
Naruto secret world

Princess Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, rarely going by her title, is the main antagonist of the Naruto as a whole. She is the source of all the conflict of the entire Naruto, and by far the biggest threat faced by the protagonists. But no one knows that Princess Kaguya is sealed inside my body. After thousands of years of sleeping princess Kaguya finally woke up. My name is Finn Anderson, who was reincarnated into Naruto World or that's what it looks from the surface. Because this world is really complicated. ...... The mc is op and I will not just follow the original naruto story, rather a different one taking place inside naruto. After 40 to 50 chapters, I have merged other anime worlds with Naruto which will be connected with Universal war between Bibal Faction, Devil Faction, Otsutsuki clan, The great Monarchs and many other races. ________________ .......

Azure_warrior · Anime & Comics
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185 Chs

Chapter 174 - Finn vs Madara

10 minutes after the allied shinobi forces joined the battle, the entire fight had become a one sided annihilation.

In just 10 minutes, more than 7,000 reanimated shinobi were sealed away and only 3,000 remained. Everyone were happy thinking that this war would be finished soon but they didn't know that another earth shaking surprise was waiting for them.

"At this rate we will able to end this war in just few more minutes." Mei Terumi was very happy with the results. At the beginning she was little concerned about the casualties from her side. But after seeing shadow warriors Mei was assured and relieved.

Mei saw Finn was sitting on a rock and looking around. Mei approached Finn with the intention of asking something.

"Finn, do you remember your promise?" Mei said as her words gained Finn's attention and caused him to look at her.

Mei was momentarily stunned when her eyes met the most beautiful eyes in the whole world. Pale blue iris with dark blue pupil. The pupil is outlined by a white floral pattern, resembling a lotus.

This was the first time Mei actually had taken a closer look of Finn's eyes.

"I remember our promise. I will help you when you call me using that teleportation kunai which I gave you. But remember that help is only for one time." Finn doesn't want Mei to take advantage of him.

Mei snapped back to reality as she heard his words. "Of course. It's a one time call. I will use it very wisely."

"By the way.... Boooom!"

Finn, Mei and everyone in the battlefield looked to the south direction and saw clouds of dust and pebbles were flying in the air.

"Be careful. I sense a very strong Chakra." Finn had his Tenseigan turned on. As Finn looked at the south, his eyes found a certain black haired man wearing red armor. There was cracks all over his body and even in his air.


Just Finn's one small word was heard by many shinobi who were around him. Mei face turned pale as she heard the word that Finn said.

Finn activated his Lightning Chakra mode as he stood up with a serious expression. Madara was the real deal. Currently in the elemental continent, Madara was the only individual that Finn had no confidence against. Finn wasn't sure if his current state could beat reanimated Madara. If it was the Madara that Hashirama fought at the final valley, Finn would have been confident in beating him but now the situation is different.

"System what is the chances of me defeating Madara?" Even though Finn knew the answer he still decided to ask it anyway.

[Less than 19.0 percent if Master gets lucky.]

Finn stared at Madara who was standing with his arms folded on his chest. The look on Madara's face was anything but arrogance. The confidence he carried was born after countless of battles.

Madara directly ignored everyone and locked his eyes with Finn. Even though the distance between them is about more than 600 meters, others could feel the tension and heat of the upcoming battle.

"Everyone Retreat back."

All the shinobi began to retreat and made space for Madara and Finn to battle.

[ Finn this is me, Hiruzen. Can you hold Madara?] Finn bitterly smiled and replied honestly.

"I am not sure. But I will try my best."

[Try to hold him as long as you can. Meanwhile we will prepare plans to take down Madara. Once Madara is taken down this war will be over.] Hearing Hiruzen words, Finn could only smile bitterly. Only Finn knew how terrifying reanimated Madara was.

Azure Dragon wings!

Two blue flamed wings appeared on Finn's back. The blue flame on the wings seems to constantly radiates flickering blue flames.

Finn turned into a blue ray of light as he flew towards Madara.

"Finn Anderson. I wanted to meet you for a long time." Finn stopped 50 meters away from Madara.

"You just had to disturb my peaceful days." Madara didn't reply to Finn's words instead he cracked his neck.

Fire style:- Majestic Destroyer Flame!

A 30 meters big wave of flame was fired at Finn. Finn hurriedly put his hands together.

Water style:- Water Blast!


Both the water and fire attacks collided and ended in resulting a mist covering more than 50 meters area.

As soon as the mist spread, Finn prepared his Zanpakuto and charged at Madara by using his Tenseigan.

Finn shot towards Madara at his full speed. As Finn was only 10 meters away from Madara, another wave ot fire appeared in front of Finn.

Finn's eyes widened in surprise.

Fire style jutsu almost about to hit Finn, but then an invisible wave of energy pushed the fire style attack towards Madara himself.

"How did he do it?" Madara didn't even bothered to defend against his own attack. Since he was a reanimated shinobi and could regenerate from any attack, Madara took full advantage of it.


Finn watched as Madara get hit with his own fire attack. The next thing surprised Finn even more as his eyes glowed red, a dark blue energy wrapped around Madara.

The next second Madara's entire body was covered by a humanoid dark blue figure. The humanoid figure was about 15 meters in height and it's entire body was made out of Chakra and bones.


Everyone in the battlefield was shocked by what they were seeing. Only very few shinobi knew about the Susanoo that comes with Mangekyou Sharingan.

A giant dark blue sword of 7 meters formed as the next second Madara swung sword towards Finn.

Finn quickly flew up in the air while dodging the attack of Susanoo.


The ground beneath Finn shattered into thousands of small pieces, fortunately Finn had managed to dodge the attack.

Finn channeled chakra in his blade as he dodged the attack. A dark red energy wrapped around the Zanpakuto.

Madara stopped for a moment to see what Finn was going to do.

"I don't know what sort of move is this?" Finn raised the Zanpakuto above his head while tightly gripping the Zanpakuto. Finn slashed the Zanpakuto as a thick dark red sword ray descended towards the Susanoo.

The sword ray was about 10 meters big. Madara hurriedly raised his sword above his head to protect himself.


A loud explosion took place that shook the entire area. Many people couldn't believe the scale of this battle. Both Madara and Finn were fighting completely out of their leagues. Each attacks of both men were on a different level.

[Onoki if things get disadvantageous for Finn, then use your particle style to save him and also buy him some time.] Hiruzen messaged Onoki by using Yamanaka clan mind reading jutsu.

Finn noticed even though Madara was injured from that attack he already had recovered his body and his Susanoo.


Finn clicked his tongue in annoyance. Finn was already very strong but now he had unlimited healing ability which makes him a immortal enemy.

"That was a very good attack. Finn I am going to take things to the next level." Madara sounded very happy as his eyes patterns changed and Madara officially opened his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.

"This is bad." Finn hurriedly summoned his strongest 8 shadows for back up.

Madara put his hands together as his Susanoo began to change in size.

The 15 meters tall giant now became a giant of 30 meters tall. Instead of having two hands, the Susanoo now had 4 hands. Instead of having one skull, the Susanoo now had 3 skulls facing three direction and all three skulls were connected together.

"Wow. Things became even more serious."

"I think I also would have to use my Sage art."

Sage art!

As soon as everyone heard that word, they saw a cyan color chakra shroud around Finn. Finn's entire body color changed to cyan color, only his eyes remained red. Above that Cyan color, sparks of lightning chakra could be seen forming a cover.

"Sage art + Lightner Chakra mode"

In Sage mode, Finn's attributes are boosted by 3 times. While in Lightning Chakra mode, Finn's speed is enhanced by 3 times while his other attributes are increased slightly.

Meaning the current Finn's speed is 6 times his base speed.

Finn's current speed is 2,598 which is Mach 2.

Finn gave one last look to his girlfriends who were anxiously looking at him from a far distance.

"Let's do this." Finn looked at Madara and the next second he had disappeared from his position as everyone heard a loud roar which was the breaking of the sound barrier.



written by Azure_warrior

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