
Naruto:son of shisui!


JiangChen73 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs


"Leave me here!" - Gaara said weakly

"Impossible! We're brothers, we can't leave brothers here. Temari yelled

"That's right! If it's to die we'll die together." Kankuro agreed

"B-but I always hated you guys! Why are you helping me now?" - Gaara couldn't hold back the tears as he spoke

"Still! We are brothers, this will never change" - Temari cried along

Suddenly, the barrier surrounding them disappeared!

"Ah hahaha!! It looks like my Chakra is gone!" - Shun spoke embarrassed

"I'll release you today, but next time it won't be so easy!"

"Good luck to you, try not to hurt more people" - Shun spoke as he disappeared


"So that's it. Orochimaru lost his arms, Third hokage died, the village is destroyed and we don't have a hokage available."

"This is a good chance for the other villages to attack... This cannot continue! I must help somehow, but how?"

'Clones help for a while, but they are very fragile.'

Also, I still need to know what kind of eye that is!

Perhaps, at the uchiha complex I can get this information. - Shun had already started to come up with his plan

New day!

Walking to the uchiha complex, Shun thought to himself, 'The uchiha complex is quite far from the center of the village.'

In time, he came to a huge gate with the Uchiha symbol engraved on the top, indicating that he was in uchiha territory.

The place was very cold, there were many shops and houses on either side of the street, but it was very quiet.

An ordinary person couldn't stay here very long.

Using the sensory ability he possessed, Shun quickly found Sasuke's house.

'Knock, Knock, Knock' Shun knocked on the door and waited for sasuke to open it.

After a minute the door opened, Sasuke in a black shirt and white shorts appeared in the doorway.

"Oh, it's you!... Do you need anything?" ' Sasuke asked emotionlessly

"Can I come in? I have something to talk to you about! - Shun spoke seriously

"Hmm" - sasuke stated

When Shun entered the house, he quickly put up two barriers, one for sound and one for blocking the image.

"What was this?" - Sasuke asked with his eyebrows together.

"What I need to tell you is very important, and even the Hokage didn't know!"

"Actually I'm only going to tell you because you have something I need." shun spoke

Looking into Sasuke's eyes, shun closed his eyes.

Sasuke thought this was strange, but he still said nothing and continued to wait.

When Shun opened his eyes, it was no longer his normal eyes. But two fully matured sharingan eyes.

"Y-you! Impossible!

"How do you have the sharingan? You're not an uchiha!" Sasuke ask while staring at Shun

"Believe me, my eyes weren't implanted. - shun said calmly

"You've probably heard of my dad." "His name was Uchiha Shisu-"

"Shisui-nii?" Sasuke yelled before Shun had time to finish. And his face turned red at the thought of the scream now.

"Yes, and my mother was an uzumaki" - Shun continued, not caring for the shame of sasuke

"Me and my mother lived in..." - shun then told parts of his story

"So that's how it is! Who would have thought Shisui-ni would have a child." Sasuke felt even more hatred for his brother, destroyed the family of an innocent child.

Of course, Sasuke also thought Itachi had killed Shisui.

"So you want to enter the Naka shrine?"

"Fine, no problem with that." - Sasuke and Shun then walked towards the sanctuary

Sasuke unconsciously was treating Shun much better than before.

Arriving at the main hall, there were seven mats, sasuke walked to the seventh. Sasuke then activated his sharingan and made some seals before a door opened in the ground.

"Let's go down!" Sasuke spoke

The two then arrived in a medium sized room, the walls of the room were with various types of drawings, but on one wall there were two symbols of the cla uchiha.

Between these two symbols was a large stone with various writings engraved on it.

Shun walked calmly towards the stone... Activating his sharingan, Shun could partially read what was written for example, how to obtain the mangekyou or how to speed up the sharingan ripening process.

But that didn't matter to him.

Realizing that sasuke wasn't paying attention to him, Shun activated the mangekyou and read it again.

But this time, he managed to read one more part. How to improve mangekyou and that he could gain some skills when unlocked. There was also the warning that the eye would lose its light if used too much.

"So that's why this eye is so dangerous!

Controlling beasts with tails, anyone would want that"

"In order not to go blind, I need a mangekyou from a very close relative. But I don't have another relative."



Itachi: Shun, when your eyes are strong enough open this scroll, don't try to open it randomly because you won't be able to.

Inside, there is a scroll of summons, also there something left by his father before his death.

But under no circumstances show this scroll and the items inside to other people, it would be dangerous for you and also for the village.

*End FlashBack*

"Alright. Sasuke, I've already figured out what I wanted, we can leave, and I hope this matter is just between us."

Shun then left the Sanctuary naka and the uchiha complex. happy with his discoveries.

Having such a powerful eye, no matter who, everyone would be extremely happy.

While walking through the village, Shun found it strange to see Kurenai and Asuma facing two men in black capes with red clouds.

It seemed like the conversation was getting tense, so shun quickly reached Kurenai and Asuma's side.

"You are! Itachi-san?" - Shun asked excitedly looking at the man in the black robe

"Hello Shun, we meet again." Itachi said calmly

Kurenai was surprised that Shun knew Itachi, "How do you know him Shun-kun?" - Kurenai asked

Shun was still looking at Itachi when he heard Kurenai's question, "He is my savior, he who saved me and brought me to the village"-Shun replied

"Anyway, stay away from him. He's not a good person" - Asuma commented

Shun paid no attention to the two. Looking at itachi who was still standing in the place shun said, "Itachi-san, can I talk to you alone?" - Shun asked hopefully

Itachi didn't say anything, just activated his mangekyou and looked into Shun's eyes.

"Tsukyomi" - Itachi put shun in a Genjutsu


In the realm of tsukyomi!

"So what do you want to talk to me shun-kun?"

- Itachi asked with a rare smile on his face

"Itachi-san, I also got the same eyes as yours, I also understand that there are risks of losing my eyesight if used too much."

Shun then activated his own mangekyou, unlike itachi's eye, Shun's mangekyou looked more like a Fuuma Shuriken.

Itachi was also shocked to see this and thought, ...'So soon! compared to the rest of the clan, he is the fastest to awaken the mengekyou'...

"You really have the same eyes, these eyes are really powerful so don't show them too much"

"One of your father's eyes is inside danzou's right eye, the other is on the parchment I passed to you earlier. If you manage to transplant your father's eyes for you, you stand a good chance of unlocking the Eternal Mangekyou." - Itachi told Shun about the difference between the two eyes

Leaving the Tsukyomi realm.

Itachi looked at Kurenai and Asuma, "You better take him to a hospital, he'll be unconscious for a while"

Kurenai looked at itachi and asked, "what have you done to him?