
Naruto: Sinbad's Shinobi Saga

Damn it! I, Sinbad, in Naruto? Are you kidding me? What is this crazy system? No matter, I will survive in this world. Follow the journey of our hero Sinbad in the world of Naruto after his birth at the same time as Kakashi. the current world is Naruto Every 15 Power Stones = 1 bonus Chapter The uploading schedule will be as follows: Naruto: Sinbad's Shinobi Saga: Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday

Super_Mario_4066 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 10

Orochimaru continues seriously, "Don't get too excited about this promotion; it comes with great responsibilities."

Sinbad: "I understand, Orochimaru-sensei."

Orochimaru hands Sinbad a scroll. Sinbad looks puzzled, "What's this?"

Orochimaru, smiling: "Congratulations, Sinbad. This is an S-rank Raition Ninjutsu scroll."

Sinbad takes it eagerly, "Thank you, Orochimaru-sensei."

Orochimaru: "Now, off you go. The war is still in its early stages."

Two years later, on the battlefield within the borders of Sunagakure:

Sinbad stands before the future Kazekage, Rasa, who is frowning as he faces Sinbad.

Rasa: "The High King, Sinbad."

Sinbad, smiling arrogantly: "Tell me, Rasa, don't you find it ironic that a thirteen-year-old boy is left to handle this battle while you rest in the camp?"

Rasa, without showing any reaction, raises his hands, and sand attacks Sinbad from all directions. Sinbad performs hand signs and says, "Raition: Shichū Shibari."

Four spherical masses of electricity form around Sinbad, who directs them at Rasa, turning the surrounding sand into glass from the intense heat. Rasa shifts his golden sand from attacking Sinbad to defending himself, then summons a block of golden sand beneath him to fly away from Sinbad.

Sinbad: "What do you say you take your fools and leave, Rasa? This battle is a waste of time."

Rasa weighs the pros and cons, having fought Sinbad for nearly an hour without a decisive outcome. He thinks to himself, "He really has become a crisis. He's grown too strong for me to kill alone." Then he says loudly, "Retreat now."

Sinbad also orders, "Let's retreat."

As soon as Rasa and his men withdraw, Sinbad notices that Anko has some scratches. He sighs, "Every time we go out, you come back injured."

Anko, puffing her cheeks: "You say that instead of praising me for staying alive."

Sinbad, indifferently: "Yeah, yeah."

Anko stomps her foot on his, "Hmph," then walks away.

Sinbad, addressing his assistant on this mission: "What's the count of the injured and the dead?"

Konoha Jonin: "Three dead and seven injured."

Sinbad: "Tsk, you all need more training. Carry the injured and the dead."

Sinbad heads to the camp with Anko and everyone else. ...

In the camp:

Anko: "Sinbad-san."

Sinbad: "What?"

Anko: "What will you do after this war?"

Sinbad looks at her very seriously, "I will marry you."

Anko, spontaneously: "Okay," then falls silent for a moment, starting to realize what he just said.

The ninjas in the background clap, and Anko's face turns as red as a ripe tomato.

One of the single Jonin bites on a handkerchief in great misery, "Damn the younger generation."

Another Jonin: "Sinbad-san, Orochimaru-sama wants you in the command tent."

Sinbad: "Okay."

On his way to the command tent, Sinbad notices the air has turned cold, and there is a small layer of snow on the treetops, which have started losing their leaves.

Sinbad, talking to himself: "Status."

Name: Sinbad

Age: 14

 Level: 150 (1,500,000 / 60,000)

Health: 50,000 ==== 275,000

 Chakra: 40,000 ==== 300,000

Strength: 240 === 350 + 35

Vitality: 145 === 255 + 25.5

Agility: 240 ==== 350 + 35

Intelligence: 41 ==== 60

Sense: 340 ==== 1,000 + 1,500

Skill Points: 0

System Currency: 270,000


Conqueror's Haki (Sovereignty Level): From dominating your opponents and imposing your will on those around you to integrating it with your attacks, congratulations, you are now among the few in the world capable of this. All that remains is to kill others' Observation Haki, and you will be like Red-Haired Shanks.

Primal Instinct (Beginner): As its name suggests, it is the primitive form of Ultra Instinct, but don't be sad as most kings of destruction couldn't reach its threshold.


1 - Increase sensitivity by 150%

2 - Reduce wasted energy by 20%

Sinbad, with a tear of regret rolling down his cheek, "My intelligence has dropped again," then enters the command tent.

Orochimaru, seriously before Sinbad can even greet him: "You must go to Kumo to support Minato. He is alone there fending off A and the Jinchuriki of the Hachibi."

Sinbad, with a serious expression: "Yes, sir." Before leaving, Orochimaru hands him two scrolls, one of which is a summoning contract with snakes.

Sinbad leaves the tent quickly, except to bid farewell to Anko, and heads to the Kumo front.

At the Kumo front with Minato, who is running between the trees, he suddenly stops to find A trying to strike him. But due to Minato's insane reflexes, he throws one of his kunai and teleports to it with Hiraishin no Jutsu.

Minato throws several of his kunai around the area and prepares to engage A, only to find the Jinchuriki of the Hachibi attacking him with one of its tentacles. They continue like this for a while until a crazy pressure sweeps over the entire area, accompanied by the sky becoming cloudy, the sound of thunder, and red lightning spreading everywhere.

To be continued in the upcoming chapters...

Every 10 Power Stones = 1 bonus Chapter

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