
Naruto secret world

Princess Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, rarely going by her title, is the main antagonist of the Naruto as a whole. She is the source of all the conflict of the entire Naruto, and by far the biggest threat faced by the protagonists. But no one knows that Princess Kaguya is sealed inside my body. After thousands of years of sleeping princess Kaguya finally woke up. My name is Finn Anderson, who was reincarnated into Naruto World or that's what it looks from the surface. Because this world is really complicated. ...... The mc is op and I will not just follow the original naruto story, rather a different one taking place inside naruto. After 40 to 50 chapters, I have merged other anime worlds with Naruto which will be connected with Universal war between Bibal Faction, Devil Faction, Otsutsuki clan, The great Monarchs and many other races. ________________ .......

Azure_warrior · Anime & Comics
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185 Chs

Chapter 66 - Meeting Yuki again. battle Finn vs Yuki

"I am really bored. I want to fight someone stronger. Someone strong enough to handle my full power." Said the Monarch of water, Yuki while sitting in his Throne. After he fought with a human named Finn, Yuki was really excited to invade the elemental nations again so that he could force Finn to come here again. But sadly he couldn't open the teleportation seal without a big sacrifice so he had no choice but to give up.

"I really miss Finn, at least he has the potential to become a worthy opponent and give me a good fight. Maybe I should challenge the other Monarchs, but those ugly bastards are just too strong for me." The whole continent was busy preparing for the upcoming battle that his going to happen in 3 years.

Yuki had ordered his water demons to make weapons, find treasure from the sea and also medical herbs. "Only problem is that in my race except very few almost every is like a mindless monster who would follow their leaders order no matter what. They are no intelligent enough to make their own decision."


"My throat is getting dry. I should get myself some alco....." Suddenly Yuki sensed a familiar aura.

"This Aura...HahahahA! There is not mistaking this aura. This is definitely Finn." Yuki had a crazy look on his face.


"Ah! brings back memories." said finn while looking around. Finn remembers this was the place where he fought Yuki last time. Finn saw the all the water demons in the surroundings are coming towards him after they sensed him.

"This also bring back memories."

[Master, what are you saying. It's been only month since you fought this ugly creatures.]

"My bad. But it felt like it's been years." said Finn while dodging the attacks from water demons. Finn took out his Zanpakuto.

"Our opponent should coming here at any time." said Finn while killing some water demons.

After getting the powers of Shadow Monarch, Finn senses has improved to an extent that he can basically sense or see without looking, everything around him, almost 500 meters.

"Finnnnnnnnnn! I have been waiting for you." Yuki said while jumping in front of Finn, Finn can see the big grin on his face.

"Honestly I never thought that you would come back here this soon. Letting that teleportation mark remain was the best choice I had made."

Finn smirked at his word. "Your best choice will become the cause of your death."

Yuki:- "We will see at the end of the battle. The real winner." With Yuki's signal all the water demons stopped attacking Finn.

Finn channeled lightning chakra to his Zanpakuto and covered his entire body with lightning chakra. "Although I haven't fully mastered Lightning chakra mode, but this much should be enough to deal with you."

Finn threw a paper bomb towards Yuki. Yuki just stood there and took the paper bomb.


As Finn expected, the paper bomb did nothing to Yuki but Finn used this black smoke to come near Yuki and slash his Zanpakuto towards his neck. Yuki easily dodged the attack but he was extremely surprised with Finn's speed.

'I barely dodged his attack....wait what!!!" Yuki suddenly felt his body getting pulled towards Finn before he could stop himself, Finn already had landed a kick on his stomach,


Yuki flew back and fall back.


Yuki looked at disbelief as he found himself coughing blood from Finn's kick. "Finn you have gotten stronger." Yuki wiped the blood on his mouth and looked at Finn with a crazy grin expression.

'Looks like I should stop holding back.'

Finn saw that Yuki suddenly open his mouth wide open and spit something green color, like air out of his mouth.

"What is this?" Finn noticed that when the green mist was inhaled by one the water monster they immediately died.

"So it's poison attack."

Finn calmly used his ruler authority once again. This time he made a invisible wings of 5 meters big and flap the telekinesis wings to create air pressure which pushed all the green mist away from the battlefield.

"Interesting!" Yuki finally understood what move Finn was using.

"You know you are the first person after the universal great war to force me to use my full power. But I did hid myself for almost centuries so Let's just say your are the most powerful opponent I had in thousands of years." Finn watched in shock as Yuki's appearance began to change.

Yuki's height began to grow, his skin color began to turn dark red, two horns began to grow on both sides of his forehead, his hair began turn crimson red, his teeths become more sharper and longer. Yuki was now three meters tall in height, Finn can feel that Yuki's powers has increased by several times.

"Let's fight now Finn." even Yuki's voice also has changed. Finn smiled and activated his sage mode. Cyan color chaka wrapped around Finn as his power increased by 3 times.

"With my chakra reserve being close to 4 tail beast, I should able to maintain my sage mode for a longer period of time. This is going to be exciting."

Lightning style:- Indra arrow.

Finn used his lightning nature to create an arrow which was 2 meters long. The Indra arrow was shining in blue lightning. Yuki knew that his attack will definitely injure him so he also began to prepare himself for countering.

Yuki gathered his powers into his palms then began to create a giant ice golem which was almost 10 meters big.

"It's been a long time since I made ice golem."

Finn shot the indra arrow towards the ice golem.

Boom! The Indra arrow hit the ice golem and made huge explosion sound. Dust covered everything in the battlefield. Finn channeled chakra into his eyes and activated the Tenseigan. Seeing the result Finn was not surprised rather he quickly prepared himself for another followed up attack.

"Looks like my Ice golem managed to stop Finn's attack. I ....Yuki felt something on his right side, He quickly jumped back even without looking at the object coming towards him.

"What was that?" Yuki sighed in relief when he managed to dodge three more Indra arrow which made him panic.

"Fortunately, the arrow didn't hit.....Yuki wasn't able to finish his words as his back was suddenly slashed by Finn's Zanpakuto. However Yuki still managed to block Finn's attack by making a ice armor around his body.

Yuki then turned around and quickly made Ice spikes.

Finn was about to swing the Zanpakuto again but this time with more force but suddenly Ice spikes penetrated his body.

"Ah!" Yuki smiled in relief when he saw Finn was injured with his sudden attack.

"I have fought the great war and I have more experience than...Fuck!" Yuki quickly dodged the three Indra arrows which was coming from behind.

But the three Indra arrows suddenly transformed into three more Finn. Yuki looked at the Finn which was injured with his Ice spike, disappearing in white smoke.
