
Naruto: Shikigami Aizen

In the world of Naruto, let's see how Aizen set off a huge wave! You can read 40+ chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon. P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos (just replace the "@" with "a") Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 笔下藏剑 (for the fanfic) and Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)

Lessa_Grace · Anime & Comics
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275 Chs

29.Sparring With Might Dai

Thank you to Isk0 for their support and becoming a patron on patreon.

You can read 30 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.

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(just replace the "@" with "a")

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Sosuke approached and took a closer look!

Sure enough!

That green figure doing a handstand in the morning breeze could only be Might Dai, who else could it be!?

At this moment, Might Dai had both hands supporting him on the ground, doing a full handstand!

His entire arms seemed to tremble under tremendous pressure!!

Around his waist was a rope, and behind him!

He was actually dragging a huge log that could fit several people in a circle with that rope!!!

Seeing this scene, Sosuke couldn't help but widen his pupils slightly, feeling genuinely shocked!

This guy, Might Dai!! Such terrifying training!! Doesn't he realize what kind of horrifying existence he is!

After adjusting his emotions, Sosuke approached and spoke softly.

"Might Dai, long time no see."

Originally covered in sweat, Might Dai, who was about to collapse, widened his eyes in pain upon hearing the voice!

Looking at the figure in white robes in front of him!

Might Dai naturally became extremely excited, pushing with all his might to break free from the rope and jumping up!

With a face full of joy and excitement, he looked at Sosuke!

"Sosu... Sosuke, long time no see!"

Facing Sosuke, his expression and posture were somewhat excited and restrained. After all, in his eyes, Sosuke was not just a simple friend!

Sosuke saved him! Rescued him from his downfall!! He made him pick up the passion of his youth again and rekindled his perseverance in his own path of shinobi!!!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but recall the words Sosuke said to him on the training field at the ninja academy when Sosuke stepped forward to duel with Teacher Morino.

".... The so-called rules exist for those who cannot survive without them."

"..... Might Dai, do you believe in your Taijutsu?"

"..... Well then, Might Dai! Look carefully, with enough strength, even if it's just Taijutsu, you can have your own sky."

The memories were vivid, and for Might Dai, Sosuke was someone who acknowledged him, someone he needed to give his all to respect!

Seeing Might Dai's excited appearance, Sosuke couldn't help but smile.

He truly is a simple and straightforward guy. Perhaps he himself has never realized his own terrifying potential.

Looking at Might Dai, covered in wounds and calloused hands, a thought suddenly appeared in Sosuke's mind!

Thinking of the feasibility of this idea, a smile appeared at the corner of Sosuke's mouth.

"Might Dai, do you still have energy right now? If you can, can I ask you for a taijutsu spar? Come with me."

Hearing Sosuke's words, Might Dai immediately froze in place!

As if his brain had crashed, it took him a while to look at Sosuke with an astonished expression, barely able to speak!!

"Sosuke... Sosuke, even though I still... still have strength, but how is that possible!?"

"How could I be your op... opponent? With my strength, there's no way I can fight against you."

Looking at Sosuke's sincere expression in front of him, Might Dai quickly waved his hands, his face turning red as he spoke.

In Might Dai's eyes, Sosuke's strength was well-known and evident!

Just with his taijutsu alone, he could overpower the mid-level ninja teacher!

The fact that Sosuke, who possessed such strength, suddenly asked him to spar in taijuts

u was truly astonishing to him.

Although he persisted in the path of taijutsu as part of his shinobi way, for Might Dai, it was also a choice out of necessity. After all, he had no way of practicing ninjutsu.

He could only devote more energy to taijutsu alone! And he had self-awareness, although his taijutsu had some remarkable aspects, his own strength would be completely insignificant if his opponent was Sosuke.

However, even though Sosuke usually had a gentle and friendly demeanor, he was now very firm, and this gentle firmness made Might Dai unable to refuse.

He awkwardly agreed, although he knew it was impossible to defeat Sosuke, but Might Dai still attached great importance to this taijutsu duel!

This was his ninja way and his respect for his opponent!

On the field.

Looking at the serious expression on Might Dai's face, Sosuke also became slightly serious, because the opponent was someone worthy of respect!

"Dai, let me see what level of strength you have reached now!"

However, before the battle began, Might Dai suddenly raised his hand to pause. With a reddened face, he looked at Sosuke and said somewhat embarrassedly.

"Sosuke, please wait. Even though it's impossible to defeat you, I still want to give it my all and try!"

After saying that, amidst Sosuke's astonished gaze, he removed the wrist guards from his hands and feet.


As the wrist guards fell to the side, the ground beneath them showed a slight depression, and a large amount of dust splashed up, indicating its weight was definitely not light!

Looking at this scene, and then at Might Dai, who was flexing his muscles after removing his armor!

Sosuke's eyes under the frame of his glasses couldn't help but become slightly serious!

This guy, Dai!! Has he always been training with such protective gear on! What a terrifying talent!

On the other side, Might Dai was fully prepared now, looking seriously at Sosuke.

"Sosuke! Here I come!"

As soon as he finished speaking!

His figure disappeared like a remnant shadow in an instant!

Sosuke looked on in shock, but within his absolute perception, he was aware of everything within a few meters around him!

A dark figure gradually solidified behind him!


A powerful and heavy kick came, but Sosuke blocked it with his left arm.

The ground beneath his feet cracked!

After feeling Might Dai's strength through his left arm, Sosuke couldn't help but have a serious expression!

Indeed!! Under that terrifying training, Dai's strength was like an unfair advantage, completely unlike something a human could possess. If he had to compare, only a huge beast could have such terrifying strength!

However, just after blocking that attack!

Sosuke's movement had not yet changed, and right in front of him!

Might Dai's body had already solidified, his face showing great seriousness!


A fierce knee strike!

But it was blocked by Sosuke using his elbow!

The two collided fiercely and then stepped back!

Looking at Might Dai, a smile appeared at the corner of Sosuke's mouth, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Dai! You have unparalleled talent in taijutsu! But with just that, it's still not enough to fully satisfy me. Show me your true strength, I believe this is not your limit."

Dai, show your true power. I believe you are far more than this. Your terrifying physique is truly frightening. Feeling a slight pain in his elbow and arm, Sosuke thought with a smile.

After the battle with Sosuke, Might Dai deeply felt his power!

It seemed that nothing could threaten him, no matter what kind of attack or speed! It all seemed to be within Sosuke's control!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel unwilling. In terms of taijutsu, he didn't think he could defeat Sosuke! But! Wasn't he even able to fully satisfy Sosuke!?

Might Dai looked at Sosuke with a serious expression and said,

"Sosuke, then! From now on, you should take it seriously. I haven't used this technique in front of anyone before! I hope it can satisfy you!"

Upon hearing his words, a hint of excitement appeared in Sosuke's eyes behind his glasses.

A gentle breeze passed by, and he stood straight in the distance, with a faint smile on his face, carefully observing Might Dai, seemingly full of anticipation for what was to come!

Dai, let me see the hidden power within you!

"Open! Release!"

With Dai's shout!

"Boom!" A powerful chakra burst forth from his body like a rising cloud, but it didn't stop there!

"Kai... Kai gate! Release!"

Only now Might Dai's face was slightly flushed! Veins bulged all over his body! His hair danced in the rising chakra!

And in the distance, Sosuke looked at Dai with a shocked expression!

Is this your hidden power!! Dai!! To instantly elevate your chakra to such a level!!! Terrifying technique!!

Thinking about his own chakra shortage problem!

Although Sosuke was amazed, there was a hint of delight in his eyes!

If it's really possible, then it couldn't be better!!!

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