
Naruto: Spectral Code

In a world where mysterious technologies shape the future of shinobi, Naruto Uzumaki and his fellow students face relentless trials to prove their worth. As a hidden darkness rises within the village, a sinister force threatens to unravel everything. Amid intense rivalries and growing dangers, Naruto must navigate a path filled with secrets and shadows. The true challenge emerges when the line between hero and monster blurs: Who will control the power that decides their fate? Patreon: patreon.com /InstantKrater_K0

InstantKrater_K0 · Anime & Comics
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105 Chs

Chapter 92 - Suspiciously Curious

Naruto navigated the narrow alleyways with practiced ease, slipping through the village's quiet streets. His steps were cautious but quick, his eyes darting around, always alert. He turned a corner and spotted the figure waiting at the end of a dark, narrow passage, leaning against the wall with his hood pulled low.

Naruto approached, the soft glow of a nearby streetlamp barely illuminating the man's face. There was a brief silence as they sized each other up, then Naruto spoke, his voice low and direct.

"You got it?"

The man nodded, reaching into his cloak and pulling out a small, tightly wrapped bundle. He held it out, and Naruto stepped closer, eyes scanning the package. He hesitated for a split second, then glanced at the man. "Show me."

The man unwrapped the bundle slightly, just enough for Naruto to catch a glimpse of the contents—something small and metallic, intricate symbols etched into its surface. Naruto's gaze lingered for a moment, then he gave a short nod.

He brought his hand up, fingers tapping against an invisible interface only he could see. A translucent screen appeared in the corner of his vision, faint numbers and symbols hovering in the air. With a quick swipe, he accessed his balance, the digital currency glowing faintly on the display. His thumb slid over a transfer icon, entering the amount they had agreed upon.

"Done," Naruto said, his eyes never leaving the man. A notification popped up in the air between them, confirming the transfer.

The man glanced at his own wrist, where a small device blinked as it received the payment. He frowned, his eyes narrowing as he read the amount.

"This isn't what we talked about," the man said, his tone hardening. "You owe more."

Naruto's expression didn't change. "That's what we agreed on."

The man straightened, his stance shifting, a dark edge creeping into his voice. "I think you misunderstood. You give me what I want, or this deal goes bad real fast."

Naruto's jaw tightened. A familiar heat flickered in his chest, a warning pulse that he tried to ignore. "Don't push it," he muttered, but the man stepped closer, his presence suddenly more imposing.

"You're going to pay up, or—"

The man's words cut off abruptly as Naruto's eyes flashed an ominous red, the slit pupils of the fox gleaming in the darkness. His body stiffened, his breath coming in sharp bursts as something raw and violent clawed its way to the surface. The interface in his vision distorted briefly, numbers blurring, the usual order replaced by a chaotic jumble of symbols.

Naruto clenched his fists, the burning heat inside him intensifying. His vision seemed to shift, the alley stretching out, narrowing, the walls pressing in as the fox's chakra pulsed around him. The man staggered back, eyes wide with fear as the aura of red chakra flickered around Naruto's body.

"What the hell—" the man choked out, his voice trembling. He took another step back, the darkness swallowing his words.

Naruto's mind felt like it was being torn in two. He gritted his teeth, forcing himself to hold on, to not lose himself in the chaos. He could feel his nails digging into his palms, the pain sharp but grounding.

"Get out of here," Naruto growled, his voice strained, almost unrecognizable.

The man didn't need to be told twice. He turned and bolted, disappearing into the shadows, his footsteps echoing as he fled.

Naruto stood there, trembling, fighting to push, to regain control. It felt like an eternity, but finally, the heat receded, the red fading from his vision. He took a deep breath, his body drenched in sweat, his muscles aching from the effort.

He stayed like that for a moment, just breathing, before he turned and made his way out of the alley, his steps unsteady but determined. The interface in his vision flickered back to normal, the transaction details still hovering in the corner.


Naruto stood by a small, cluttered desk. His eyes were fixed on a sleek, metallic drive in his hand, its surface etched with faint, glowing symbols. He took a deep breath and then, with a practiced motion, pressed the device against the base of his neck. There was a brief, sharp pain as it connected, and then his vision filled with a translucent interface.

Lines of data streamed across his field of view, numbers and characters scrolling rapidly as the download initiated. His surroundings seemed to fade away, replaced by the complex web of digital code unraveling in front of him. A progress bar appeared, slowly filling with a soft, pulsing light.

[Downloading Jutsu: Fire Stream]

The bar moved steadily, data transferring directly into his neural network. As the download continued, more details began to take shape—schematics, chakra flow patterns, visualization techniques. Naruto's eyes followed the intricate diagrams as they appeared, the path of the jutsu unfolding like a blueprint in his mind.

The bar reached 100%, and with a final flash, the interface faded, leaving only the name of the jutsu hanging in his vision.

[Download Complete: Fire Stream Jutsu]

Naruto exhaled, feeling the new knowledge settle into his thoughts. He flexed his fingers, a faint warmth spreading through his body as he mentally rehearsed the flow of chakra the technique required. A small smile tugged at his lips. It wasn't much, but it was something—a new tool, a new edge.

Just as he was about to remove the drive, a knock echoed through the apartment, sharp and sudden. He pulled the device from his neck, slipping it into his pocket as he walked to the door.

When he opened it, Hans was standing there, his silhouette backlit by the dim hallway light. His tall frame loomed over Naruto, and there was a familiar intensity in his eyes.

"Hey," Naruto greeted, trying to keep his voice casual. "What's up?"

Hans didn't waste any time. "How's your condition?"

Naruto's smile faded. He glanced away, his hand reflexively touching his side. "It's... getting worse. The crack spread almost to my neck now."

Hans nodded thoughtfully, his expression unreadable. "I've been thinking," he began, his voice low. "Maybe we're approaching this the wrong way."

Naruto frowned. "What do you mean?"

Instead of answering immediately, Hans leaned closer, his eyes scanning Naruto's face. "We've been trying to contain it, slow it down. But what if... what if we let it spread?"

Naruto stared at him, incredulous. "You want to spread it further?"

Hans nodded, his tone almost clinical. "It's already affecting you. Maybe if we let it cover more surface area, we can find a way to manipulate it—control it. We might learn something new, something we can use."

Naruto shook his head sharply, stepping back. "No way. It's already bad enough. I'm not risking that."

Hans watched him for a long moment, his expression softening slightly. "You're strong, Naruto. Stronger than most people would be in your situation. I just... I think we might be missing something."

"I'm not interested in turning myself into some kind of experiment," Naruto snapped, his voice hardening. "I just want to get rid of it."

Hans sighed, his shoulders sagging slightly. "Alright. I get it." He glanced down the hallway, his eyes distant, then back at Naruto. "Just... think about it. We're running out of time."

Naruto's jaw tightened, but he nodded curtly. "I'll handle it my way."

There was a moment of tense silence, then Hans stepped back. "If you need anything, I'm upstairs."

With that, he turned and headed down the corridor, his footsteps echoing softly as he ascended the stairs.


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