
Naruto: Spectral Code

In a world where mysterious technologies shape the future of shinobi, Naruto Uzumaki and his fellow students face relentless trials to prove their worth. As a hidden darkness rises within the village, a sinister force threatens to unravel everything. Amid intense rivalries and growing dangers, Naruto must navigate a path filled with secrets and shadows. The true challenge emerges when the line between hero and monster blurs: Who will control the power that decides their fate? Patreon: patreon.com /InstantKrater_K0

InstantKrater_K0 · Anime & Comics
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105 Chs

Chapter 75 - Hierarchy

A wooden spear cut through the air with swift, silent precision, impaling the large animal in the dense underbrush. The creature thrashed for a moment before collapsing, the life draining from its eyes. Moments later, a small group of students emerged from the shadows, their faces marked with the weariness of days spent surviving in the wild.

Sasuke stepped forward first, his expression focused as he yanked the spear from the animal's body. Kiba was right behind him, flanked by the twins, Kaito and Kaido. They worked efficiently, skinning the prey and preparing it for their meal. The crackling of a newly kindled fire soon filled the air, casting flickering shadows across their faces as they settled around the flames.

They ate in silence at first, the sound of chewing and the occasional snap of wood in the fire the only interruptions in the quiet night. The smell of roasting meat mingled with the earthy scent of the forest, a comforting reminder of the small victory they'd just claimed.

After a while, it was Kiba who broke the silence. "You know, I was thinking... we're almost old enough to be real shinobi, but we've already seen more than most people do in a lifetime."

Kaito nodded, his mouth still full. "Yeah, like this survival stuff. You think the older shinobi did this when they were our age?"

Kaido chimed in, grinning as he poked at the fire with a stick. "Probably. Or worse. Dad told me stories about some of the trials they went through. Makes this look like a walk in the park."

Kiba smirked. "I don't know. Those stories always sound exaggerated to me. But still... we're getting there. Soon, we'll be out on real missions, not just survival exercises."

"Maybe we'll get to hunt missing-nin," Kaito said, a hint of excitement in his voice. "I heard those missions are no joke. But man, the stories you could tell afterward..."

Kaido leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Or assassinations. I mean, think about it—sneaking into enemy territory, taking out targets without anyone knowing you were ever there..."

Kiba grinned, clearly enjoying the direction the conversation was taking. "Yeah, that's where the real legends are made. You could be famous before you're even an adult."

Suddenly, Akamaru, who had been quietly resting at Kiba's side, sprang to his feet, barking furiously into the darkness. The sharp sound cut through their conversation like a knife, and all four boys snapped to attention, their earlier excitement replaced by sudden alertness.

"Akamaru, what is it?" Kiba asked, his voice low, his eyes scanning the darkness where the dog was barking.

The small white dog growled, his hackles raised, as he took a few steps forward, never taking his eyes off whatever was hidden beyond the firelight.

Sasuke was already on his feet.

"What's out there?" Kaito whispered, his voice barely audible over Akamaru's growls.

Kiba moved closer to his dog, trying to peer into the shadows that seemed to grow thicker just beyond their camp.

"Akamaru only barks like this when there's something dangerous nearby," Kiba said, his tone serious. "We need to be ready."

The group remained frozen, the once comfortable firelight now feeling more like an exposed beacon as they waited, hearts pounding, for whatever might be lurking just beyond the circle of light.


Shikamaru lay sprawled on a thick branch, his hands behind his head as he dozed, the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves above. The gentle sway of the tree and the distant rustling of the forest were like a lullaby, lulling him into a deep, peaceful nap.

Beside him, perched on a neighboring branch, Choji sat contentedly munching on a piece of grilled meat, savoring each bite. The scent of the roasted meat mingled with the earthy aroma of the forest, creating a comforting atmosphere. Choji glanced at his friend, who was still snoozing away, and smiled to himself.

"Man, you've got it easy," Choji mumbled through a mouthful of meat. He took another bite, his eyes lazily scanning the treetops and the sky beyond. Everything seemed peaceful, just the way he liked it.

But then, suddenly, a distant scream shattered the tranquility. The sound of fighting— grunts of effort, and shouts—echoed through the forest, cutting through the calm.

Shikamaru's eyes snapped open, his peaceful expression quickly replaced by one of mild irritation. "Troublesome," he muttered, sitting up and stretching, his joints popping as he did so.

Choji paused mid-bite, his eyes wide as he looked toward the direction of the noise. "What was that? Sounds like a fight."

Shikamaru rubbed his eyes, clearly not thrilled about the interruption. "Yeah, sounds like it. Probably someone being an idiot. But knowing our luck, we should check it out."

Choji nodded, stuffing the last piece of meat into his mouth before standing on the branch, ready to follow. "You think it's one of the others?"

"Most likely," Shikamaru replied with a sigh. "It's not like we can just ignore it. Let's go see what kind of mess they've gotten into."

With that, the two boys leaped down from the tree, landing softly on the forest floor below. Shikamaru yawned as he adjusted his vest, his usual laid-back demeanor masking the readiness that came naturally to him as a shinobi.

"Come on," he said, glancing at Choji. "Let's get this over with."

They moved quickly through the underbrush, the sounds of the struggle growing louder with each step. Shikamaru led the way, his mind already working out possible scenarios, while Choji followed closely, his senses on high alert.

As they neared the source of the commotion, Shikamaru couldn't help but mutter under his breath, "This better not be as bad as it sounds... or it's going to be a real drag."