
Naruto: Sinbad's Shinobi Saga

Damn it! I, Sinbad, in Naruto? Are you kidding me? What is this crazy system? No matter, I will survive in this world. Follow the journey of our hero Sinbad in the world of Naruto after his birth at the same time as Kakashi. the current world is Naruto Every 15 Power Stones = 1 bonus Chapter The uploading schedule will be as follows: Naruto: Sinbad's Shinobi Saga: Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday

Super_Mario_4066 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 28 ( Gift )

 Hi people read This story (Kiran's Tales)


In a large and luxurious office inside UA, Nezu sits sipping tea slowly, with Sinbad doing the same in front of him.


Nezu: "Alright, Sinbad-kun, tell me about your Quirk."


Sinbad drinks from his cup with a relaxed expression.


Sinbad: "Well, it's something called Chakra." He then envelops his hand in pure chakra, forming a blue layer around it. He continues, "Chakra is a combination of physical energy (generated from the cells of the body) and spiritual energy (produced from training and experiences).


Chakra can be classified into five basic types known as the elements of nature, which are:


Fire (Katon) Water (Suiton) Lightning (Raiton) Earth (Doton) Wind (Futon)

And it has three primary uses:


Ninjutsu: Techniques that rely on chakra to perform supernatural acts. Genjutsu: Techniques used to deceive the enemy's senses. Taijutsu: Hand-to-hand combat techniques that rely on physical strength without using much chakra."

Aizawa, speaking to himself in admiration: "This Quirk is very versatile."


Sinbad sips from his cup, then says, "And there is another use, which is medical use," as he envelops his hand in green chakra. He continues, "The properties of medical ninjutsu are:


Healing and regeneration Precise surgeries Protection and defense techniques."

Nezu: "This is an amazing Quirk you have, Sinbad-kun. You must have worked hard to master it."


Nezu continues, "But you didn't mention that oppressive energy that Endeavor and Hawks spoke about. Does this mean you have another Quirk?"


Aizawa, shocked: "Another Quirk? Isn't it enough that every use of his Quirk counts as a separate Quirk?"


Sinbad: "This is Haki," and some pressure emanates from Sinbad, filling the room so that both Nezu and Aizawa feel intense pressure, and sweat starts to pour from them like waterfalls. Sinbad then withdraws his Haki and continues, "This power is called Haki, and it has three types:


Observation Haki (Kenbunshoku no Haki) Armament Haki (Busoshoku no Haki) Conqueror's Haki (Haoshoku no Haki)."

Aizawa, with a trembling voice: "And what you just used now is?"


Sinbad: "Haoshoku no Haki, and it's also the only type I can use among the three. What I just did is the simplest use; it can simply affect the will of others."


Nezu: "But didn't you generate red lightning and make the sky cloudy?"


Sinbad: "That's the advanced use, which affects the surrounding environment."


Nezu, impressed: "This is all I need to grant you your license."


Sinbad: "Wait, we haven't discussed the salary," while his eyes turn to $.


Nezu, smiling: "Of course, Sinbad-kun. How about starting with $8,000 a month as a beginning?"


Sinbad, quickly: "Agreed, dear principal. If there's anything, and I mean anything, like the sound of a cough—" he coughs—"or the sound of destruction—" he coughs—"I'm here to serve you, dear principal."


Nezu takes a contract out of his desk drawer: "Sign here, and we'll be done with everything."


Sinbad grabs the contract and quickly flips through it.


Sinbad: "It says here that housing is included. Can I choose the location?"


Nezu: "Of course."


Sinbad takes out a scroll from his back, producing a brush and a pill from it, and signs the contract.


Aizawa, raising an eyebrow: "Is that a storage ability?"


Sinbad, while signing: "This is one of the applications of chakra. Alright, I'm done." He stands up. "See you tomorrow, dear principal."


Nezu: "Wait."


Sinbad turns to him: "Hmm?"


Nezu: "Take Aizawa with you to get a rental agreement."


Aizawa walks alongside Sinbad: "Let's go, we'll take my car."


Sinbad: "Wait, it's too slow," and he grabs Aizawa like a child. Before Aizawa can object, Sinbad disappears from the spot.


To be continued in the next chapters.....






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