
Naruto: Shinobi SI

(WARNING: Naruto is a brutal world, and it is not for beginners.) ----- A captivating tale of a medical student's new life in Konoha, set in the same era as Kakashi and Might Guy. Immerse yourself in the world of Naruto, with intricate details that place you at the heart of the action but expect the action to be of a shinobi brand. ----- ------ Note: Naruto anime enthusiasts will easily connect with the story. The protagonist wields an AI.. . . Please review, comment and give stones in an encouraging way.

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25 Chs

Chapters 11: Opening

It was the beginning of my second year at the academy, and most of my days were consumed by training and designing the interior of the pizza restaurant.

In training side, Guy started training for Eight Gates. I too accompanied him, but I couldn't get the same motivation for it as the father-son Duo. So, I just barely followed through with the regime and ended by being punched into the ground by Guy every day. As for Genjutsu, occasional meet-ups with Kurenai helped me in facing them and, most importantly, I can see myself being talented in them in the future.

It is simply because, with the help of AI, I can see the various information needed for casting genjutsu easy to remember.

Still, my pitiful chakra reserves fucked me in the &^^$.

Fortunately, things were progressing even better on the pizza side, and it looked like we would meet our target of completing it by the end of the week.

Choosing to hire D and C rank mission for construction teams had been a wise decision.

It highlighted the second Hokage's brilliant initiative in establishing the mission centre, emphasizing that shinobi had capabilities beyond being mere killers.

Ranging from escorts to construction workers, cleaners and even a cook.

Well, just about anything, much better than the normal folk, even as a prostitute. Well, the last one is illegal and not known wildly, but the things you know when you maintain a popular gathering food spot are incredible.

As I made my way to my usual seat at the back of the classroom, I overheard rumours circulating about the new students.

With the Hypothesis easily fine-tuned and adjusted in my AI, time seemed to slip away effortlessly.

Moments later, Shinmaro-san walked into the classroom, with two kids by his side.

The familiar faces of these two children would have been instantly recognizable to any Naruto anime fan.

First, there was Rin Nohara, who introduced herself with a warm smile, radiating her sunny personality. "I'm Rin Nohara. Nice to meet you all. I aspire to be a Medic Ninja in the future."

The other kid is this generation's Naruto/Sasuke, more like their hybrid version," I am Obito Uchiha and I gonna be the Hokage."

The chaotic chorus of greetings filled the room. Yep, nobody laughed at Obito. After all, many had such dreams and proclaimed them as such. 

Yeah, right, as if?


"Oh Kami! This dope wants to be the Hokage."

"Fucking funny, Hahaha,"

Putting aside the disturbing amount of curses of aside, kids are cruel and frankly jealous. I mean, becoming the Hokage is like saying that I want to be the President.

After all, it takes guts to give such proclamations. Something most of the kids don't have. They sure have such dreams, but seeing someone shouting is tough for them to digest.

Seeing the reddening face of Obito, I intervened.

"Nice to meet you, Rin, and you too, Mr. Hokage," I replied casually into the crowd. I watched as Guy followed my lead. Good. 

While the greetings continued, I couldn't help but wonder whether Kakashi had just missed being in the same class with them.

Perhaps it was something from the canon storyline, but I couldn't be sure.

After all, I had missed some of the anime's filler episodes.

--- Academy Training Ground ---

I effortlessly dodged Obito's punch and watched him stumble forward, clearly lacking balance. This was precisely why I had endured so much pain to gather data and awaken my chakra. 

Otherwise, I might have wasted a year in awakening chakras like Rin and Obito, then re-assigned to class A. 

But I must say, Rin was a natural at controlling chakra, and Obito's chakra reserves rivalled even Kakashi's after just a year of awakening.

What stood out, however, was that Obito, like myself back when I hadn't started my training at the academy, lacked any knowledge of Taijutsu, shurikenjutsu, or other combat skills.

His entire year was rendered useless as he dedicated all his time to awakening the chakra.

No wonder he is dead last without the skills from a year of training.

Rin is like my generation's version of Sakura.

"Huh, you stubborn guy, just stay still," Obito grumbled as he tried to punch me again, lacking any semblance of proper taijutsu form.

I easily caught his wrist, but Obito's determination was burning with love. "I'll show Rin I'm cooler."

Correction- More like his love is unwavering.

It was just puppy love, but it was this innocent affection that would eventually drive him to declare war on the world. 

This spar all started when Kurenai suggested to Rin to consult me as I became a medical ninja apprentice at the hospital.

Rin, who was immersed in learning anatomy texts, occasionally sought my help in her doubts. I readily assisted her, but her closing remark seemed to ignite a competitive spirit in Obito. "You're so cool, Kyudo."

And just like that, I had another self-proclaimed rival. It seemed I couldn't avoid them.

"Take him down, Obito! Punch his face!" Asuma's enthusiastic shout reached my ears as I pondered the situation.

I had liked Asuma in the anime–the Hokage's son, a cool teacher, a stylish guy with a stunning wife. I had even felt a tinge of sadness watching his death on the screen.

But now, he appeared to be a jealous idiot and is my other rival.

What can I do? Kurenai is the only one in our generation with exceptional Genjutsu skills. Well, maybe Kakashi too, but his personality makes him hard to approach casually.

The spar ended with a knee to Obito's stomach, followed by a punch to the cheek. Obito was flat on the ground, and the other kids began teasing him, forming a bond over making jokes at his expense.

"Oh! Hokage-same, are you alright?"

"Let me call the Anbu."

"Don't forget to call for the diapers and his mom, too."

"Diapers! Seriously, dude, that is fucking hilarious. Hahaha."

Children could be merciless when they singled someone out as the butt of their jokes, but not all of them took part.

"Well, well, Kyudo. You made the Uchiha fall for you. That's so cool," Anko remarked, giving kissy faces. One doesn't need to be smart to recognise the double meaning in her words/

Anko was currently the apprentice of the Snake Sanin, Orochimaru. Her capabilities showed in her training, and there were already rumours that she might be withdrawn from the academy to join Orochimaru full time.

"It was just once, Anko. I only called him 'snake face' once. Let it go already."

Anko's anger flared, and she hurled a kunai at my face. After a year of rigorous training, catching it by the handle was effortless.

Anko seemed to idolize Orochimaru, much like Sakura had once idolized Sasuke. In retrospect, it was a rather unpleasant comparison.

Shaking my head, I went to the downed Obito.

I helped Obito to his feet and formed the seal of confrontation. Obito struggled to hold back his tears as he muttered, "Just wait; I'll become even stronger than the Hokage."

Little did he know just how right he was. I smiled warmly and reassured the young Uchiha, "I believe in you."

"Huh?" Obito seemed surprised by my words.

"I believe in you."

Obito needed encouragement, that much was clear. He had very few family members left, and he was of an outcast in the Uchiha clan. Rin was probably the first friend who had acknowledged him, and it meant the world to him.

I called out to everyone while Obito was processing my words, "Guys, you're all invited to the grand opening of my restaurant this Sunday. It's all you can eat for you all."

"Yeah!" The enthusiastic response filled the air as I tuned out Obito's questions about the restaurant and made my way towards the Hokage Tower. It was time to invite the Hokage himself.

-------Hokage tower--------

I ascended the familiar steps of the Hokage Tower, the towering symbol of Konoha's leadership. I dressed properly and cleaned up well. After all, this was a formal invitation to the Hokage.

 I approached the receptionist.

"Good day," I greeted her with a friendly smile, trying to maintain the casual tone that was my signature. "I'd like to request an audience with the Hokage if he's available."

The receptionist, a middle-aged woman with a kind demeanour, glanced at me and then at the scroll I held in my hand. She nodded and said, "Good day Kyudo. Are you here to invite him to the pizza shop opening?"

I exaggeratingly bowed and told her, "And I'd like to invite you and the Hokage for the grand opening of my restaurant this Sunday."

She took a moment to jot down the information and then looked back at me with a warm smile. "I'll inform the Hokage right away. Please have a seat in the waiting area. He is currently in a meeting."

I thanked her and made my way to the comfortable waiting area. Perks of being a prodigy and having an excuse to visit him regularly. Showing my talent is the right decision, otherwise it would not be possible to have the loan and, most importantly, the chance to form a relationship with the Hokage.

There is a difference between me showing my skills as a student and showing them after hiding them for years. 

The Hokage Tower was impressive, with large windows that offered a panoramic view of Konoha. I took a moment to appreciate the bustling village below, where shinobi and civilians went about their daily lives.

It didn't take long before an Anbu arrived to escort me to the Hokage's office. I followed him through a series of corridors until we reached a door with the Hokage's symbol engraved on it.

I knocked and heard a deep voice from within, which called out, "Enter."

I entered and found the Anbu already vanished from my senses. It is necessary for me to learn that. Since I am not the only sensor out here after all all.

The Hokage, seated behind his desk, looked up from his paperwork and regarded me with a curious expression. "Kyudo, what brings you here today?"

I nodded respectfully. "Yes, Hokage-sama. I wanted to invite you personally to the grand opening of my restaurant, which is taking place this Sunday. It would be an honour to have you as our guest of honour."

The Hokage leaned back in his chair, his eyes mirthful. "I think we were past these formalities the past few weeks, Kyudo." 

I relaxed my posture and replied, "It's a formal invitation to my pizza restaurant opening," I replied with enthusiasm. "Anyway, I thought it would be better to be formal about this. Are you coming then?"

The Hokage considered my invitation for a moment before nodding. "Very well, Kyudo. I'll do my best to attend the opening. Please provide the details, and I'll make sure it's on my schedule."

With a smile, I handed him a scroll with all the information about the restaurant's location, date, and time. I bowed a bit too much but continued anyway, "Thank you, Hokage-sama. Your presence would mean a lot to us, and I'm sure the people of Konoha will be thrilled to see you there."

The Hokage accepted the scroll with a laugh, watching my antics. "I look forward to it, Kyudo. Best of luck with your restaurant, and may it be a success."

You will be surprised how much the old man likes it to be casual. Running an entire village, **cough* city** is a tough job. I wouldn't mind it.

After all, I am a talented prodigy with a clean background and a young age. The manipulative reason is enough to satisfy the political sharks to maintain a close relationship. Trust me, they are there even here in a shinobi village.

But I get a laugh even now, thinking about the old fanfics I read about him being incompetent or, even worse, an evil asshole.


The reason he allows the familiarity is simple- him being a kind guy.

I practically floated down the stairs of the Hokage Tower, my spirits soaring higher than a ninja in a sugar rush.

Inviting the Hokage to my pizza restaurant's grand opening had gone smoother than a perfectly executed jutsu.

As I made my way through the bustling streets of Konoha, my mind raced with excitement. The thought of having the Hokage at my restaurant had me grinning like a Cheshire cat. I could already imagine the look on the faces of the customers when they saw him there. Forget the customers. Just thinking about the bitch Anko surprised is enough for me. 

You know, calling a 6 year a bitch is a bit too much. But kicks and knees to the dick for calling Pedomaru a snake face is too much.

Sue me if you want, but she is a bitch. If you don't like that, get kicked in the balls a few times and show me your prosperity. 

-----KK Pizzaria, beside Konoha Hotsprings---------

The day of the grand opening had arrived, and the excitement in Konoha was palpable. "KK Pizzaria" had quickly become the talk of the village, and everyone was eager to taste the mouthwatering creations I had prepared.

The restaurant was in a prime location, with a welcoming signboard featuring a cheerful chef tossing pizza dough in the air. The aroma of freshly baked pizzas wafted out, drawing in patrons from all corners of the village.

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm, golden hue over Konoha, the doors of "KK Pizzaria" swung open.

Inside, the atmosphere was lively, with the chatter of villagers filling the air. The tables were decorated with vibrant red and white checkered tablecloths, giving it that classic Italian pizzeria vibe.

I stood at the entrance, welcoming each guest as they arrived. "Welcome to 'KK Pizzaria'! I hope you're ready for a pizza experience like no other," I greeted them with a wide grin, keeping the atmosphere .

My team was hard at work behind the counter, crafting and baking pizzas to perfection. Duy-san was overseeing the kitchen, ensuring that everything ran smoothly. Meanwhile, Guy and Kurenai employed Anko, Asuma, Rin, Obito, and a few other friends from the academy to help serve tables and take orders.

The highlight of the evening, of course, was Hiruzen Sarutobi himself. He arrived with a small entourage, including some of his sidekicks. The civilian secretaries. Now they are not worth shit for us Shinobi, but for the rest of Konoha, they are the apex of the pyramid they can achieve in the administration department. Not political, mind you. That is another thing altogether.

 As he stepped into the restaurant, a hushed excitement rippled through the crowd. The villagers couldn't believe their eyes—the Hokage was here to enjoy pizza!

I made my way over to the Hokage, greeting him with a respectful bow and calling the photographer over, "Hokage-sama, I'm truly honoured to have you here. Please, let me show you to your table."

Hiruzen chuckled warmly, "You can skip the formalities, Kyudo. Just say hello casually."

As much as I wanted to call myself an old man like Naruto in the future. I don't think it is a suitable occasion for that. "Of course, sir, please come."

As Hiruzen took his seat, the entire restaurant buzzed with excitement. Everyone wanted a glimpse of the Hokage enjoying their pizza. And so, the festivities began.

The evening was a whirlwind of orders, laughter, delicious food, and heartwarming conversations. People from all walks of life came together, sharing stories and creating memories over slices of pizza.

It was exactly the atmosphere I had hoped for—casual, joyful, and filled with camaraderie. Maintaining this is enough for the success of the Restaurant.

Obito, still nursing his crush on Rin, impressed her by showing off his pizza-eating skills, attempting to devour an entire slice in one bite. This, of course, resulted in playful teasing from our friends and uproarious laughter from Rin.

Duy-san, being his youthful self, meticulously crafted pizzas that looked like works of art using punches and acrobatic jumps, earning the admiration of both customers and kitchen staff alike.

I couldn't have been happier. Seeing everyone enjoy the food, and witnessing Hiruzen Sarutobi engaging in casual conversations with the villagers—it was time to use my modern sensibilities.

As the festivities at "KK Pizzaria" continued to unfold, and Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Hokage, enjoyed his pizza, I couldn't resist the opportunity to take advantage of modern advertising techniques. After all, in the world of business, you have to be shameless sometimes.

I grabbed a microphone from the bandstand and tapped it for attention, causing a hush to fall over the restaurant. With a sly grin, I began, "Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you're all having a fantastic time tonight. But I've got a little surprise for you!"

The crowd leaned in, curious and eager to hear what I had in store. I continued, "You see, we've been graced with the presence of none other than the Hokage himself, Hiruzen Sarutobi!"

A wave of applause and cheers erupted from the crowd as they acknowledged their beloved leader.

I seized the moment and carried on, "Now, I know you all want a taste of the pizza that even our hokage can't resist. But here's the deal—tonight, for every slice of pizza you enjoy, you'll have time to win some amazing prizes!"

I pulled open a curtain that had been set up in the restaurant's corner. It showcased a montage of images, including the Hokage enjoying a slice of our pizza.

"Look at our pizza magic," I announced, and with a flourish, the wall showed a happy, animated Hiruzen Sarutobi taking a bite of our delicious pizza with tons of empty boxes littered around his office. "That's right, the Hokage himself loves our pizza so dearly that it is one of his favourite dishes!"

I pointed to a comic-enjoy painting showing a dialogue about him saying "KK pizzeria" is a unique icon of our Konoha cuisine.

 The crowd gasped and erupted into excited chatter. They were captivated by the idea.

But I wasn't done yet. I pulled out a stack of raffle tickets and waved them in the air. "And that's not all, folks! With every slice you enjoy, you'll receive a raffle ticket. At the end of the night, we'll be drawing lucky winners for some fantastic prizes!"

The prizes ranged from T-shirts and wallets to cute toys.

The crowd cheered even louder, their enthusiasm growing by the second.

I couldn't help but wink at Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was watching the spectacle with a bemused expression. "So, come on, everyone! Enjoy our delicious pizza, have time to win amazing prizes, and make memories right here at 'KK Pizzaria'!"

The restaurant erupted in applause and cheers as people eagerly lined up to grab a slice of our delectable pizza, each one hoping to be a lucky winner in our raffle. Tasting the 21st century advertisement schemes.

As the night continued, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. Sometimes, a little shameless advertising and a touch of modern magic were just what you needed to make a grand opening truly unforgettable. Judging by the smiles and excitement all around, "KK Pizzaria" was on its way to becoming a beloved village institution.

Top of Form

The night wore on, and the stars twinkled in the sky. But the celebration showed no signs of slowing down. Music filled the air as a local band started playing and people started dancing. The pizzeria had transformed into a joyful party.

At one point, I couldn't resist joining in the fun, grabbing a guy on the dance floor. Obito, always eager to compete, challenged us to a dance-off. It turned into a hilarious spectacle, with our friends and customers cheering us on.

The highlight of the night, however, was when Hiruzen Sarutobi took the stage. He surprised everyone by showcasing a few hand signs, rapidly transforming into various customers to imitate them. The crowd erupted in applause and cheers, and for that moment, he wasn't just the Hokage—he was a part of the village's celebration.

Asuma's face while watching his father made me burst out in laughter. Though it hurts thinking of the 50000 ryo worth of sake, he just drank now.

As the night drew to a close, I couldn't have asked for a more perfect grand opening.

Hiruzen Sarutobi's presence had elevated the event.


I stayed back to close the shop and bid farewell to everyone. Making sure Yuma brought Drunk Duy home safely.

It was while closing the shop I heard giggles from a very familiar voice. I soon reached the rooftop, thinking it was impossible that it must be just an anime to make.

I saw the respected and kind Hokage till now, peeping over the wall to the open-air women's hot springs next door. I knew at least some customers went there. That is the reason I purchased it next door.

"Oh, Little Koko grew up to be a fine mother."

"Ah, such beautiful tourists. I must promote the economy of Konoha more and more."

"AH, ha, one more second. Dear Kami, such exciting water plays."

"Hehe. Watching it live is an entirely uncommon thing."

I shuddered in goosebumps at this scene, especially the grunting, nasal sound from his voice that is frankly, Frankly Fuck, I don't know how to describe this shit.

The leader of this village stiffened as if he felt my gaze and turned around mechanically. I am surprised that an S-rank shinobi got surprised and that the Anbu allowed me to catch him like this.

I can think of this valid point later.

In the blink of an eye, the pervert changed to the respectful old man I had seen before, at least in body language. He said in a voice I respected till before this moment, "Hello Kyudo, did everyone leave?"

I felt something in me break at the sight and I am sad to say I blurted out the truth like a child, "Perverted Old shit."