
Naruto : Sequence 0 Visionary

Sogetsu was reborn in Naruto World with “Lord of Mysteries System” and chooses the Visionary Pathway. Kakashi: He's the best psychiatrist I've ever known. He helped me heal from my trauma. Itachi: Listen, thank you. If it weren't for you, I would've been stuck in my own shadow forever! Danzo: We've got a traitor in our midst... Wait, why are you all looking at me like that? Black Zetsu: I don't know why, but I feel like I've been living under his shadow. He seems to predict every single move I make! Madara Uchiha: Uchiha Sogetsu, you're taking things a bit too far... During the Fourth Great Ninja War, tens of thousands of ninja alliance troops stood at the ready, prepared for battle. Uchiha Sogetsu adjusted his glasses and smiled slightly. “Who told you that a psychiatrist... is weak?” On that day, a massive gray-white dragon towered over the battlefield like a divine presence. Anyone who gazed upon it was struck with profound mental distress, their thoughts twisted, their sanity frayed. Madness soon followed. ***** Hey guys, I will upload this story regularly. So please add this to your collection if you like it. Also even if you haven't read LOTM you can still read this novel and understand it. You can read upto ch 10 and decide for yourself whether you like it or not. ********** Raw Link https://www.69shu.top/txt/57777/37375854 ******* Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/Unique_Writer

Nobody2NoBody · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Chapter 50 : Times have Changed!!

Nara Shikaku looked strikingly like his son Shikamaru, wearing the characteristic Nara clan ponytail and a green jounin vest. 

Despite his youthful appearance, his calm demeanor and adeptness at handling people made it clear why Sarutobi Hiruzen had entrusted him with significant responsibilities at such a young age.

"Thank you for your hard work. Since it's Hokage-sama's orders, let's get started," Shikaku said politely.

Uchiha Sogetsu had some free time on his hands, so he nodded in agreement. "No problem," he replied.

Shikaku smiled and continued, "It's reassuring to have someone from the Uchiha clan for this Chunin Exam. Your clan's reputation is well-deserved. I look forward to working with you."

After some polite exchanges, they left the Uchiha clan territory together.

As they walked, Shikaku suddenly brought up a new topic, "I heard you're quite skilled in illusions, Sogetsu?"

Uchiha Sogetsu pushed up his glasses and replied calmly, "Yes, my Sharingan seems to have a talent for genjutsu. Why do you ask, Mr. Shikaku?"

While replying, he subtly activated his Spirit Vision, observing Nara Shikaku's mental state. He detected hints of wariness, suspicion, and confusion. Shikaku's emotions seemed to be quite active.

"Ah, hahahaha," Shikaku laughed nervously. "No reason, just a little curious."

A gleam appeared in Nara Shikaku's eyes, but he quickly masked it with a casual demeanor, pretending to engage in light conversation. 

He said, "To be honest, I've been feeling a bit off lately. I heard you're quite skilled in this area, so I thought I'd try out your psychological therapy."

"Of course, for you, Mr. Shikaku, I can offer a 20% discount," replied Uchiha Sogetsu with a gentle smile.

His response was flawless, and his facial expression showed no hint of deceit.

"Great, I'll give it a try once I'm done with my current obligations," Shikaku replied. He then shifted his focus, suppressing his suspicions for the time being. 

"Let's get going; the others should be there by now."

"Understood, Mr. Shikaku," Sogetsu replied calmly.

As they walked, Sogetsu's inner thoughts raced. It seemed like Danzo's recent tirades, though often nonsensical, had caught the attention of the higher-ups. 

Nara Shikaku's subtle tests indicated that he might be acting under Sarutobi Hiruzen's orders, tasked with discreetly investigating whether Sogetsu's therapy techniques or his genjutsu held any threat to Konoha.

If Sogetsu's instincts were right, then Shikaku wasn't working alone; there was probably someone else involved in this secret investigation. 

Given the specialized nature of the inquiry, it was likely someone from the Yamanaka clan, known for their expertise in mind related techniques.

Sogetsu inwardly smirked. "Haha, let them investigate," he thought to himself. He felt no concern about being secretly examined, in fact, he welcomed it. 

During his therapy sessions, he had planted deep-seated psychological suggestions in his patients. Knowing there would be investigations, he had hidden these hints well within the soul's island of consciousness.

Even if Yamanaka Inoichi were to probe the minds of all those involved, Sogetsu was confident that the 'suggestions' he implanted would remain undetectable.

This confidence stemmed from the unique traits of the 'Spectator' pathway. If a Sequence 6 Hypnotist could be uncovered so easily, then Sogetsu would have chosen a different pathway, perhaps 'Error' from another Sequence Group.

As Sogetsu and Shikaku reached the Hokage Building, they found that several others had already gathered. 

Those present represented Konoha's new generation and high-ranking officials, including Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and his advisors, alongside notable figures such as Orochimaru, Namikaze Minato, representatives from the Ino-shika-cho clans, and members of the Hyuga clan.

Uchiha Sogetsu was somewhat puzzled. It was unusual for so many influential figures to gather for a Chunin Exam. Even though it was an important event, it typically didn't warrant this level of attention from Konoha's top political leaders.

"Why would all these people show up just for a Chunin Exam?" he thought to himself. Something felt off, suggesting that this exam was far from ordinary.

Sarutobi Hiruzen cleared his throat, tapping his pipe against the table to gather everyone's attention. "Now that everyone's here, let's get started," he announced. 

"This Chunin Exam is going to be different from the past. Considering the current unstable situation in the ninja world, I propose that we change the old system and invite Sunagakure and Iwagakure to co-host the exam. I'd like to hear your thoughts."

With that one statement, Hiruzen set the tone for the entire meeting. It was now up to the others to discuss the implications.

Sitting at the end of the table, Uchiha Sogetsu glanced at Orochimaru, noting that he seemed detached, his expression revealing little interest in the proceedings.

"Hiruzen, I disagree with your decision," said Koharu, one of the Hokage's advisors, as she immediately challenged the Hokage. "Your idea is too risky. What if someone uses this opportunity to launch an attack from within Konoha?"

"Yes, Hiruzen," Mitokado Homura, another advisor, chimed in. "I also agree with Koharu. Don't forget, the Chunin Exam system was established by Tobirama-sensei. Changing it without careful consideration could lead to more harm than good."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's usual calm demeanor seemed to crack slightly at the opposition from his advisors. He turned his attention to Nara Shikaku, signaling him to weigh in on the matter.

"With all due respect, the advisors' concerns are valid," said Nara Shikaku, who understood that it was his turn to speak. "But I believe that Hokage-sama's proposal holds more advantages than risks."

Without giving Koharu and Mitokado Homura a chance to argue, Nara Shikaku continued, "After the Second Hokage's death, the truce between the major ninja villages has only been temporary. The situation has gotten increasingly tense, and we can't just sit around and do nothing. That's why the Third Hokage invited the kages from Iwagakure and Sunagakure. Partly, it's to take the lead in forming alliances, but it's also to showcase Konoha's power."

Orochimaru smirked, his eyes filled with sarcasm, but he kept silent.

"Advisors, we can't delay just because we're afraid of war," Shikaku stated firmly. 

"We need to be prepared in advance. We can't let what happened last time happen again. We need to unite with our allies, and at the same time, show our strength to let them know that even though the Second Hokage is gone, Konoha is still a force to be reckoned with."


Koharu and Mitokado Homura exchanged uneasy glances. It was clear they hadn't thought this through completely, and they hesitated.

"Ahem, yes, Shikaku is right," Sarutobi Hiruzen said, tapping his pipe thoughtfully. "That's exactly what I mean, Koharu, Homura. Times have changed."

The decisive statement felt like a dagger's thrust, showing Sarutobi Hiruzen's new assertiveness.

Koharu and Mitokado Homura's expressions shifted instantly, as did those of the representatives from the Hyuga clan.

Everyone understood the message behind Hiruzen's words: this wasn't the Second Hokage's era anymore—it was the Third Hokage's, and he wasn't one to back down.

Refuse? Impossible!

Koharu and Mitokado Homura shared a helpless look. They knew there was no stopping Sarutobi Hiruzen's momentum. If they refused, what could they even do?


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