
Naruto: Shisui's Little Brother

Yasui reincarnated into the body of Shisui Uchiha's little brother on the day of the Uchiha Massacre. Yasui doesn't shy away from the main cast and tries his best to live to the fullest. He befriends Naruto and others, creating a bond that's thicker than blood. Even though he did not receive any godly power after reincarnating, Yasui felt that becoming an Uchiha is already a cheat by itself. He has good looks, and he also has a body that can become strong. When paired with his knowledge of the Shinobi world and the knowledge of the modern world, Yasui finds ways to have an edge over others.

Yasui · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs


Kakashi knew that he couldn't go into this battle half-heartedly. Hence, he lifted his headband up and revealed his three-tomoe Sharingan.

"I assume that you're Kakashi of the Sharingan–the copy ninja! I apologize, but I just want you to hand over the old man." Zabuza looked down and spoke slowly.

Sasuke was already aware that Kakashi possesses the Sharingan. He had even seen Kakashi use it to mimic the moves of the employees from the Konoburger restaurant.

Kakashi even taught him how to use some basic abilities of the Sharingan. And yes, he also asked Kakashi about how he got the Sharingan, and he found out a little about Kakashi's past.

"Everyone, protect Tazuna and don't get involved in the fight. That's the teamwork in this situation," Kakashi said as he kept his eyes on Zabuza.

"Right." Yasui along with Sasuke and Naruto immediately got into position and protected Tazuna from all sides. Yasui knew that Kakashi is going to soon be trapped in Zabuza's water prison. There wasn't anything yet that could've changed the direction of the original plot. Yet.. that is.

He also didn't want to act like a stuck-up person and disobey Kakashi's order. However, that does not mean that he is going to sit still. He used this small timeframe to secretly make some battle tactics. He also activated his two tomoe Sharingan and stared straight at Zabuza.

"Another user with the Sharingan? Zabuza frowned as he stared into Yasui's eyes. He didn't expect that a brat would also have the Sharingan.

"Whatever. Let's get this over with quickly. I must kill that old man immediately." Zaubza knelt down and grabbed his blade.

Mist also came in at this moment, covering the whole field with a misty environment. This was one of the famous skills from the Hidden Mist Village. When combined with an environment that has a lot of water like the Land of the Wave, the technique effect is only boosted.

The reason that he used it is because It's very effective against dojutsu users like Kakashi as it somewhat blocks vision.

"But Kakashi. It seems that I must defeat you first." Zabuza took his blade and landed on top of one of the waterways that are plentiful in the Land of Waves.

Zabuza activated his jutsu and disappeared into the thick mist fog.

Kakashi then warned his squad: "This is a silent kill type strategy. I haven't fully mastered my Sharingan, so everyone be careful."

"Kakashi sensei!" Naruto said as the mist became even thicker. Even Kakashi, who is just a few feet from them, had disappeared. If he wasn't standing next to Yasui and the others, he would've thought that they disappeared too.

Yasui felt that this technique is on a whole other level. The anime had made it look like child's play compared to the real thing.

Kakashi used this moment to counter the dense fog with his chakra, dispensing a bit of it so that it gave them back some vision from within the mist.

An incredibly strong killing intent suddenly charged Sasuke and the others. Everyone felt that if they are just careless for one moment, their lives could be taken away.

This intense killing intent made Sasuke tremble in fear. He recalled that moment all those years ago when his older brother Itachi was sending killing intent toward him. At that time, he couldn't move at all. He was just a helpless little boy.

"Are you a scaredy cat, Sasuke? Don't you have ambition? How can you have any ambition while being scared?" Yasui taunted Sasuke to get his shit together.

"As if!" Sasuke snapped back and held his kunai with a strong grip.

Kakashi felt relieved that at least one of the squad members had their head in the game, and he prepared to battle Zabuza.

"I wonder about that!?" Zabuza suddenly appeared between Yasui's team and Tazuna, showing that he could kill them already.

This led Kakashi to attack the Zabuza that had appeared between the squad.

However, this Zabuza was just a water clone. And, Kakashi was attacked from behind.

However, that Kakashi too is a water clone! He had copied Zabuza's technique when the thick mist came in. Kakashi appeared behind the second Zabuza and placed a kunai to his throat.

But… Zabuza wasn't so stupid. The Zabuza that Kakashi is holding a kunai to… is just another water clone of his! He had created two water clones!

The real Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi and kicked him into the water. This led Kakashi to fall into the water, and when Kakashi came up, Zabuza was already prepared to trap Kakashi in a water prison.

"Not good! Everyone, take Tazuna and run away! His real body won't be able to move from his current spot with this imprisonment technique! His water clone also won't work if it's too far away!" Kakashi yelled from inside the water prison. Any person who is trapped inside of the water prison will not be able to escape unless helped from outside!

Another water clone of Zabuza appeared from the water and went onto land, taunting Yasui and the others for a fight.

"Are you guys ready? Whoever doesn't go through with the plan is a scaredy cat!" Yasui mocked his two teammates and got ready to implement his attack plan. He had briefed the two swiftly as Kakashi and Zabuza battled.

"Who's the scaredy cat!?" Sasuke ticked his tongue and got ready to follow Yasui's plan.

"I'm no scaredy cat! Oi, Zabuza! Make sure you write in your bingo book that there is an awesome Ninja from the hidden leaf Village–The one who will become Hokage one day! That person is ME! NARUTO UZUMAKI!" Naruto also got ready and made some shadow clones.

"What are you guys doing!? I told you to run away! Hurry and run! Just listen to me! Our mission is to protect Tazuna! Have you forgotten that!?" Kakashi yelled from inside the water prison.

"Heh! Heh! Kakashi sensei! Are you going to swallow your own words!? Didn't you agree with me that those who abandon their friends are worse than scum!? I ain't no scum! What about you two!??" Yasui roared and infused lightning onto his shurikens. He played Pokemon long enough to know that lightning is effective against water!

"Naruto might be, but I'm not!" Sasuke activated his one-tomoe Sharingan and rushed up to Zabuza's water clone.

"Screw you, Sasuke! I'm also not worse than scum!" Naruto created clone after clone that went in to punch Zabuza's water clone.

"ANOTHER SHARINGAN!?" Zabuza couldn't help but be amazed to see that there are three people who possess the Sharingan in Kakashi's team. He had heard before that the whole clan that possessed the Sharingan was annihilated.

Yet, Sharingan users are appearing one after another like a hoard of angry bees.


Yasui's three lightning shurikens seem to have predicted Zabuza's water clone's movements, and they managed to hit it from a tricky angle!

The lightning that was infused into the shurikens immediately exploded upon contact, and this immobilized the water clone down to its knees!

Yasui had used his two tomoe Sharingan to achieve this moment. With its amazing power to track movement, Yasui managed to see all of Zabuza's next few trajectories.

While Zabuza's water clone was down to his knees, Yasui ran past it, going towards the real body that was keeping Kakashi imprisoned!

Zabuza's clone recovered quickly, and it wanted to stop Yasui, but it was too late!

At this point, Naruto and Sasuke had already begun engaging in battle with Zabuza's water clone!

Even though Sasuke's Sharingan was only one-tomoe, he was still able to attack and defend against attacks from Zabuza's clone with its help.

Naruto's shadow clones were easily defeated with the executioner's blade, but this posed no threat to him. After all, he can just make more!

"No, Yasui! You're not his opponent!" Kakashi yelled in horror from inside the water prison.

"Pfft!" Yasui laughed at this. He was well aware of what he was getting himself into.

"Lighting Style: Destructo Disks!" Yasui made the monkey, ox, boar, and tiger hand seals. This is a pre-existing C-rank lightning technique–The lightning rat violent quake. He just renamed it for his own pleasure.

Vummm Vuummm Vummm!!

Lightning zapped through the air and ten destructive disks of electricity hummed toward Zabuza! Even if the rank of the jutsu isn't strong, the attack power was increased several times due to the moist hydrogen in the mist!

Zabuza knew that he mustn't be hit by the disks! If he is, the water prison jutsu will be undone!

Zabuza used his dexterity to dodge all ten of the disks while his hand still stayed inside the water prison. The only thing that was damaged was a little bit of his hair.

"Is that all, BRAT!?" Zabuza prepared to make another water clone to fight with Yasui.

"You think!?" Yasui smiled and suddenly pulled with his hands backwards.

"WHAT!?" Zabuza was stunned. It's now that he finally saw the chakra threads that are hidden in the mist!

Yasui smiled. The special trait of the lightning style Destructo Disk is that it can home in on the target or be controlled by him via thick chakra threads. The thick chakra threads were exactly what he used.

His threads weren't as refined as the threads from Sunagakure, but it is sufficient in this scenario. After all, the mist helped him hide the chakra threads that he made.

Zabuza stopped channeling the water clone technique and he switched to another jutsu.

"Water Style: Rapid Water Bullets!" Zabuza expended Water Chakra within his mouth and spat it out at high speed, creating ten water bullets that aimed at the Destructo Disks!


The ten Destructo Disks exploded into balls of electricity and dissipated into the air.

"Hahaha! You're going to have to do more than that!" Zabuza laughed smugly and once again prepared to make another water clone to attack Yasui.

"And that I did! Do you think my Sharingans are only used to copy techniques!?" Yasui had a big grin on his face. His trick worked!


"ARghhg!!" A Destructo Disk sliced into Zabuza's back, and it exploded into his bloodstream. The electrical current sent a shock along the blood in his body and briefly paralyzed his body, making it fall into the water! His hand also fell out of Kakashi's water prison.

"Yosh! You did a good job, Yasui!" Kakashi escaped the water prison and jumped to Yasui's side. He was a little asphyxiated, so he had to take in deep breaths of air.