
Naruto: Starting as a Root trainee in a White Room Program.

Word Count- 19.2K(Includes the story only) Mc will be a root trainee in a special program, it's similar to the white room in Classroom of the Elite, failing will probably mean death. The timeline is the same as the Naruto gen but Mc got transmigrated in a body 5 years older than the Naruto generation on the day of the Nine-Tails incident... Romance? Maybe but later in the story, Harem? will see but probably not, so don't get your hopes up. I am not gonna dump information all at once, in fact, I will give it in a subtle manner, at least try to. Update schedule will be erratic and chapter lengths are 1.5k+ in the least. Read the auxiliary chapter or serially the first one to have an idea of what to expect from the story.

Desire96 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

5.Tournament of Survival- Round Two

{Killer Bee: "I am peeking at you. See you're not quite through, but in all your crew, your brain cells are few." - Killer Bee vs Sasuke Saga}

In the very early morning, various groups of children could be seen scattered around the entry of a different forest, this one was much bigger than the previous one, with Kids ranging from 7 years to 11-year-olds could be seen standing with ninja equipment.

A Familiar Trio containing No.13, S-chan and Delta could be seen standing with an instructor. Their Goal was to win this tournament and for that, they were prepared. They entered the forest just as the instructor signalled them to. 

Plaques varying from No.1 to 96 were distributed with secrecy so that nobody would blatantly gain meta knowledge for that.

This team was given No.68 and their goal was to hunt Down No.95 plaque.

"Remember the plan and we will win this" No.13 reminded and both nodded.

Their first target was acquiring the 95th Plaque. They were given information about plaques in a closed room, but He had asked S-chan before to camp in that room to gain information about the target formerly and she had done that job wonderfully.

Their Target team contains 3 10-year-olds, gaining information about anything else was hard as information about plaques was given in the dawn only.

They were heading towards the possible route those guys would take depending on the entry point they knew of these guys.

After stealthily going for an hour, they found those guys.

At least the corpses of those guys.

"It seems someone killed them by Mystic Palm, a combat Medic probably" No.13 shared his views.

"So, his chakra enhancement should also be taken into account when fighting such a guy or girl? also, was he alone or did he have a team but still fought alone?" Delta asked

"Better safe be sorry, but for now, let's leave the scene, we don't know if somebody will come here from the sounds of battle earlier," No.13 said but just as he completed that statement a barrier seemed to enclose the whole area.

"5-Point Barrier of Entrapment"

10 individuals enter the barrier and start throwing Kunai with Explosion tags, the outside view is replaced by darkness, it seems it puts a visual Genjutsu or blocks light itself from entering the enclosed area.

"Formation E" No.13 reacted quickly and got in the middle of Delta and S-chan, the latter both using Gale Jutsu to Repel the Explosives.

"It's a cubic structure, we can't escape underground." No.13 Informed

"You guys buy me some time," S-chan asked and both compiled.

The projectiles were soon replaced with Jutsus of all 5 elemental natures, Things like Fire Ball, Wind Slashes, Mud Projectiles, Lightning arrows and Water Bullets were indiscriminately thrown around.

No.13 created a small but Multi-layered Mud Wall for all three to take Cover. It was annoying that They were bombarded from all sides.

"S-chan, How much longer?" No.13 asked.

"I can't sneak up on them if we are bombarded from all sides."

"I won't last too long with my chakra reserves, I am gonna give you an opening, don't waste it," No.13 said while Taking out nearly a dozen Senbons.

"Throw these with Wind-coated chakra on one side only when I signal," He said while giving it to S-chan who just did that. Meanwhile, No.13 weaved some hand signs.


Dozens of Wind Coated Senbon multiplied to Nearly 100, all with Wind Chakra Coated. This is one of the reasons Shrinken Shadow Clone Jutsu is considered A rank.

The Earth elemental tried to act quickly by putting up a mud wall, but halfway through the wall got penetrated quite easily. The interesting thing was that despite S-chan aiming for the vital parts, the senbons including both real and shadow clones of it didn't actually pierce any of the vital parts of their opponents, but it sure severed some of the arms and legs of some or pierced through various non-vital body parts such that they won't possess a threat.

Survival is difficult but not impossible if they apply immediate medical attention. Another surprising or unsurprising thing was that nobody who got their Appendages chopped screamed despite the pain that could be seen on their faces.

These kids are built differently, this was clear, however, just having one side free from assault eased the tension on No.13 who was holding the fort with his mud wall.

S-chan delivered what she promised, in less than half a minute, all assaulters had a kunai-sized hole in their head.

"Be Careful, I bet people who are outside or are maintaining the barrier can see what we are doing, We don't know how many are outside, so don't drop your guards" Just as He said that, there were holes in the barrier and from those holes Kunai was being thrown.

With explosive tags, of course as the topping.

'B rank 'Lightning style: Electromagnetic tussle'

This was the same jutsu one of the opponents in the previous round used to deter No.13's explosive streak. Now, No.13 didn't have a sharingan, and neither did the opponent use any hand signs for it unlike No.13 who used one sign, but it didn't stop No.13 from creating his own self-version of this in the last round itself.

His Earth Release Elemental Training of Crumbling the Leaf might not be completed unlike other people he had watched in Round One, but his theoretical knowledge and the fact that he knew all the D ranks of all elemental Nature was a fact that he only knew.

If he cannot copy, then he will create!

On that note, all the projectiles burst at the barrier itself, it also didn't help that at the same time, both of his teammates used the most destructive jutsu in terms of penetration on one part of the barrier together.

In that way, They used Body Flicker and escaped the Barrier. S-chan didn't find any plaques in those bodies that entered the barrier.

"So, Retreat or advance?" Ice-Guy asked

"S-chan?" No.13 looked at her.

"I can kill them" She confidently said, even a sensor only has a 40 per cent chance to survive if she wants to kill him and also this is the case if she is not super serious.

"Well, will distract them," He said Unfurling a scroll that sent hundreds of Kunai towards the enemy via air. It was honestly a beautiful sight to see... the explosion which followed. 

This attack was done from outside the encirclement of theirs, these guys had around 15 members still alive. Well, that status didn't last too long. 

Even without S-chan's help, half of them died by just getting hit by either the kunai or explosives. 

Either they were chakra drained or didn't really have learned any defensive jutsu. No.13 would bet on the former.

"I found a plaque, it seems they weren't the ones who killed our targets" S-chan informed the other two.

"Let's recover our projectiles and anything we can recover from these guys and quickly change our locations" No.13 said while internally praising why chakra threads would have been so convenient even in his previous life.

He tossed some explosive tags to S-chan, "Use these and throw some projectiles with your wind jutsu, don't throw it too high such that people from far away would notice, throw it in north to north-east, and people heading here will change their direction hopefully."

"Senpai, you are a genius, I haven't even seen such strategy in standard strategy books" 

"It seems that you haven't read the book then, haven't you?" 

"Te-he" S-chan winked in a non-apologetic manner

After everyone collected the projectiles, they headed towards the east with Shunshin or jutsu as that was the only cardinal direction that sounded peaceful unlike the other three.

After reaching half a kilometre they took a break, S-chan took a step forward and something unexpected happened.

A Fuinjutsu Seal could be seen on the ground which paralyzed the trio.

"See, it was easy" A feminine child-like voice could be heard.

"Well, it was" A black-haired child replied.

On a tree, a black and white duo could be seen weaving hand-signs, one noticeable thing was that they both seemed to have similar appearances despite the contrasting gender.

Both completed their jutsu at the same time. From the girl's mouth, a fireball was shot and from the boy's wind was shot.

Now the surprising thing was that both jutsus seamlessly combined to form a big fireball whose hotness could be felt from even a long distance.

It was a Combination Jutsu.

Combination Jutsu as the name implies is the combination of two complimentary jutsus and it requires skill and timing to perform it. Jutsus could either combine at the moment of impact or mid-process like what was happening now.


The chakra that was building inside her from the time they got trapped was now released at the ground holding their seal in the form of wind. This helped them use Shunshin to disperse in three different directions.

The impact of that combination jutsu could be seen various meters away even.

A person's bones might not even be left if they got hit by such jutsu. Despite Two C ranks firing, their destructive power could rival Low A rank jutsus.

The area that hit was vaporized completely.

"Tch, it seems they do have some luck," The boy said

"Well, let's divide and conquer," The girl said and shot herself at No.13.

The boy followed the girl soon after.

The girl started her assault by harassing No.13 with Senbons Coated with some stuff that only she knows. No.13 dodged by using his substitution consecutively. Seeing that her approach was not working, she closed the distance, hoping to burn him alive by using jutsu at close range.

The boy on the other hand was standing on the branch and had his eyes closed. Suddenly, he threw a shrunken a random direction which actually was blocked by a kunai by S-chan who was not at that location.

"A Sensor eh? Well, more fun for me to break you"

"Hmm, you are using a projection genjutsu using wind to hide your traces... You really have a good affinity with the wind to create such a jutsu"

"Bingo, you are correct! Unfortunately for you, you aren't the first one to figure it out, so your reward will be your death" S-chan disappeared from view. 

The wind-boy who also was a sensor couldn't find her out if she was outside his range.

Back to the battle with the white-haired girl and No.13, it seems that No.13 didn't even sweat while dodging the former's fireballs, however, the White-haired girl seems to be slightly panting already.

Chakra is converted from the Stamina of a person!

There is a reason why one cannot recover it instantaneously after it has depleted. There are some exceptions to this rule, but back to the battle.

"Can't you stop for a second, let me burn you"

"Well, I don't like fire "

"I will make it quick, don't worry"

"That somehow doesn't reassure me"

"Tch, such a wimp"

"Such a sore loser, can't even hit a wimp at such close range, may as well give up being a ninja"

"I am considering," She said while now charging with a kunai in hand at the target who seemed to not get anywhere close to her.

Meanwhile, Ice-guy was not dilly-dallying.

No, He didn't run away from that psychotic murderous girl who calls herself a teammate, no matter how much he wanted to.

He was currently dodging for his life from a blade-wielding girl. Now, one may wonder, why he let her close the distance between them as he was a ranged fighter which is a thing that he definitely shouldn't do, no matter how confident or skilled he is.

Well, The answer to that question would be that he never let the girl close the distance. This girl was sending Flying slashes left and right. His ice attacks were cut like butter by her sword coated with normal chakra which oddly was glowing.

He had to use his ice attacks to propel himself away from his previous location just to dodge her attacks. She seems to Easily guess where he would be, making it more dangerous for him to use that jutsu.

He was not leading her towards his other teammate while dodging in hopes of switching their opponents. 

Back to the only male teammate of the opponent team, he had successfully employed his Fuinjutsu which enclosed him and now visible S-chan.

"Fuin: Equalizer"

"My chakra... It's too wild for me to control it and it is constantly getting sucked by this barrier."

"Don't-bother, this is an A rank Fuinjutsu I learned, Both of us now couldn't use chakra, it is now used to supply to this barrier, now let me show you the difference between our physical prowess" That guy brandished a Kunai and swung wildly at her. S-chan just parried it away with her kunai.

"How annoying"

Ice-guy or Delta was successful in reaching his other male teammate. "Hey, you seem to be having it easy, Switch with me" 

"Weren't you boasting about how you were going to dominate opposing teams alone, Now you can't even handle a chick?" No.13 landed a swift kick on the white-haired girl while in the next second substituting to dodge the fireball coming at him.

"I take it back, I don't wanna die" Ice-guy was on the verge of crying 'I just wanted to have some fun, when did this become a deathmatch'

"Fine" No.13 said while pouncing on the emerald-haired girl from above with a kunai which was blocked by her sword. In the next instant, his Kunai was getting pierced like butter, but he placed his other hand on her shoulder which was easy for him as he was still mid-air.

He let his hold on Kunai and made a hand sign with that hand. In the next instant, he was propelled away from the girl, narrowly dodging her sword which would have cut him in half.

He has also learned Gale Palm Jutsu, as it is quite useful in such scenarios.

"It seems that you only know how to swing this sword, quite a brute are we?"

"Well, this brute is gonna cut you off then" She sent a flying slash towards him.

However, unlike Ice-guy, No.13 just side-stepped and dodged it calmly. The following was just him creating the distance from his earlier battlefield by retreating backwards and slightly dodging his opponent's slashes.

'For able to do this feat, one either had to have a Kinetic vision of Sharingan or need to be a Highly skilled Sensor to sense the chakra along with fast reflexes' The Swordsman, err- Swordswoman... Swordsgirl or Swordskid came to that conclusion herself.

'I just need to close the distance then' She decided and was gonna shunshin, just then her eyes widened at what she was seeing.

A flying crescent-shaped chakra slash was aimed at her Neck was coming at her, and she parried it away with her sword. "This is cheating" The girl subconsciously said.

"Darling~ It's not that hard, sending chakra slashes is similar to how you swing a wet sword to make it dry, I just used that analogy and surprisingly it works, How about you help me do some more experiments with this technique" Another Sword Slash was aimed at her but this time this was Huge, easily dwarfing her previous slashes.

At this instant, she could only parry it or block it. Contrary to how it looks, parrying it away took less effort than the previous one, probably due to the same amount of chakra as the previous one stretched in a large arc.

However, the next slash was upon her already, it was hiding in the shadow of the previous one. Now, if she had more time to think, she could have seen the pattern and would have dodged this slash instead of blocking it with her sword.

This small slash made contact with her sword and she was thrown away like a ragdoll. 

'This was compressed in a small arc with the same amount of chakra, I fell for it' She thought while the last words she heard before blacking out.

"Take a nap" She was hit with a blunt object.

'Let's see, what is taking too long with S-chan' No.13 disappeared from the view, not before using D rank Temporary Paralyzing Jutsu.

S-chan was currently getting thrown like a ragdoll at the walls of the barrier. Her opponent clearly had focused on physical conditioning and on top of that, he was clearly older than her, her saving grace was her bukijutsu but after running out of projectiles, she just was a glass cannon in this condition.

Hits were harder when she parried and blocked, it didn't take her long before she fainted, her Chakra was already exhausted, and she had to consciously stop herself from converting her stamina into chakra mid-battle to not waste it. But it seems her opponent did that before the battle even began, so it was just her buying time for one of her teammates to break the barrier from inside.

"If you are thinking of buying time, then you are in for the bad news, our chakra sucked will not only keep the barrier running but also be used for defensive measures, there is a reason that this is an A-rank Jutsu" He boasted.

S-chan suddenly asked looking directly at him "What about breaching the barrier? Is it possible to do it without breaking the barrier?"

"Well, it is nearly impossible, only someone specializing in Fuinjutsu could do that, even if it will require L4, but I don't think someone of that level will be at this exam, heck I just had barely reached L3 myself" If it wasn't clear by now, then now it was, this guy really loved to give information like a candy to kids.

"But, why are you asking? is it buy time?"

"Nah, I was just curious and wanted to know if such a scenario would happen" S-chan grinned and signalled him to look back.

Now, such a thing is foolish to do on a battlefield, but the distance between them was enough for a quick sneak peek at the back, so he did.

He was met with a punch in the face followed by him blacking out.

"It took you long to come to Senpai, or were you camping to come at just the right time to act as a prince in white armour." 

"Hmm, no, I just was trying to preserve the chakra and from a distance, you won't actually be able to tell if a barrier was employed, you have to be close to notice such a high-rank barrier"

"I was just kidding, ya-know"

"I see anyway, let me dismantle this barrier, meanwhile you tie this guy up"

"Aye-Aye Sir" She saluted with a mischievous smile

'Whatever, let's not psychoanalyze kids, I would just be running in circles' He started dismantling it.

Meanwhile, Ice-Guy was getting dominated by the white girl.

In the start, he was hit with a senbon with a paralytic agent which reduced his speed and reaction time, His only grace was that his Ice structures didn't immediately melt when they came in contact with her fire.

"Fire Dragon's Fiery Roar" 

"Ice Boar's Vociferation"

A clash of a boar and a dragon could be seen coinciding with the exchange of B-rank techniques.

Mist could be seen all around, it seems that it was not only due to the previous exchange but due to someone actively creating it. It was D rank jutsu, Hiding in the mist technique which is used by genins of Hidden mist generally.

"Got you" A Kunai could be seen kept on the girl's neck

"Idiot" That was the last thing Ice-guy heard before getting hit from behind and blacking out.

No.13 could be seen walking with S-chan who was dragging a body via a rope.

"It seems the battle over there is over? Do you think that idiot won?"

"If he won, then we will loot these guys, if he didn't then if he was killed, then we will kill this hostage, if he wasn't then we will exchange"


They arrived to see Delta tied with a rope along with the white-haired girl and now awake Emerald-haired girl. They already knew that she had escaped when they went to retrieve her too.

"It seems that we have to do a hostage exchange" No.13 started.

"Or we could kill both of these and then settle it ourselves," Emerald girl said while internally 'If such a case happened, then our chances of losing are higher, that guy from what I heard wasn't even scratched by my teammate and he also was able to copy my technique, I don't even know his actual cards, apart from him being an earth elemental, but he didn't even use that in any of the battles'

"Are you sure, you can win? Plus isn't this guy, her brother?" No.13 pointed out and the said girl gritted her teeth, she was hoping for him to not notice as she wanted to use it to her advantage but it seemed that it failed.

"Fine Hostage exchange, but first wake both of them up"

No.13 complied and S-chan kicked the black-haired guy to wake him up. 


That guy groaned and woke up, Ice-guy was also made conscious in a similar manner.

"Don't be smart asses and make it harder for us" After explaining the situation, this incident calmly occurred.

"How about we exchange plaques, our target Plaque is with you guys"

"Which one?"

"We want No.69"

"We do have that, but you would have to give us No.95 for that, that is if you actually have that."

"Oh, we do have that"

They cautiously exchanged the plaques while checking the fact that it was not Genjutsu or Transformation.

They Happily went their own ways as meaningless bloodshed was not what any of the team wanted. The ambush in the beginning was done to make things easier for their team as they didn't know that they had this team's target Plaque too.

S-chan's Team hid in a bunker made by No.13 and rested for the rest of the day to recover their chakra.

No.13 did his Mindscape training at this time, S-chan was looking at some Fuinjutsu theory and Ice-guy was sleeping.

S-chan also took a nap afterwards, having a Fuinjutsu master with them frees people from guard duty.

They woke up at night as it was relatively easy to find prey at night and this team had 2 ambush experts.

They had a quick bite and started moving. They left the bunker as it was with hidden seals in it. No.13 will be notified if somebody enters to rest and even employs that A-rank barrier, one of his opponents used today.

It is a sure death trap after including a few explosive seals, the only reason S-chan was alive was due to her stealth which made that guy pull himself into that barrier too.

"You guys remember the first rule/condition of our collaboration Right?" No.13 suddenly asked.

"Yes, Our own life is more important than the other two" S-chan said with a hint of seriousness.

"Yes, Just Don't forget that and we are good"

"Also, why are we still hunting other teams?" Ice-guy asked

"Right, we need to have that discussion, why did we even leave the bunker in the first place?" S-chan complained.

"You are the one who hurried us out saying that you are bored"

"Did I ?"

"Yes" "Yes"

"Oops... Sorry about that" She didn't look apologetic at all.

"Let me put a silencing barrier along with a Visual Genjutsu"


"Okay, so we don't actually know how rankings in Round 2 are decided, we were only told the condition for qualifying, nothing about failure to do so." No.13 started.

"Maybe we have to gather this information by ourselves?" S-chan suggested.

"Maybe, but from where and how?"

"The only thing we are given is our plaques" Ice-guy said in a low tone but both of them heard it.

They proceeded to remove the plaques they had which were No.95 and No.68.

"It doesn't seem to have anything hidden in it"

"Maybe it's hidden by a Fuinjutsu or something?"

"Senpai, do something"

"Let me try"

He knew how to know whether a seal was hidden by another seal or not. It required poking with chakra and seeing how chakra is reacting to identify what kind of seal it is to remove it, which makes doing such things complicated.

It took No.13 a few seconds to remove the spy seal. "It seems that they put this intentionally easy for everyone to be able to remove it, a non-fuinjutsu user could remove that spy seal by pouring a lot of chakra in it."

"Oh, I was gonna suggest that next" S-chan said, but whether she was lying or was telling the truth was a mystery.


"You are mocking me, clown?"

"Hmph, I am not afraid of you now, If you try to kill me, then I will use my suicide jutsu to take you down with you" 

"Oh, I will kill you before you can react"

"Have you heard about the autonomous mechanism, bumpkin?"

"Bumpkin?, I will kill you, clown!"

Just as both were preparing to throw their hands, a third wheel interrupted them.

"Kids!, don't you want to know what this says?" 

"Who are you calling kids?" "I am not a kid" Both shouted at the same time.

"Anyway, this says that we can earn extra points by showing extra plaques at the end of the exam, still nothing about failing"

"Well, then, let's kick some asses"


Author here,


How was the chapter?

Do give some constructive Criticism and Comment more.

I guess my Fic didn't get famous or viral on the first day...

Anyway, I will play the long game for now, See ya folks.

Also, which is your favourite anime if you had to choose one?

Word Count:- 4329(Including the story only)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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