
Naruto : Sequence 0 Visionary

Sogetsu was reborn in Naruto World with “Lord of Mysteries System” and chooses the Visionary Pathway. Kakashi: He's the best psychiatrist I've ever known. He helped me heal from my trauma. Itachi: Listen, thank you. If it weren't for you, I would've been stuck in my own shadow forever! Danzo: We've got a traitor in our midst... Wait, why are you all looking at me like that? Black Zetsu: I don't know why, but I feel like I've been living under his shadow. He seems to predict every single move I make! Madara Uchiha: Uchiha Sogetsu, you're taking things a bit too far... During the Fourth Great Ninja War, tens of thousands of ninja alliance troops stood at the ready, prepared for battle. Uchiha Sogetsu adjusted his glasses and smiled slightly. “Who told you that a psychiatrist... is weak?” On that day, a massive gray-white dragon towered over the battlefield like a divine presence. Anyone who gazed upon it was struck with profound mental distress, their thoughts twisted, their sanity frayed. Madness soon followed. ***** Hey guys, I will upload this story regularly. So please add this to your collection if you like it. Also even if you haven't read LOTM you can still read this novel and understand it. You can read upto ch 10 and decide for yourself whether you like it or not. ********** Raw Link https://69shuba.cx/book/57777/ ******* Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/Unique_Writer ******** Also if you can visit my youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@aayume_official

Nobody2NoBody · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 8 : Konoha Hospital!!

Orochimaru awoke from his dream with a sudden jolt, sitting up straight with a cold, penetrating gaze that felt like it could cut through steel. His eyes darted around the lab, taking in his surroundings with keen alertness.

The research room was empty, filled with the familiar scent of disinfectant, and the sky outside the window was still shrouded in darkness.

"Back already?" he muttered, relaxing his tense shoulders and leaning back in his chair. He glanced at the clock on the wall. 

Only about ten minutes had passed since he fell asleep, but the dream had felt like at least half an hour. It was clear that time flowed differently in the mysterious "Corpse Cathedral" he had visited in his dream.

Orochimaru rubbed his temples, his expression hardening as a flicker of fear and anger crossed his face. Adam, the enigmatic figure he encountered in his dream, had left him with a cryptic warning: "Be careful of the Third Hokage and Danzo."

Orochimaru wasn't surprised by the cautionary note about Danzo. Their collaboration had grown more secretive, delving into projects that defied Konoha's rules and ethics. 

Even though they worked together, Orochimaru knew that betrayal was always a possibility. He didn't want to believe it, but the fate of White Fang, a fellow ninja who met a tragic end, was a grim reminder to stay vigilant.

As he thought about his next move, Orochimaru opened a scroll, deleted the final paragraph, and rewrote it: "Research into Wood Release is progressing well, but more test subjects are needed. It is hoped that additional inmates from Konoha Prison can be provided for the experiments. Yours sincerely, Orochimaru."

He sealed the scroll with a cynical smile. "Fate, let's see what you have in store," he murmured, his purple eyes half-closed as he contemplated his next steps.

Meanwhile, in a different location, the black mist began to recede like a receding tide. Uchiha Sogetsu slowly opened his eyes, the throbbing pain in his head causing him to wince. In the corner, a brass candlestick that had been burning brightly was now extinguished.

White smoke filled the room, carrying a distinct aroma that permeated the air.

"Keeping a Sequence 3 Dream Weaving is exhausting," Sogetsu said as he gently rubbed his temples, hoping to relieve some of the pressure. 

While it wasn't a complete fix, it helped ease the burden a little. He exhaled deeply. "For a group of ten people, the mental strain means the dream can only last ten minutes."

The Hermes brass candlestick was the focal point for creating the 'dream.' 

This Beyonder artifact, crafted with the traits of the Sequence 3 Dream Weaver, had some of the Dream Weaver's abilities. It could shape a dream of the holder's choosing and draw people within a kilometer into that dream. 

The duration and potency of the constructed dream depended on the mental energy required to keep the candlestick burning.

But, as with any Beyonder artifact, it had serious side effects.

First, while maintaining the Dream Weaving, the holder's spiritual energy would deplete quickly. If it dropped too low, symptoms like loss of control and insanity could occur.

Second, after using the Hermes brass candlestick, there'd be a bout of 'bad luck' lasting about 24 hours.

This 'bad luck' wasn't about typical luck. Instead, with Hermes' brass candlestick at the center, everyone within a kilometer's radius would feel an inexplicable hostility. 

Sogetsu suspected that the candlestick, due to its Dream Weaver characteristics, was manipulating subconscious minds on a large scale, affecting everyone's thoughts.

In other words, the candlestick seemed like it wanted to harm its holder.

"Just like 0-08," Sogetsu muttered to himself as he hid the Hermes brass candlestick and drifted off to sleep.

The night passed without incident.

As the sun rose, Sogetsu awoke naturally. This had become a habit from her time on the battlefield.

Being a ninja meant always being aware of your surroundings, whether on the battlefield or not. One moment of negligence could lead to irreversible consequences.

After dressing, Sogetsu left the Uchiha mansion.

As he walked, he noticed people giving him strange looks, mixed with a hint of hostility.

"I hope today goes smoothly," he thought to himself, knowing what might be causing these reactions. He quickened his pace, heading toward Konoha Hospital.

"Good morning, Dr. Sogetsu," a nurse greeted her.

"Morning, Dr. Sogetsu," said another. 

"Is Dr. Sogetsu here?" a colleague asked.

Sogetsu nodded and kept moving, hoping to avoid any unnecessary incidents.

Fortunately, Konoha Hospital was a fair distance from the Uchiha mansion, well beyond the reach of Hermes' brass candlestick.

Otherwise, Sogetsu would have seriously considered not coming today.

After all, his 'patient' was someone with a rather violent reputation.

As Sogetsu made his way to the top-floor office of the hospital, he straightened his clothes, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

The scene that greeted him was enchanting: the soft morning sun streamed through the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting a golden glow across the shoulders of a woman. 

Her long blonde hair was tied into a ponytail, cascading down her back. Her face was delicate, with a beauty that seemed to defy her nearly thirty years of age. 

Her skin was as smooth and radiant as that of a baby, and her eyelashes were long, fluttering slightly as she dozed off, her head resting on her hand.

Sogetsu could see why Tsunade topped the list of the most attractive women in Konoha.

She had earned her title as the "Queen of Hearts"—Tsunade Senju.

But the serene scene was abruptly shattered as Tsunade woke up. 

"Aahhh," she yawned, stretching her arms with a vigour that was far from elegant. The movement caused her ample chest to heave, forcing Sogetsu to look away, his inner voice chanting, "Don't look, don't look."

He fixed his gaze on the floor, doing his best impression of a meditating monk in the face of such close proximity to... certain distractions.

"Hey, kid, you're here," Tsunade said, her eyes half-open, her pink lips barely parting as she spoke. She still looked half-asleep. "Sorry, I was out late last night, playing a few rounds of cards."

Sogetsu had to resist the urge to comment, instead replying with practiced calm, "Tsunade-sama, if today isn't a good time for treatment, I can come back tomorrow."

Senju Tsunade was, technically, one of his clients.

But why "technically"?

It was simple. Because this woman had a habit of not paying him after her treatments.

"Don't worry about it," Tsunade said dismissively, waving a hand. "Just today, I made a ton of cash last night!"

Uchiha Sogetsu was startled by this declaration. Tsunade? Making a fortune? He thought to himself, "That's... interesting."

According to nina world's Law, whenever Tsunade had good luck, it usually meant someone else was in for a bad day—and it was often someone close to her.

"Alright, Tsunade-sama." Sogetsu kept his thoughts to himself, but the way his eyebrows twitched made it clear that he was more than a little concerned. 

Out loud, though, he replied, "Understood, Tsunade-sama." He didn't dare question her; the last thing he wanted was to end up on her bad side.

"Thanks for your help, kid," Tsunade said with a rare touch of warmth in her voice. She straightened up in her seat and added softly, "Without you, I might still be lost in the shadows of the past."

"It's no problem. I'm just glad I can help," Sogetsu replied with a gentle smile. His eyes turned a deep red, and the three tomoe of the Sharingan appeared. "Ready when you are, Tsunade-sama. Let's begin the treatment. Just try to relax."

"Okay, I'm ready," Tsunade replied. The look in her brown eyes softened as memories from long ago began to resurface, and she started to let her guard down.

"Genjutsu: Wish Fulfillment!" 

Sogetsu made a few quick hand signs, and his Sharingan spun rapidly. But this was just for show; the real magic happened within his mind. He focused his spiritual energy, and a burst of light appeared in his eyes. 


Through his mental vision, he saw the door to Tsunade's subconscious mind open. This was his chance.

"Let's see how deep this suggestion can go," Sogetsu thought as he carefully entered the depths of Tsunade's mind, implanting a subtle psychological suggestion.


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