
Naruto: Sinbad's Shinobi Saga

Damn it! I, Sinbad, in Naruto? Are you kidding me? What is this crazy system? No matter, I will survive in this world. Follow the journey of our hero Sinbad in the world of Naruto after his birth at the same time as Kakashi. the current world is Naruto Every 15 Power Stones = 1 bonus Chapter The uploading schedule will be as follows: Naruto: Sinbad's Shinobi Saga: Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday

Super_Mario_4066 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6

After a long journey, Orochimaru and his team arrived at the Konoha camp on the border of Sunagakure.

At the entrance, a Jonin from the Hyuga clan, with a distinctive tattoo on his forehead indicating his membership in the branch family, greets Orochimaru and his team warmly, with a scrutinizing look at the new team Orochimaru has brought with him.

Hyuga Jonin "Orochimaru-sama, welcome back."

Orochimaru "Has anything happened in my absence?"

Jonin "The usual skirmishes so far."

The Jonin looks at Anko and then when his eyes reach Sinbad, he whistles in admiration "You have a lot of chakra here, are you from the Senju?"

Sinbad reviewing his memories "Yes, my mother was from the Senju."

Orochimaru "Enough wasting time."

The camp stretches over a large area, surrounded by natural barriers of tall, dense trees, providing additional protection from prying eyes. The tents are arranged in an orderly manner, with the ordinary soldiers' tents on the outskirts, while the command tent is located in the center of the camp.

They all walk to the command tent, Orochimaru looks at Sinbad and Anko "Stay outside and don't stray from the camp."

What Sinbad and Anko notice is the organization, there is the command tent in the center surrounded by sleeping tents and medical staff tents.

Suddenly, Sinbad's sixth sense screams danger and indeed, one of the Hyuga ninja shouts "The enemy is close by, two kilometers away."

Orochimaru emerges from his tent "How many are there?"

Hyuga ninja "It's an entire army, Orochimaru-sama."

Orochimaru "Let's go fight them before they reach the camp." Then he looks at his team "Don't leave my side."

Anko and Sinbad "Yes, we will."

The Konoha ninja move to meet the Suna ninja, and there was a surprise waiting for them there, Rasa (the future Fourth Kazekage) and with him the Jinchuriki Shukaku.

Orochimaru with intense concentration "I'll take the Jinchuriki." Then he looks at the children "Try to stay alive, this is your first real-life training."


Urgent Mission: Clueless Rookie

Name: Anko Troublemaker

Mission: You somehow managed to stumble into a warzone the moment you arrived at camp. Not exactly ideal, but hey, at least it's exciting! Look at it this way, every enemy you beat is just another point towards that sweet new jutsu scroll you've been eyeing. Plus, who needs luck when you've got guts (and a slightly sadistic teammate)?

Objective and Rewards:

1 - Genin: Those fresh-faced newbies (200 XP)

2- Chuunin: A bit more experienced, but still chumps (500 XP)

3- Jonin (Special Jonin): Now we're talking! These guys pack a punch (1000 XP)

4- Jonin: Seasoned veterans, watch your back (2000 XP)

5- Jonin (Elite): Top dogs of the battlefield. Big risk, big reward (3000 XP)

Bonus: Earn bragging rights and impress your teammates with each takedown. Just don't steal all the glory, Anko. Teamwork makes the dream work!


Anko looks at Sinbad to find him smiling like an idiot, so she puts her hand on his face and says to him "Have you finally gone crazy?"

Sinbad looks at her seriously "Stay by my side so I can protect you"

Anko with flushed cheeks "Idiot who wants you to protect me" while moving closer to him.

A fireball heads towards them, so Anko goes behind him and Sinbad uses the chakra sword.

Anko " Do you think you can cut it?!"

Sinbad "Yes, I've been training with Orochimaru-sensei over the past period to develop this technique"


Orochimaru "Sinbad, have you ever heard of the White Fang of Konoha?"

Sinbad "Yes, he was a living nightmare for everyone in Suna Village"

Orochimaru "And do you know how?"

Sinbad "No"

Orochimaru "That's because of the Hatake sword style"

Sinbad "The Hatake sword style?! Who names a technique after their family?"

Orochimaru ignoring "This style can cut any ninjutsu" Then he is silent for a moment "We may not be able to repeat this style unless Sakumo himself teaches it to you, but he is dead and his son has not mastered it yet and I do not think he will teach it to you" Then he fell silent for a bit and Sinbad looked at him.

Orochimaru "So what if I made your sword use the same frequency that is in every technique?"

Sinbad "Chakra frequency?"

Otsuchimaru "Yes, every ninjutsu has its own frequency, and because you have a high sensitivity to chakra, you will be able to master the right frequency for each ninjutsu over time"

Sinbad with dead fish eyes "Sensei..."

Orochimaru "What?"Sinbad "What kind of monster do you think I am?!?!?!"Orochimaru "Don't worry, experience is the best teacher" Then he placed his hand on Sinbad's shoulder smiled a sly smile, and licked his lower lip "Try to survive Sinbad-kun."Sinbad with chills down his spine and a tear rolling down his eye with Anko laughing in the background about his misfortune.End of Flashback...Sinbad swings his sword several times to cut the fireball in half, splitting it around Sinbad.A jonin near Sinbad looks at him in surprise "Young man, are you a student of Orochimaru-sama?"Anko jumps proudly from behind Sinbad "Yes, we are too"The jonin smiles then speaks to himself "This generation has a terrifying talent like Sakumo."One of Suna's jonin sees this and his face turns white "This boy must not be allowed to grow up"The Suna jonin heads to kill Sinbad but the jonin near him stops him and takes him away from Sinbad.Anko "That was amazing!!!"Sinbad scolds her "Focus Anko-chan"Anko slightly blushing from embarrassment "Baka"Sinbad finds the first cannon fodder to slaughter today, 3 genin "Anko-chan take one of them and I'll take the other two."Anko "Why do you care about the weak?!?"Sinbad "It's not a matter of weak or not, by defeating genin and chunin, Suna won't be able to continue the war."Then Sinbad disappears from his spot and appears behind the poor genin, turning the three of them into tomato paste.Anko with dead fish eyes "Hey, didn't you say I could have one of them?!"Sinbad "Sorry, sorry, they were just..." Before he can finish his sentence, two puppets appear from the side trying to wound him with poison, so Sinbad counters them and before cutting the chakra threads, he locates the puppet handlers.Sinbad grinning "Found you," then launches himself from his spot leaving behind a shadow, as soon as it appears Sinbad cuts off their heads.To be continued in the next chapter...

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