
Naruto: Shikigami Aizen

In the world of Naruto, let's see how Aizen set off a huge wave! You can read 40+ chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon. P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos (just replace the "@" with "a") Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 笔下藏剑 (for the fanfic) and Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)

Lessa_Grace · Anime & Comics
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276 Chs

156.The Departing Youth and the Talk of Ants

Thank you to Viswa Venkat Mounish Vadlapudi, kiddeath1998, J, Jal, Miguel razo, Chamar Ellis for their support and becoming a patron on p@treon.

You can read 40+ chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon.

P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos

(just replace the "@" with "a")

Check Out My Other works: Omniscient Reader: Different Way to Live

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Due to recent news, the entire Leaf Village is buzzing with excitement. The names of several Leaf Village prodigies are being spread throughout the streets, and gradually, this joyful noise reaches a tranquil, ancient family gathering place.

In the spacious courtyard, a brown-haired young man is paying full attention as his clansmen discuss the matter of the Leaf's Three Legendary Ninjas. When he hears the name "Tsunade-hime" his hazel eyes shine, and an involuntary smile of joy appears on his face.

Sister is actually one of the recently talked-about Leaf's Three Legendary Ninjas! How amazing!

Tsunade-hime, Master Orochimaru, and even... Big Brother Jiraiya are all so incredible! I never thought Big Brother Jiraiya would be this powerful, fighting against the legendary demigod!

As he contemplates this, a hint of yearning crosses the young man's face. As if he's remembered something, a determined look appears on his young face, and he glances around.

Subsequently, he uses Transformation Jutsu to change into a small cat and secretly leaves the spacious courtyard.

On the streets of Leaf Village, the young man who has escaped using Transformation Jutsu wears a triumphant smile on his face.

Perfect! I've escaped smoothly!

Next, I'll show off on the battlefield too!

By then, I'm sure I'll leave Sister and Master Orochimaru in awe!

Thinking about this, he cracks a brilliant smile, and under the warm sunlight, the emerald necklace around his neck gleams brightly.

Meanwhile, in a secluded corner of Leaf Village, within the vast and ancient residential district of a clan, several high-ranking Uchiha members are gathered in a large house, engaging in enthusiastic discussions.

As a robust, middle-aged man with sharp facial features slowly entered, the people below ceased their discussions. Nevertheless, their faces were still filled with joy.

"Lord Mayoi, we have excellent news," said a high-ranking Uchiha.

Beside him, another person nodded and smiled, saying, "Indeed, Lord Mayoi, Master Shino has brought great honor to the Uchiha clan! Achieving such remarkable feats at such a young age, he has truly outshone the Uchiha clan on the battlefield!"

Listening to the praise from those below, Mayoi, the head of the Uchiha clan sitting at the main seat, also had a faint smile on his face as he said, "What Shino has achieved is but a minor accomplishment, far from the glory of the Uchiha clan. However, what he has done is of significant importance for our clan at this moment."

Mayoi's eyes revealed a glint, and his expression turned slightly grave as he continued, "Following this reputation, the Uchiha clan should take this opportunity to reconcile with the Third Hokage. This will have a major impact on both the Uchiha clan and Shino's future."

Hearing this, the high-ranking members below were somewhat puzzled, not quite understanding the clan head's intentions.

"But, Lord Mayoi, now that Master Shino's reputation is at its peak, shouldn't we aim to spread the name of the Uchiha clan? After all, this will provide Master Shino with an additional edge when he competes for the position of Hokage," one high-ranking member inquired.

"Yes, Lord Mayoi, whether it's Orochimaru or Jiraiya, or even that Leaf White Fang and the young genius who created the Spiritualization Jutsu, they are all significant competitors for Master Shino in the future," another concurred.

Upon hearing their words, Lord Mayoi, seated at the head, had a slightly grave expression on his face and whispered a single sentence.

"It seems you have forgotten about someone... 'Child of Konoha,' Sōsuke..."

Hearing this, the high-ranking members below were somewhat stunned, and then their faces revealed shock.

That young man had a history with the Uchiha clan...

And he had a close relationship with Danzo...

Although many years had passed... if that boy were to become the Fourth Hokage... how would the Uchiha clan deal with it...

In the meantime, due to Jiraiya's momentary whims and his self-indulgent ideas, the matter he entrusted to Tsunade had unintentionally stirred up quite a commotion among the Legendary Sannin, gaining them tremendous fame!

The entire Leaf Village was buzzing with excitement because of their titles as the Legendary Sannin. Consequently, the villagers engaged in fervent discussions about the new generation of Leaf ninjas.

While the villagers enthusiastically debated which of the Leaf's young talents had excelled on the battlefield, far away in the Land of Rain's borders, the "Child of the Leaf," who had recently risen to the pinnacle of fame, had appeared in the enemy village of Rain Ninja.

A rolling thunder...

The sunny weather that had prevailed in the Rain Ninja village for the past few days did not last long. Soon, the sky darkened, and the thick clouds occasionally rumbled with thunder.

The few villagers on the streets of the Rain Ninja village retreated to their homes upon witnessing this scene.

At this moment, with the sound of slow, steady footsteps...

Gradually, three imposing figures appeared on the street.

"Jinnai, I'll help you deal with the remaining high-ranking members of the Rain Ninja village. Given your position in the Rain Ninja village over the past few years, you should be able to control the situation."

Sōsuke, who was walking at the front of the three, raised a faint smile and looked to Jinnai, saying softly.

Hearing this, Jinnai's narrow eyes squinted slightly, and he grinned broadly.

"I thought Captain Aizen originally intended for me to try to persuade them first and then deal with the resisting dissidents."

"But you... you've chosen to help me eliminate all of them directly."

In response, a smile passed through Sōsuke's eyes, and he said softly, "The lingering remnants of a decaying ruling class will ultimately bring some regrets to the newly emerging nation."

"This new nation should be injected with fresh blood. This task is entrusted to you."

Hearing his words, Jinnai's lips curled into a broad, playful smile, and he spoke softly.

"It is truly an honor to earn your trust."

"But... even though the group of foolish high-ranking members didn't play any significant role while Hanzo was still alive, their strength is still not to be underestimated... Are you sure you want to confront them directly?"

Upon hearing this, Sōsuke chuckled softly, shook his head slightly, and continued forward, turning his back on Jinnai.

Jinnai was left somewhat puzzled.

Sōsuke... Captain...

What is supporting your confidence at such a young age?

Could it be... Are you truly a deity?

In the dim underground of the Leaf, within the Root's headquarters.

In a spacious room...

Several high-ranking members of the Uchiha clan had gathered and were having an animated discussion.

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