
Naruto: Six Realms of the Mist

What would happen if someone reincarnates in the world of Naruto, with an ability that doesn't belong to this world, discover how will the Sage of the Six Realms climbs the ladder of this world. I don't own Naruto, Katekyo Hitman Reborn nor the picture used on the cover (the creator can ask me to remove it) I only own my OC and nothing more.

Duskstar · Anime & Comics
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Chunin Exam I

The time finally came, today was the official start of the Chunin Exam, the Academy was surrounded by Genins wanting to register, there were a couple of "Genins" standing in front of the classroom assigned for the first test, they were discouraging those that attempt to enter, Lee was one of the dumb ones that got hit, I was about to reveal the truth behind the cheap Genjutsu display, when Team seven entered the scene.

From this point everything happened according to Canon, Saske will call the bluff, and they dismissed the Genjutsu, Saske escalated the situation provoking a fight, and Rock Lee blocked the attacks.

"You are Sakura, right?" Rock Lee said, to the pink haired girl, who just nodded in return, "my name is Rock Lee, please have a date with me" he said bluntly.

"NO!" Sakura shouted in front of everyone, without a bit of tact, Rock Lee depressed and leaned against the wall, I though the show was over but Neji approached Saske.

"Who are you?" Gloomy guy said to Emo Avenger, who looked at him with a friendless face.

"You should introduce yourself, before asking others" Emo Avenger was playing with fire.

"Saske!" Sakura said worrying, while Naruto was raging in silence mumbling about Saske getting all the attention, he leaned next to Lee.

"Are you two done with your stupidity?" I said to the other members of the Team Guy, we lost our number two months ago, after a new Team three passed their test, they turned around and walked in my direction "We have better things to do than wasting our time here, Naruto I'm looking forward to our competition" I said trying to calm everyone, Rock Lee walked with us for a while and told us he had things to do, he is going to fight Saske, I stopped Neji, and we follow Lee, I wanted to see the fight with my own eyes.

"Saske Uchiha, my name is Rock Lee, I'm here to fight you" Lee declare, he jumped from the second floor and landed at the same level as Team seven "Currently I'm the strongest Genin in Konoha"he added, Neji and I just snorted to that, but the other three didn't pay attention to us.

"Why are you doing this?" Sakura asked.

"I want to test my abilities, against someone from the Genius Clan" He replied before blushing looking at Sakura, reveling his real intention, he winked at her, making Sakura shiver in fear, Naruto was about to intervene, but I told him not to do it with a movement of my head, in Canon he rushed to Lee, and was defeated in one movement, this time I'll give him the chance to watch and learn.

Saske rushed, trying to connect a punch and end the fight in one hit, Lee dropped to the ground, and kicked his chin, show off, it was totally unnecessary, he was trying to look cool for Sakura, Saske was slow compared to any member of our Team, Saske stood up, activating the Sharingan, preparing to copy and counter Lee's technique.

"Lee, end this quickly before you show him too much" I shouted from the second floor, he turned around and gave me a thumbs up, he is not listening to me.

He close the distance with Saske, who was unable to follow his movements, Lee did a Leaf whirlwind, from the blind spot, hitting the face and body of Saske, who couldn't even put the hands to cover himself.

"No matter how strong your Sharingan is, if your body can't keep up with your eyes, you won't be able to defeat me" Lee arrogantly said, he kicked Saske once again sending him to fly, jumping to the same height he unwrapped his bandages, Ningame appeared in the improvised battlefield, but before he could throw his paper windmill, I jumped towards Lee, and kicked him to the side.

"LEE!" Ningame shouted, he recovered before impacting against the wall, used as a platform to rush in front of the turtle, Sakura ran towards Saske and preventing him to suffer more damage, I took this brief moment to return next to Neji.

Ningame was scolding Lee, until Guy-Sensei made his apparition, he punched Lee with all his strength, sending him flying, and then making the weird scene of hugging each other, Guy-Sensei, moved behind Team seven, and apologized to them before leaving.

"Saske Uchiha, I lied to you earlier, I'm not the strongest Genin of Konoha, but he is on my team" Lee said jumping towards Neji and me, Team seven was looking at us, wondering which one was Lee referring to, neither Neji and I would admit who was weaker, leaving Team seven as confused as when this whole thing started.

"Was that necessary?" I asked Lee as the three of us made our way to classroom 301.

"Yes, I wanted to see if his talent was better than my handwork" He replied, Neji and I just stared at him, with blank expressions.

"We have more experience than any of the new teams, and more time to train, that's not even a competition" I explained to Lee, who just realized his mistake, even if he is a genius, he lacks time and experience unlike us, than us who had put our lives in the line, on multiple occasions "anyway, we have a bit of time, we should get something to eat" I told them while changing my course to the nearest vending machine, I bought a pack of cookies and chocolate milk for everyone.

When we arrived, Kakashi was guarding the door, giving a last encouraging speech to Saske, Sakura and Naruto, we decided to wait for him to finish instead of interrupting their bonding moment, they needed that, specially after the beating Saske suffered against Lee, they need all the cheering they could get, they were part of the Rookie nine, everyone will try to intimidate them or break them when the real trial begins.

We are finally at the Chunin Exam, from here everything is fun, hope you enjoyed it.

And like always with love, the author.

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