
Naruto: Saving the Uchiha

A man named Kazuki is transported into the world of Naruto, becoming a member of the Uchiha clan, three years before the night of the Uchiha massacre. At this time, suspicion and vigilance towards the Uchiha from the village are at their peak. Within the clan, factions are vying for power, the higher-ups are targeting and monitoring them, and the villagers misunderstand them. Everything is playing out just like in the original story. If Kazuki does not take action, the final outcome will be the entire clan being sent to their graves by Itachi, the loyal son! Starting with such a grim scenario, how can Kazuki save himself? Instead of relying on others, Kazuki decides to rely on himself. Faction struggles? He will eliminate them one by one! Targeted by the higher-ups? He will bring them down step by step! What Fugaku couldn’t achieve, Uchiha Kazuki will! You can read more chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon. P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos (just replace the "@" with "a") Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 萌音芊芊 (for the fanfic) and Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)

Lessa_Grace · Anime & Comics
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53.Danzo Name?

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The List of The "ANBU" Member:

-Miguel razo

-Korron Hightower



-Ask hgssdd sad an n

-Paolo Garcia

-Abel Yapura





-Red Rabbit

-ThegamertagsPs ps

-Salah Mohamed


-Robert Thompson


-Anil Singh

-Itz black Wolf

-Davis Nguyen

-jake doe


-Amin Afzali


-Dan Trigolden

You can read 30 chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon.

P@TREON - p@treon.com/servantofcosmos

(just replace the "@" with "a")

ps: Please support me on P@treon. I can really use your help!


The small tavern was quiet; after preparing some appetizers, the owner left, leaving only a few squad leaders from the police department.

"Kazuki!" Seeing Kazuki arrive, everyone stood up. However, their expressions slightly changed when they saw Itachi behind Kazuki.

Kazuki explained proactively, "Itachi can be trusted. Consider him one of mine. If he does anything to betray us, you can come to me."

"Seniors." After bowing to everyone, Itachi looked at Kazuki with a strange expression, mixed with a hint of gratitude.

"Hahaha, we're all clan members. We should trust each other. Please, have a seat. We're just waiting for you two."

With Kazuki's assurance, the others were willing to trust Itachi, believing he wouldn't betray them. If he did, they trusted Kazuki to handle it.

Just as the two sat down, Kazaki poured two glasses of wine and pushed them over.

Looking at the glasses in front of him, Itachi hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Seniors, I'm not of age yet."

Everyone sitting here wasn't young, and Kazuki was the youngest until Itachi arrived.

"It's okay. Consider it an early experience."

Patting Itachi on the shoulder, Kazuki picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp, choking a bit—it didn't taste very good.

Itachi was conflicted. He hadn't noticed it himself, but since he started following Kazuki, he'd been conflicted several times.

The atmosphere was now set, with everyone looking at him.

With Kazuki leading the way, Itachi, who wasn't of age, had no choice but to follow suit.

"Cough!!!" He was choked by the wine.

"Hahaha, it looks like Itachi needs more practice. How can a man not drink? Even though you're still a kid."

"Yes, practice is needed. When I was his age, I used to sneak my father's hidden wine and got a beating."

As clan members, after a glass of wine, the atmosphere became lively.

Itachi's face turned somewhat red, feeling a bit out of place.

Remembering Kazuki's teachings, he could only force what he thought was the most appropriate smile.

The good atmosphere didn't last long; once the conversation turned to today's events, the smiles on everyone's faces disappeared.

"The chief... sigh."

Not to mention others, even Kazaki, a staunch supporter of the neutral faction, felt disappointed and helpless.

How many times has this happened?

"Damn it, we work hard, handle all kinds of public security cases well, why do they have to target us like this?"

"The villagers don't understand us, the village targets us. Are we Uchiha naturally destined to be treated unfairly?"

"What's most annoying is that we know who's targeting us, but we can't fight back, we can't retaliate."

Being targeted? It's not a big deal. How many times have the Uchiha been targeted over the years?

It's a big deal; it's a war, and everyone's wielding a knife.

Few Uchiha are afraid of death, but they can't stand the injustice of not being able to reach out and scold.

"Kazuki, give everyone the bottom line."

After drinking a few glasses, Kazaki, whose face was beginning to redden, heavily placed his glass on the table:

"I know you have ideas in mind. In the entire family, only Uchiha Kazuki dares to speak and do. We're willing to believe in you and accept your arrangements. As long as you can let everyone vent their grievances."

Long-term suppression, disappointment, and frustration have made everyone forget about factional issues.

Whether it's the hardliners, neutrals, or even the last remaining sprouts of doves, they're all involved.

The atmosphere has been set.

Kazuki turned the wine glass in his hand, put it down, and swept his gaze over each person's face, asking the same question:

"I asked Itachi the same question earlier. Now, I'm repeating it."

"Can I trust you all and trust you?"

What does that mean?

Is he asking them to change their stance?

In the presence of the people who have their own factions in the family, making decisions about factions is not easy, as it will cause a lot of trouble.

Seeing everyone silent, Itachi, whose head was a little confused, explained:

"The captain doesn't want everyone to rally to him and serve him, but hopes that everyone can set aside family factionalism and unite as one."

Scared me.

As long as it doesn't change the faction, everything else is negotiable.

Kazaki took the lead:

"As long as it doesn't involve internal family factional issues, I support you. Unless Uchiha Kazuki wants to stand against us with the higher-ups!"

"Yes, count me in!!"

"Count me in too. I can't stand it anymore. These bastards are too much."

"Very well."

Affirmed by everyone, Kazuki smiled satisfactorily.

He never thought about making the person who holds real power in the police department give up his faction at this time because it was unrealistic.

He just needs to unite everyone, put aside internal factional issues, and act in unison externally.

Kazuki believes that once this happens, it will happen again.

Over time, once everyone gets used to this cooperative mode, so-called factional issues are just nonsense.

Everyone is willing to believe him and follow him. Kazuki will also take out the goods.

"Our biggest problem is that besides the chief's unwillingness to fight back, we can't directly retaliate because of the sensitive identity of the other party."

"Even though he's no longer the Hokage's assistant."

"He can target us directly, but we can't retaliate against him. He can smear our Uchiha's reputation at will, but we can't smear him."

That's the biggest problem with identity.

To directly smear Danzo, Uchiha must either openly confront the village or Uchiha must enter the high ranks and not be lower than Danzo.

Clearly, neither of these paths is feasible right now.

"We can't just sit back and do nothing, can we?"

Kazuki's words were like a bucket of cold water, drenching everyone and making them cool down completely. This isn't going to work, that isn't going to work, and we're sitting here with our pants off!

Why not go home and sleep?

Otherwise, tomorrow will be another day full of frustration.

The clan members were anxious.

Kazuki then placed the dossier he brought on the table.

"Konoha Population Data?"

Seeing what Kazuki took out, everyone was speechless. Is this what you call a solution?

Even Itachi, let alone others, looked disappointed.

"What's Danzo's name?"

Kazaki slammed the table and asked.

"Of course it's called Shimura Danzo. What else could it-!"

Kazaki replied unkindly, but before he could finish, he froze.