
Naruto: Sealing Monarch

Leo Aramaki is reincarnated into an AU of the Shinobi World. He has to claw his way to power as a civilian because no one is going to take care of him but himself.

Ash_D_Born · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


Name : Leo Aramaki

Age group: 12 (4 years older than Kakashi)

Talent: Monstrous Talent for seals surpassing even the Uzumaki.

Prodigious talent for genjutsu. Able to create and modify new ways to use yin chakra

Average Ninjutsu Talent

Average Taijutsu Talent

Prodigious Kenjutsu Talent

Above Average Chakra Reserves

Chakra Sensor due to birth mutation

Leo was reincarnated into a Civilian family during the time of the Second Great Ninja War. He notices this world is different from the one he read about. For example the Uzumakis are still around.

Seals (would be updating):

Genjutsu (would be updating): Light Reflection, Swallow Return.

Ninjutsu (would be updating): Henge, Cleave, Shadow Clone, Divine Depature, Substitution Jutsu, Transformation jutsu.