
Naruto: Sinbad's Shinobi Saga

Damn it! I, Sinbad, in Naruto? Are you kidding me? What is this crazy system? No matter, I will survive in this world. Follow the journey of our hero Sinbad in the world of Naruto after his birth at the same time as Kakashi. the current world is Naruto Every 15 Power Stones = 1 bonus Chapter The uploading schedule will be as follows: Naruto: Sinbad's Shinobi Saga: Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday

Super_Mario_4066 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 29

Read Kiran's Tales

A voice of an old woman: "And with that, the contract is complete."

Aizawa with disheveled hair from Sinbad's running: "UA will be responsible for paying the rent, ma'am."

Landlady: "Alright, then I'll leave now. Remember, don't make any noise."

Aizawa looking at Sinbad with a deadly glare: "Don't you ever do that again."

Sinbad defending himself: "Come on, calm down, Aizawa-san. I wasn't even that fast."

Aizawa heading to the door: "Your job starts at 8 AM. Don't be late, and don't do any heroic acts until we give you your pro hero license."

Sinbad: "Finally, alone." Sinbad removes all his clothes. "It's time to take a bath at last, after all this time. Was it 8 or 10 months? It doesn't matter. The important thing is that I won't repeat the mistake of lowering my intelligence level again."


The next morning.

Sound of a door closing.

A familiar voice mixed with fear: "Sinbad-san! What are you doing here?"

Sinbad wearing the standard Jonin uniform without the Konoha symbol: "Oh, Midoriya-kun, good morning."

Midoriya steps back, trembling: "How did you escape from Endeavor?"

Sinbad, trying to clear up the misunderstanding: "There was a misunderstanding, Midoriya-kun. I'm not a villain. I just...," Sinbad explains the misunderstanding to him.

Sinbad continues: "And now here I am, working as a teacher at UA, waiting for my pro hero license."

Midoriya with star-filled eyes: "You defeated Endeavor!"

Sinbad: "There was no direct fight, but yes, that counts as a win for me. Come on, let's walk together to the train station."

As they walk together to the station.

Midoriya: "But what is your quirk that affected the weather and made us all faint?"

Sinbad: "It's called Haki, the ability to impose my will on the world."

Midoriya: "That's a strong quirk," then falls silent for a while.

Sinbad looking at Midoriya: "Come on, ask what you want. Your face says it all."

Midoriya: "Can I become a hero?"

Sinbad looks into his eyes in silence, increasing Midoriya's tension.

Sinbad with a serious face: "No."

Midoriya starts crying.

Sinbad continues: "I already told you, you are a hero, Midoriya-kun."

Sinbad puts his hand on Midoriya's shoulder to support him.

After a while, Midoriya finally calms down.

Sinbad: "I'll come visit you in the evening to say hello to your mother and thank her for her delicious food," then disappears from the spot.


In front of UA's gate, Sinbad suddenly appears, scaring a student walking to school.

Sinbad heads to Nezu's office.

Sinbad happily enters without knocking: "Good morning, Principal."

Nezu: "Good morning, Sinbad-kun."

Sinbad: "So, when will my class start?"

Nezu: "Today, you'll accompany Aizawa-san to familiarize yourself with the school and Class 1-A, which you'll help improve their quirk usage."

Nezu thinks to himself with a smile: "Prove my analysis of you right."

After a while.

A knock on the door.

Nezu: "Come in."

Aizawa enters to find Sinbad sitting next to Nezu's desk, drinking calming tea.

Sound of tea sipping.

Sinbad: "Hello, Shota-kun."

Aizawa with veins popping in his face: "Good morning."

Aizawa thinks to himself: "My years working here will be the longest of my life."

Nezu: "Sinbad-kun, this is your ID."

Sinbad holds it and sees his picture with red lightning emanating around him.

Sinbad: "Is it normal for ID photos to be this cool?"

Nezu: "No, it's a special service. Don't disappoint me, Sinbad-kun," then continues, looking at Aizawa, "You'll take care of Sinbad-kun today and show him around the school and the class he'll be teaching."

To be continued in the next chapters...


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