
Naruto : Sequence 0 Visionary

Sogetsu was reborn in Naruto World with “Lord of Mysteries System” and chooses the Visionary Pathway. Kakashi: He's the best psychiatrist I've ever known. He helped me heal from my trauma. Itachi: Listen, thank you. If it weren't for you, I would've been stuck in my own shadow forever! Danzo: We've got a traitor in our midst... Wait, why are you all looking at me like that? Black Zetsu: I don't know why, but I feel like I've been living under his shadow. He seems to predict every single move I make! Madara Uchiha: Uchiha Sogetsu, you're taking things a bit too far... During the Fourth Great Ninja War, tens of thousands of ninja alliance troops stood at the ready, prepared for battle. Uchiha Sogetsu adjusted his glasses and smiled slightly. “Who told you that a psychiatrist... is weak?” On that day, a massive gray-white dragon towered over the battlefield like a divine presence. Anyone who gazed upon it was struck with profound mental distress, their thoughts twisted, their sanity frayed. Madness soon followed. ***** Hey guys, I will upload this story regularly. So please add this to your collection if you like it. Also even if you haven't read LOTM you can still read this novel and understand it. You can read upto ch 10 and decide for yourself whether you like it or not. ********** Raw Link https://www.69shu.top/txt/57777/37375854 ******* Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/Unique_Writer

Nobody2NoBody · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 53 : Conspiracy Against Danzo!!

Returning to his room, Uchiha Sogetsu had just sat down when he sensed something unusual.

On the table, there was a cup of freshly brewed green tea, steaming gently.

"Long time no see. I was starting to wonder if something had happened to you. How are you?" His tone was casual, like he was greeting an old friend, as he glanced toward a shadowy corner of the room.

The next moment, the shadow shifted, and a figure emerged from the wall. 

The man wore a white ANBU animal mask. He dropped to one knee respectfully, bowing his head as he spoke in a hoarse voice, "Lord Sogetsu, forgive me for not coming sooner. Danzo's been extra cautious lately, and this was the first chance I had to see you."

"Raise your head, Ryoma."

Uchiha Sogetsu showed no sign of blame. His dark eyes held a calm, gentle look: "There's nothing to apologize for. I understand."

Seeing those eyes, Ryoma felt an unexpected sense of warmth—something he hadn't experienced in a long time. There was something indescribably soothing about Sogetsu's gaze, a magical quality that eased his mind and filled him with a sense of peace.

"Yes, Lord Sogetsu," he replied, relishing this newfound calm.

"The tea's good. You've always been attentive, Ryoma." Uchiha Sogetsu picked up the teacup, took a sip, and smiled. "Given your nature, you wouldn't just drop by without reason. Let me guess, it's about Danzo, isn't it?"

"My tea-making skills aren't that great, but I'm glad you like it," Ryoma said, feeling a surge of excitement as he watched Sogetsu enjoy the tea. 

It was a far cry from his usual life in the shadows. He added, "Lord Sogetsu, Danzo and the Third Hokage are quietly investigating you. Do you need me to step in?"

"Why would you need to intervene?" Uchiha Sogetsu replied, his voice calm and even.

"I'm worried that if the investigation continues, it may..." Ryoma trailed off, leaving his words hanging in the air. It was clear he was concerned that Uchiha Sogetsu's secret might be uncovered.

No matter how well something is hidden, clues are bound to surface eventually.

Though Ryoma didn't know exactly what Uchiha Sogetsu was planning, he felt obligated to share his concerns with his master.

"It doesn't matter; let them investigate." Uchiha Sogetsu appeared unconcerned, showing no signs of anxiety about the ongoing investigation.

Ryoma, however, was less composed. 

"Lord Sogetsu, as far as I know, the Third Hokage had a long private meeting with Nara Shikaku and Yamanaka Inoichi. It seems like they're planning to investigate you. Nara Shikaku is not to be underestimated; he's excellent at piecing together clues to find the truth!"

"Oh, that's not important." Uchiha Sogetsu shook his head with a casual smile.

From the beginning, he hadn't been concerned about what Nara Shikaku and the Third Hokage had discussed. His idea was to let Shikaku Nara and Inoichi Yamanaka use the Chunin Exams to keep an eye on the Uchiha clan, including himself.

Given the Uchiha clan's less-than-stellar reputation, it was no surprise that they were being investigated. They had a dark history, and many among them were dissatisfied with the restrictions placed on them by the Third Hokage.

It's not just the legacy of Uchiha Madara; many in the clan had become arrogant and overconfident. As a result, the Uchiha often clashed with others in Konoha. But they still held themselves in high regard, sowing the seeds of their own destruction.

Despite being one of Konoha's founding clans, led by Fugaku, the Uchiha clan showed little restraint. Their behavior had alienated them from the village's other clans, contributing to the tragic events that led to their extermination.

However, this had little to do with Uchiha Sogetsu. In his plan, he would be long gone by the time the clan faced its ultimate fate.

"Don't worry about this for now," he said, dismissing Ryoma's concerns with a wave of his hand.

Uchiha Sogetsu gently caressed the surface of his teacup with his fingers. "As for Danzo," he said calmly, "I'll deal with him soon, once my hands are free."

Ryoma knew that further persuasion was pointless, so he just sighed. "If there's nothing else, I should leave early. Staying out too long might raise suspicions," he said, sensing it was time to go.

But then, something unexpected happened. Ryoma straightened his spine, adjusted his posture, and knelt on the ground, bowing at a 90-degree angle with his forehead touching the floor. "Lord Sogetsu, I have another request. Please, I beg you to grant it!"

Uchiha Sogetsu was slightly taken aback by this formal display. "Oh? What's the matter? Go ahead."

Ryoma, still kneeling, bowed even lower, bending at the waist. He raised his head to look at Sogetsu, his expression intensely serious despite the awkward posture. 

"My life doesn't matter," he said with deep reverence. "But if anything happens that could endanger you, I ask that you abandon me without hesitation!"

"Sacrificing my insignificant life to help you, even just a little, would be an honor for this Aburame Ryoma!"

His eyes were full of zeal, almost like a devout believer.

"You don't need to tell me this, Ryoma," replied Uchiha Sogetsu with a gentle gaze. "If it's necessary, I won't hesitate to abandon you."

Was this strange?

No, not at all. In fact, this was exactly as Uchiha Sogetsu had expected. From the moment he met Aburame Ryoma, he'd used psychological suggestions and hypnosis to gradually manipulate him.

This is the Spectator Pathway.

Uchiha Sogetsu couldn't fight head-on, but he had the ability to manipulate minds and twist loyalties. Now, with just one look, he could make Ryoma lay down his life for him.

"Ryoma," Sogetsu said, "is there something else you'd like to ask?"

Ryoma nodded cautiously. "My Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal is still there. I don't understand how you bypassed it to make me talk about Danzo. Could you explain how you did it? Can I now freely speak about him?"

"The Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal is a technique that targets the neural pathways in the brain," Uchiha Sogetsu explained.

He anticipated Ryoma's question, so he pulled out a charm from his robe. "You don't really need to understand the specifics," he said. "This charm will help you achieve what you need."

The charm was infused with the power of a Sequence 6 hypnotist, making it an extraordinary tool created by Uchiha Sogetsu himself.

It had one main function: to break the Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal, a binding and restriction placed deep within the brain's neural pathways.

Ryoma accepted the charm with both hands, bowing deeply, his knees touching the floor. Slowly, he merged into the shadows in the corner of the room. He left without a sound; he had other matters to attend to.

Danzo is really like a rat in the gutter, just as Sogetsu-sama said.

Ryoma, as he vanished into the shadows, felt a rush of excitement, his whole body quivering with anticipation. "This is the 'peace of mind' I've been seeking," he thought. "Lord Sogetsu, what are you pursuing? I hope I get to see that day. But even if I don't, it's okay. I promise there will be many more 'people' like me."

From today, he would transform the entire 'Root'—a massive overhaul.

Meanwhile, in the underground darkness, Danzo felt a sudden chill run down his spine.

"Strange. Why do I have this ominous feeling?" he muttered to himself.


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