
Naruto: Shinobi System!

Thief, murderer, head of a criminal organization. Such a person cannot see a calm life, and death can come suddenly. Having arranged a bright funeral for himself, the hero leaves the world. But an object found during his lifetime completely changes his fate. The path to the next world was postponed ... The world that once seemed fictional is now real. Shinobi, chakra ... It's all so close. After being reborn in the body of a deceased child, the hero has a second chance to live this life anew. Having found a new home and clan, he will have a long and difficult journey. But the object that was found in the past and changed his fate is still with him. Now, with this power, he will follow the path of the strongest shinobi! Anyone who wants to support and find more chapters: https://www.patreon.com/AuthorRAIZ Translation from a translator (he apologizes in advance for mistakes and wishes you a pleasant reading)

Raizeenn · Anime & Comics
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143 Chs

Chapter 49: Shikamaru Challenges

Approaching the girls, Shikamaru did not distract them, but simply decided to observe a little. He often watched various ninja trainings. For often it was Genin, but sometimes even Chūnin ... Although, he was a little upset that he could not use the Sharingan for more detailed analysis. He was already able to copy a couple of his father's techniques, so he knew firsthand how useful these eyes were in observation. The Sharingan allows you to perfectly write any information into the brain. Literally everything that the owner of the activated eyes sees is impossible to forget. Even if there are thousands of techniques or a whole book of cooking recipes. True, for eye support, you need a lot of chakra ... And walking with a constantly activated Sharingan is not as easy as it seems.

Shikamaru trained these eyes about once a week if his father was at home, on other days he did not take risks. This was Shikaku's warning, which he fully agreed with. The Anbu hid well and it's good if it's the Anbu Hokage, but if they come from the Root, it will be dangerous ...

As long as the Uchiha exists, it is impossible to use these eyes openly in his current position. It was difficult to predict what they would do. Shikamaru read a lot about them and this clan was famous for rather tough methods to preserve their eyes. The Uchiha personally hunted down the apostates and killed them. While it's hard to blame them for that, any clan would probably try to keep their secrets special so special.

But of course it is also worth knowing that a rigid hierarchy reigned in their clan, even worse than that of the Hyuuga. There, the rules were set by the head and elders. All of their descendants could be said to be of higher rank than any other Uchiha, even if he awakened the Sharingan. Of course, awakening also gave an advantage. But if not, then without those eyes, we can say that the Uchiha is almost not Uchiha ... Even the elder's children will not be very well treated if they could not awaken their eyes before the age of sixteen. Perhaps, in such situations, the Uchiha resorted to unpleasant measures ... Fathers had to personally take responsibility and find a way to awaken the eyes of their own child. Although, how everything happens was not specifically described. And whether this was true was also unclear. Of course, Shikamaru didn't take everything that was written seriously. There are many rumors about the Uchiha, only a fool will believe in them. As for the evolution of the Sharingan, this was not even in the library ...

In any case, Shikamaru feared that these were not easy times for the village, and who knows what the Uchiha will throw out. Everyone was on pins and needles ... Yes, and Danz caused fears ... Shikamaru remembered well how he insolently wanted to take Kakashi's Sharingan, as if he were his own. If he finds out about Shikamaru's power and it can be very dangerous, who knows what tricks he uses to study him.

So the guy decided to wait a little while copying techniques, but just used his normal vision ...

It was even interesting to watch the two girls. Still, Avie's beauty was amazing ... Shikamaru was the first time he had ever seen anyone so beautiful. He often walked through the village, but no kunoichi he met was comparable to this blonde beauty.

Shikamaru wondered why this girl was not shown in the manga? Although, if she was in Anbu just like Konohamaru's parents, then this could be explained ... There was no talk of those either, but they existed and were quite alive to themselves.

Staring at this adorable girl, Shikamaru tried to estimate her age. On the one hand, she looked like an adult, but on the other, she was definitely no more than eighteen. Besides, this is probably also an exaggerated age. He was more likely to lean towards sixteen, yet girls in this world grow up quickly ... And judging by her body, she is really very young ... Shikamaru smiled slightly at the slightly sweating Ino. She was so cute ... He was already eager to see her adult version, she definitely had to become an incredible beauty.

The training was pretty simple. Ino threw punches, and Avie straightened her arms and stance, and then nodded contentedly and sometimes complimented. Ino did quite well, it was a decent level for a beginner. But the way Avie demonstrated her movements was simply amazing ...

Shikamaru even involuntarily watched all her movements. It seemed that she was doing everything slowly, but in fact, her movements were, although smooth, but very fast. When she showed a blow to her young student, it was really impressive.

"She is at least Chūnin, besides, even here I can feel the force of her blows ... She definitely trained for more than one year. Although she looks like a gentle girl, I'm afraid I'm not her rival. Of course, this is not even the maximum of her strength. Yes ... I want to fight her! " - with a sparkle in his eyes, the guy finally came closer to the girls and asked:

- Maybe we can fight?

Interrupting the workout, Ino turned around in surprise.

- With me?

`` No, '' Shikamaru smiled slightly at Avie.

- With her.

- AND? Seriously? Do you want to fight your little sister? Wow ... - Ino's eyes sparkled and she turned her gaze sharply to Avie. The girl was also a little surprised, but then smiled and asked:

- Boy, are you sure? You certainly did well against your friend, but don't think that it will be so easy with me.

"Oh, no, of course, I will definitely lose," Shikamaru said with a grin, "But I would still like to test my strength, if you don't mind."

Avie's face flashed with doubt, but at that moment Ino tugged at her clothes and smiled.

- Sister, fight him! I want to see!

- Ah ... Well, why not ... Just, - seriously looking at Shikamaru, Avie warned: - If you get hurt, then don't blame me.

- Ho, I'll be gentle ...

- Haha, these are my words! - Laughing, Avie instantly moved to the side.

Shikamaru barely followed her movements and involuntarily swallowed.

"Hell, I hope this doesn't turn into a beating ... Without the bones, it won't be easy. Although, I can strengthen myself internally. Well, not a bad option either ... Besides, there was no question of Ninjutsu. "Smiling, Shikamaru moved in a similar manner, instantly disappearing from his place.

Appearing a few meters from Evie, the girl smiled slightly:

- Not bad, you're pretty fast ... You are definitely the fastest little boy I've ever met.

- Ho ... I wonder how many little boys have you met?

- Not very much ... - Stopping in mid-sentence, Avie noticed Shikamaru's strange grin and began to understand something:

"That's not what he meant, did he? These are facial expressions ... "

- What is this question in general? The blonde asked irritably.

Shikamaru shrugged.

- A question as a question ... By the way, Avie, can't I call you Avie? - Without waiting for an answer, Shikamaru waved his hand: - Well, good. I wanted to clarify something else ...

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