
Naruto: Sign in system (Multiverse Travel)

Alex short for Alexander was transmigrated into the world of naruto with a sign in system accompany him on his journey to greatness and witness the mysteries and secrets of the world.

Roma_Elysia · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

New students, Introduction to chakra, and bringing the wolf cub home.

*Time skip the next day*

The first thing that Alex did after he woke up was do his morning routine of taking a bath and then eat.

After Alex finished eating he ran towards the hospital where the wolf cub was currently healing.

"Hi" Alex said.

"Oh hello are you here to check up on your wolf cub?" The desk person asked.

"Yes i am can you tell me what room he is in?" Alex asked.

"Sure here" The desk person said while handing Alex the address of the room.

"Thanks" Alex said.

"Your welcome" The desk person said.

Alex then searched for the correct number of the room.

After a minute he finally found the room and opened the door.

"Oh hello Doctor has he finished healing?" Alex asked.

"Hello Alex and yes he has finished healing all he needs is some rest" The doctor said.

"So can i take him after class is finished?" Alex asked.

"Certainly you can" The doctor said.

"Since that is the case i will take him later but i better go now or else I'll be late" Alex said.

After talking with the doctor Alex then started running towards the academy and fortunately arrived on time.

Alex then took a seat next to Koji and started small talk with him.

"So did you improve your throwing skills?" Alex asked.

"Yes i did i asked my dad to teach me" Koji asked.

"Oh is your dad a ninja?" Alex asked.

"Yes he is that's why i want to become a ninja" Koji said.

"How about you is your mom or dad a ninja?" Koji asked.

"Well you see... i have no parents" Alex said.

"Oh i see I'm sorry" Koji said.

"No it's fine I'm used to it" Alex said.

Before they could continue the conversation the teacher walked in.

"Ok class all of you sit down" The teacher said.

After a minute the students sat on their respective seats.

"Ok now that all of you are seated i have to announce something" The teacher said.

'I hope it's about chakra' Alex thought.

'Speaking of chakra i hope that the sign in reward is chakra and speaking of sign in i did not use today's sign in reward' Alex thought.

'System use today's sign in reward' Alex said.

[Congratulations you used today's sign in reward

Sign in reward: Perfect Chakra control]

'Fuck yes' Alex thought.

'But it's useless if i have no chakra' Alex thought.

'Anyway back to the topic' Alex thought.

"Today we will have a new student or new students" The teacher said.

'Hmmm who could they be' Alex thought.

"Come the three of you enter" The teacher said.

Three children then entered the classroom and caused a commotion.

"Princess!?" The students immediately said.

'Tsunade!?' Alex thought.

'With Jiraiya and Orochimaru!?' Alex asked.

"Ok class calm down let the three of them introduce themselves" The teacher said.

"Hello my name is Tsunade or the Granddaughter of Hashirama" Tsunade said smugly.

"Hello my name is Jiraiya!" Jiraiya loudly.

"Hello my name is Orochimaru" Orochimaru said with a snake like voice.

'Damn Orochimaru sure is scary even if he is still 4 years old' Alex thought.

"Ok the three of you chose a seat" The teacher said.

The three of them then started searching for a suitable seat.

'While I'm at it might as well befriend Jiraiya since you could not hate this guy' Alex thought.

"Hey Jiraiya sit with us" Alex said.

"Really?" Jiraiya asked.

"Yes of course the more the merrier" Koji said.

"Thanks" Jiraiya said.

After Jiraiya took a seat the three of them then started talking.

"So where are you from since it is weird that you joined the academy this late?" Koji asked.

"You see i was a war orphan in Amegakure" Jiraiya said.

"Really then how did you get rescued?" Koji asked.

"Ummm i was found by a ninja knocked out outside of a bathhouse" Jiraiya said.

'Typical Jiraiya hahaha' Alex laughed in his head.

"What's a bathhouse?" Koji asked.

"Oh it's nothing" Alex said.

"Right Jiraiya?" Alex asked.

"Yeah...yes it's nothing" Jiraiya said.

The conversation then continued until the teacher announced today's lesson.

"Okay today's lesson is all about chakra" The teacher said.

"Yes" All the students said including Alex.

"So can anyone tell me what is chakra?" The teacher asked.

"Me" Alex said.

"Okay Alex tell me what is chakra?" The teacher asked.

"Chakra is the energy that is present in every person and living thing. it consists of two energies Physical and Spiritual" Alex said.

"Correct good job" The teacher said.

"Chakra is the energy that ninjas use to use ninjutsu we will get into that later" The teacher said.

"Most people have an average amount of chakra but you can increase your chakra reserves by training and exercising preferably chakra control exercises" The teacher said.

"Now to what do chakra do" The teacher said.

"Chakra is mainly used for combat using techniques we call ninjutsu and genjutsu" The teacher said.

"Ninjutsu uses chakra to attack using elements like fire, water, earth, and air" The teacher said.

"But there are some elements that are rare to come by like the wood style used by our village's founder Hashirama who is a senju like your classmate Tsunade" The teacher said.

"Wow" A student said.

"Meanwhile genjutsu is using chakra to create illusions and confuse the enemy but it can easily be countered using your own genjutsu but you have to be strong enough to counter it" The teacher said.

"And now to the most important part Chakra affinities and chakra control" The teacher said.

"Chakra affinities is the one of the most essential part to using ninjutsu of that specific element" The teacher said.

"For example if you use a fire element ninjutsu and you have an affinity to fire then that technique is more powerful than a ninja using a fire element ninjutsu with no affinity to fire" The teacher said.

"But you can still use the four basic elements the only problem is that it cost more chakra and is less powerful" The teacher said.

"Now to chakra control" The teacher said.

"Chakra control is one of the most or even the most important part of using chakra" The teacher said.

"With chakra control you can decrease the amount of chakra you use on a technique while also increasing the damage output of the attack instead of it decreasing" The teacher said.

"That is essentially the introduction of chakra" The teacher said.

"Do you all understand what i said?" The teacher asked.

"No" The students said except for Alex since he already knew that.

"Don't worry since all of you will learn about chakra in the later stages of the academy" The teacher said.

"Now since it is getting late all of you are allowed to leave" The teacher said.

"Hey Jiraiya meet us at the training grounds tomorrow" Alex said.

"Yeah you should join us" Koji said.

"What are you guys going to do in the training grounds?" Jiraiya asked.

"Well I'm training Koji on how to properly throw a kunai" Alex said.

"Really that's awesome let's meet up tomorrow" Jiraiya said.

"That's great see you guys tomorrow" Alex said.

"Yeah see you tomorrow" Jiraiya and Koji said.

Before going to his apartment Alex first visited the hospital to check on the wolf cub.

After arriving at the hospital Alex went straight towards where the wolf cub is.

"Good afternoon Doctor how is he doing?" Alex asked.

"He is doing great you can take him home now but he is still asleep so carefully carry him" The doctor said.

"Okay doc" Alex said.

Alex then took the wolf cub and ran towards his apartment.

After arriving the first thing that Alex did was make a bed of some sort for the wolf cub to sleep in.

After doing that Alex did his normal routine of taking a bath and eating dinner before he then slept.


Thank you for reading i really appreciate it.