
Naruto: Senju's God of War

In a fascinating turn of events, a man finds himself mysteriously transmigrated into the intricate world of Naruto. As destiny weaves its threads, he crosses paths with Tobirama, who, in a remarkable twist of fate, becomes his savior. Embracing his newfound role, he assumes the mantle of the guardian for the esteemed Senju Clan. His prowess in combat is nothing short of extraordinary, with a strength that resonates powerfully through every battle. His unwavering dedication and active participation in numerous wars contribute to the accumulation of a distinguished reputation. As tales of his exploits spread far and wide, he is hailed as the revered God of War of the Senju Clan. His name is Kratos, God of War. **** Like my work and want to me to continue writing? Then support me on Patreon: https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822 Want to interact with me? Then Join Discord: https://discord.gg/C7s9YjvG3p

Hkj · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Ch-13 Trap the beast.

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After witnessing Gradungr effortlessly killed three skilled Chunin ninjas, the countenance of the Jonin grew noticeably solemn. It dawned on him that this formidable beast could not be allowed to roam unchecked, as such negligence might lead to unwarranted casualties among the skilled ninjas of Sunagakure.

Without a moment's hesitation, the Jonin decisively addressed his assembled ninja team, emphasizing the urgency of the situation, "We cannot afford to let this powerful beast roam freely. Each of you has witnessed the sheer might it possesses, and we must act swiftly to address this imminent threat. Allowing Gradungr to take advantage of our unpreparedness could result in a devastating sneak attack."

The surrounding ninjas nodded in unison, acknowledging the gravity of the situation and concurring that immediate action was imperative to deal with the menacing beast.

With a firm tone, the Jonin issued a specific directive, "I call upon all ninjas proficient in the art of 'Earth Release: Bottomless Swamp' to step forward."

Three capable ninjas promptly heeded the call, stepping into the forefront and expressing their proficiency, "We are well-versed in the techniques of 'Earth Release: Bottomless Swamp.'"

The Jonin, conveying his approval with a nod, further instructed the selected ninjas, "Very well. As we entangle Gradungr, I entrust you to utilize 'Earth Release: Bottomless Swamp' to effectively trap the beast and neutralize its threat."

The trio of ninjas responded with a collective nod, signifying their acknowledgment of the Jonin's directives.

With the Jonin leading the charge, accompanied by three skilled Chunin ninjas, they initiated a coordinated assault on Gradungr. However, Gradungr, far from being passive, countered by unleashing a formidable Ice Wave directed towards the advancing ninjas. Employing the swift 'Body Flicker Technique,' the Jonin and his accompanying Chunin ninjas seamlessly disappeared from their original positions, deftly sidestepping the oncoming icy onslaught.

Reappearing strategically beside Gradungr, these agile ninjas executed simultaneous attacks from various angles. Confronted with assaults converging from all directions, Gradungr responded with a sweeping countermove, releasing a substantial ice wave emanating in all four directions from his central position. Recognizing the imminent danger, the attacking ninjas astutely avoided the icy surge, skillfully evading its freezing grasp and tactically withdrawing.

While the Jonin and the accompanying Chunin ninjas may not have succeeded in inflicting physical harm upon Gradungr, their mission was not one of causing harm. Instead, their overarching objective was achieved — successfully confining Gradungr to a specific location, effectively limiting its mobility.

The three prepared ninjas promptly unleashed the jutsu 'Earth Release: Bottomless Swamp.' Gradungr felt the impact of the technique as the massive beast began to sink into the mud. Despite Gradungr's efforts, it proved futile to escape the inevitable fate of being submerged in the thick mud.

Facing the option to freeze the entire mud pit he found himself in, Gradungr refrained from doing so. He was aware that taking such action would not only consume a significant amount of time, even with the assistance of Kratos, but also jeopardize Kratos's urgency. As Kratos's loyal companion beast, Gradungr chose not to impede his master's pace and opted to endure the sinking rather than slowing down Kratos.

Just as one of the ninjas, utilizing the potent technique 'Earth Release: Bottomless Swamp,' breathed a sigh of relief upon witnessing Gradungr's entrapment, a sudden and unexpected axe swung from behind. It connected with the ninja's head, cleaving it in half and bringing about immediate demise. The abruptness of the attack left no room for reaction.

Kratos, the formidable presence, materialized behind the remaining two ninjas who had also employed the trapping jutsu. Without affording them even a moment to defend themselves, he unleashed powerful punches that connected with both ninjas simultaneously, shattering their heads with a resounding impact.

Now that the ninjas, instrumental in trapping Gradungr, lay defeated and inert, Kratos found himself free of immediate concerns. The deliberate decision to withhold immediate defense for Gradungr stemmed from Kratos's strategic intent. He had purposefully refrained from intervening to draw out and confront ninjas possessing the unique ability to immobilize opponents. Having successfully identified and neutralized this specific threat, Kratos's plan unfolded as intended.

Kratos manifested directly in front of the mud pit where Gradungr found himself ensnared, executing a swift and precise throw of his axe towards the trapped beast. With an almost instinctive grace, Gradungr intercepted the airborne weapon, catching it effortlessly with his powerful jaws. Without wasting a moment, Kratos adeptly extricated Gradungr from the mire, anticipating potential interference from lurking ninjas. In a calculated move to deter any such encroachment, Kratos skillfully deployed a barrage of shurikens and kunais towards the approaching adversaries, compelling them to evade the projectiles and retreat. This masterful display not only thwarted any opposition but also ensured an uninterrupted and successful rescue mission. Given Kratos's exceptional skill set, this endeavor was nothing more than a mere triviality.

"Deal with these Chunins; I will attend to the Jonin," Kratos commanded Gradungr. In acknowledgment, Gradungr nodded and swiftly darted toward one of the Chunin.

Maintaining an unwavering grip on his trusty axe, Kratos, with unparalleled speed, materialized in front of the Jonin, initiating a forceful and aggressive assault. The Jonin, refusing to be overshadowed, unsheathed his sword, infusing it with chakra before colliding with Kratos's axe. Despite Kratos's weapon lacking chakra enhancement, the sheer might and strength at his disposal forced the Jonin to relinquish ground, taking several measured steps backward in response to the powerful clash.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)