
Naruto:son of shisui!


JiangChen73 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs


'Konoha probably still doesn't know what happened to me and why I disappeared like this.' Shun smiled bitterly as he ran back to Konoha. 'But this trip was certainly fortuitous! Perfect Sage Mode, Increased Vitality, Improved Battle Experience and a Large Summoning Animal'

Now all that was missing was the other magekyou that is in Danzo's hands. When shun gets it, and gets the Eternal mangekyou, there won't be many people in the ninja world who can defeat him.

Thinking about that. Shun remembered who made practically all this possible for him!

'Itachi, thank you so much for what you've done to me, I won't forget this favor I owe you! Shun thought as the wind in the forest hit his delicate face.


His thoughts were interrupted when he felt two types of chakra coming from a place close to where he was running.

Putting on a mask so as not to expose his face to enemies, shun followed the waves of chakra and finally saw who was fighting in the middle of the forest…But he quickly got noticed by one of the ninjas too.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" one of the two ninjas asked as he took guard against this newcomer

"It doesn't matter. Why are you fighting the kumo Ninja? Shun asked when he saw that the two ninjas, one from konoha and the other from kumogakure, were fighting so seriously.

"Kumo was trying to steal technological data from konoha! This is unforgivable." Ninja of Konoha replied angrily.

"So what can you do to me? I warn you that if you kill me, the Hidden Cloud Village won't let Konoha get away with it!" The kumo ninja spoke arrogantly, as if his village were the most powerful in the world.

"Humph, do you think I'm afraid of your village?"—Shun said as he started to walk in front of the kumo ninja.

"Y-you, don't come any closer! I'm a kumo ninja, we have two perfect jinchurikis, if I die here they'll definitely go after you." The kumo ninja started to shake as he tried to speak, he felt he would be killed in an instant if he went against this newcomer.

Looking at this ninja trembling in fear, shun said, "I'll give you two options! You say why you went to konoha and give back what you got. Or, you die right here and no one will know I killed you!" Shun said coldly, even his aura began to press on the kumo ninja.

"And I dont-"

"Swosh!" The ninja didn't have time to refuse, because a kunai had already gone through his skull and stuck in a tree. There was still blood dripping from the kunai.

"If you can't choose, then die!" -Shun spoke coldly while looking at the fallen corpse who was still with his eyes open.

"And you, konoha ninja, are you part of the Hokage or Danzo's group?" Shun looked at the konoha ninja questioningly.

"II, l-support Mrs. Tsunade!"

'That's good so I don't need to kill another one, I really don't like killing people!' — Phew! shun sighed

"Take again what this ninja stole from konoha, and give it to me. I want to see if what you're telling me is true."

The konoha ninja quickly pulled out some papers and notes, being very careful not to touch explosive papers and poisons that were on the kumo ninja's body.

'These ninjas are really crazy, planting explosive papers all over the body, if it explodes for sure would make a nice mess of flesh and blood' — Shun shivered at such a thought happening.

"S-senior, which village are you from, why do you want to see our tech notes?" the Konoha ninja asked after retrieving the papers from the enemy's body.

"You don't need to know this, just give it to me quickly!" Shun started to raise his voice.

"N-in this case, it looks like I can only sacrifice myself!" "The konoha ninja then set fire to the papers in his hand. He was about to kill himself with a kunai when

a hand stopped his suicide.

"What are you doing!?" Shun was amazed at what he saw.

'This ninja… really deserves respect!' - Shun thought to himself.

"I can't let information about my village fall into enemy hands, now you don't have a chance to get it back!" haha ha! The konoha ninja gained courage and started talking and even laughed.

"I really admire your courage to do this." I will ask one last time now. Shun then activated his sharingan and asked, "Are you on the side of the Hokage or Danzo?"

"Ms. Tsunade!" The ninja with opaque eyes responded weakly

"Mm! That's nice." — Shun, then left the ninja who was still stunned, and disappeared into the forest.

'Hmm, so these are the most wanted ninja in the villages!'-Shun was walking while reading about the Nukenins in the villages. Of course, shun took this book from the konoha ninja.

"Hmm, let's see…

"Itachi Uchiha!

"Hoshigaki kisame!






'All are considered S rank shinobis! And most of them are in the same organization… Akatsuki!' "This can't just be a normal criminal organization. There are definitely other plans involved.

"Akatsuki… What are you planning then?" - Shun muttered under his breath.

Shun then continued running to konoha, he still had something to finish there. But something stopped him in his tracks… A strange plant-like being was standing a few meters away.

"Okura Shun! Hi, it's nice to finally meet you!" The creature spoke in a strange voice, as if there were two voices speaking simultaneously.

"Who are you? And how do you know my name?" — Shun wasn't worried at all, he felt that this creature couldn't be very strong. That's why he didn't even bother to be on guard.

"I've been following you for a few years! I know some information about you too, but I'm not here for that. I saw how you killed that cloud ninja, and I know you must be pretty strong for your age. I am here for the purpose of getting you to join our organization. I know you've heard about us, and you've also just read about our members.

Akatsuki really isn't just a criminal organization! We are aiming for peace for the ninja world." The creature spoke in a very convincing tone.

"Who are you?" Shun didn't give an answer, he still wanted to know who was the creature in front of him.

"You can call me Zetsu! I'm the one who gathers information for akatsuki." — Zetsu replied

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