo's attempt to save face. He clearly couldn't obtain the Sealing Book, but still strived to protect his dignity in front of his subordinates.


Akihara Kagura wouldn't call out his superior.

He always left room for his superior to backtrack.

Even though Master Danzo couldn't get the Sealing Book at this time, what if he could get it in the future? There's no need to rush to face him with the truth.

If worst comes to worst...

If Master Danzo can't get the Sealing Book...

He would find a way to help Master Danzo obtain it!

"Go rest."

Shimura Danzo waved his hand, indicating Akihara Kagura could leave, and finally reminded, "During the Chunin Exams, you absolutely cannot lose to that brat called Uchiha Itachi!"

"Can't I kill him?"

Akihara Kagura's counter-question sounded more like a response to Shimura Danzo.

Shimura Danzo shook his head and sighed deeply, "Don't always think about killing people, especially when some of them still have their uses. That little fellow Uchiha Itachi is still useful to me."


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