
Naruto: Shikigami Aizen

In the world of Naruto, let's see how Aizen set off a huge wave! You can read 40+ chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon. P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos (just replace the "@" with "a") Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 笔下藏剑 (for the fanfic) and Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)

Lessa_Grace · Anime & Comics
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277 Chs

51.Hidden Fangs

Thank you to Isk0,Shoval,Avacus,Jet Phan,

Alireza Akram, Reaper3435, jahvi ali for their support and becoming a patron on patreon.

You can read 30 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.

PATREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos

(just replace the "@" with "a")

ps: Please support me on Patreon. I really need your help!


In a corner of Konoha.

A clan resides in this area.

By the layered houses, one can tell that the influence of this clan within Konoha is quite significant.

Ninjas coming and going all bear the fan symbol that represents their clan identity.

This is the gathering place of the Uchiha clan.

Inside an ancient house.

A group of elder members of the Uchiha clan are currently gathered here, seemingly discussing some issue.

Seated in the foremost position is a middle-aged man who appears to be quite dignified.

He watches the elders below in silence and speaks in a deep voice.

"The body of Kana has been returned by the Root. According to Danzo, he died from an ambush by Iwa ninjas. The teammates who were with him before his death were Hyuga Saki and Sosuke." (i forgot their name)

As he says this, he looks at the expressions of the people below and continues.

"Our clan members have already investigated. The fatal injury was inflicted on the heart, causing him to bleed to death."

Upon hearing this, the elders below react with some commotion, while others express grief.

After all, Uchiha Kana could be considered one of the outstanding members of the Uchiha clan of this generation, along with Uchiha Tono.

Both of them had one thing in common, their connection with Sosuke.

The result... one ended up in a depressed state after being struck, while the other died outright.

"Sosuke! It's that kid again!? What's the matter with this brat? Wasn't everyone saying that his strength was severely lacking!? Why did Kana die while he's still alive?"

An angry Uchiha elder speaks out.

"Yes! That brat, a mere commoner, has repeatedly offended the dignity of the Uchiha clan. It's quite despicable."

Another elder speaks in a deep voice.

"It's likely that Sosuke is connected to Kana's death! And that kid from the Hyuga clan. Since the Second Hokage, it seems that the Uchiha have been forgotten. It's about time we made some noise."

"Yes, yes!"

As the elders discuss animatedly, the middle-aged man sitting in the main seat coldly watches them, feeling quite restless inside.

These old folks, they must be truly senile. With the withdrawal of Lady Tsunade from the position of Hokage, the Uchiha clan's status is already quite awkward. Yet, they still want to stir up trouble.

"Ahem..." He coughs lightly to attract everyone's attention.

In a cold and indifferent voice, he says, "Kana's death was simply due to an ambush by Iwa ninjas. This has been confirmed by the testimony of the Fire Country's princess and Hyuga Saki. They both witnessed Kana's death at the hands of the Iwa ninjas."

"How can we trust the words of that brat from the Hyuga clan?!" An elder angrily protests.

The middle-aged man, however, coldly gazes at him and speaks in a chilling tone, "Then! Are the words of the princess not trustworthy!?"

"In any case, Kana's death was merely an accident during the mission. Let's put this matter to rest. However, from now on, we will terminate our cooperation with Root. Danzo is not worthy of trust!"

With those words, the elders below do not voice any objections and accept this outcome as the default.

Observing this scene from his seat, the middle-aged man can't help but sigh inwardly.

A group of decayed elders who can only see a corner of the clan, but once faced with an incoming enemy, they no longer have any pawns!

We can't have a falling out with Root just because of Kana's death!

Currently, the clan's position within the village is already quite awkward. If we were to offend Danzo as well, the remaining Konoha ANBU might also become targets!

With this in mind, the middle-aged man's gaze turns slightly cold.


In another part of the village.

A place that resembles a training hall.

Living in the village are a group of ninjas with white pupils!

Each one of them is dressed in loose training clothes, and their muscular bodies indicate that they are ninjas who have been practicing physical techniques for years!

Inside a house, there are several middle-aged people and a young child.

The middle-aged people surround the child, their eyes filled with inquisitive gazes.

"Saki, are you saying that Sosuke saved you and Princess Yuko at the critical moment!?" a robust middle-aged man asks.

Facing the questioning of the elders within the clan, Saki's expression changes, and he looks surprised as he speaks to the middle-aged man.

"Sosuke!? Could it be... Captain Aizen is Sosuke!?"

Hearing his words, the middle-aged man realizes and explains.

"I can't be sure, but based on some information, this recent mission was carried out by you, Uchiha Kana, and Sosuke!"

"With the methods of Danzo, there is a high possibility that Sosuke is Captain Aizen!"

At this moment, another middle-aged person beside them sighs.

"I never expected that Sosuke's strength has already reached such a level. If I remember correctly, he should be one year younger than Saki!"

"Exceptional talents indeed," a middle-aged person remarks.

Then, someone furrows their brow and expresses concern.

"But no matter what, someone from the Uchiha clan sacrificed themselves in this mission. I'm afraid the Uchiha clan won't let it go easily!"

"Yes, yes! The Uchiha clan holds grudges. They won't let this matter rest!" someone agrees.

At this point, the middle-aged man who seems to be in charge speaks in a deep voice.

"Don't make a fuss. What can the Uchiha clan do? Are they in a position to confront us at this moment? Besides, this matter has nothing to do with anyone. The Uchiha kid died due to an accident!"

"Everyone, rest assured. Moreover, with the involvement of Danzo, as long as the Uchiha clan isn't foolish, they won't cause trouble at this time."

"And we, we should take advantage of this time to intervene with Root."

After saying this, a glimmer flashes in the eyes of the middle-aged man.

But Saki, who is beside him, pays no attention to these words. Instead, he ponders over a question repeatedly.

Is Captain Aizen really Sosuke?

To possess such outstanding strength as a commoner!

This Captain Aizen, free from restraints and shackles, like an eagle, might be able to soar into the distant sky and envision a limitless future...

I really want to continue standing behind Captain Aizen, experiencing that reassuring feeling. Will I be able to feel it in the future?

As he reaches the doorway, he stops slightly.

Looking at the warm spring outside, he hesitates to touch it.

Just because he fears that if he comes into contact with such beauty too often, he might become reluctant to let go in the future.

A gentle breeze softly blows, brushing against his face, his forehead, and the bandages on his forehead.

The breeze gently lifts a corner of the bandage.

Revealing the green seal that symbolizes restraints.

Saki squints his eyes and gazes at the dazzling sunlight, his white pupils filled with longing.

Even a bird in a cage yearns for freedom one day. Because it doesn't believe in destiny...