
Naruto: Saving the Uchiha

A man named Kazuki is transported into the world of Naruto, becoming a member of the Uchiha clan, three years before the night of the Uchiha massacre. At this time, suspicion and vigilance towards the Uchiha from the village are at their peak. Within the clan, factions are vying for power, the higher-ups are targeting and monitoring them, and the villagers misunderstand them. Everything is playing out just like in the original story. If Kazuki does not take action, the final outcome will be the entire clan being sent to their graves by Itachi, the loyal son! Starting with such a grim scenario, how can Kazuki save himself? Instead of relying on others, Kazuki decides to rely on himself. Faction struggles? He will eliminate them one by one! Targeted by the higher-ups? He will bring them down step by step! What Fugaku couldn’t achieve, Uchiha Kazuki will! You can read more chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon. P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos (just replace the "@" with "a") Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 萌音芊芊 (for the fanfic) and Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)

Lessa_Grace · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

27.Long Journey

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The List of The "ANBU" Member:

-Miguel razo

-Korron Hightower


-Michał Wojtulewicz

-Jordan karmosay

-Jonathan Ireland



-Raiden Allen

-Paolo Garcia

-Tobias Sinkewicius

-jake doe

-Abel Yapura








-LOUIS fontus


You can read 30 chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon.

P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos

(just replace the "@" with "a")

ps: Please support me on P@treon. I can really use your help!


"Fugaku, I've heard that Uchiha Kazuki's health has improved and he has returned to his position in the police force."

Although he was puzzled, Fugaku replied according to his prepared response:

"Yes, Lord Hokage. Kazuki's health has greatly improved. Although the Bloodline disease is frightening, our clan has gained some experience in treating it over the years. Kazuki's symptoms were detected early, and after treatment, he has significantly recovered."

"I see."

The Third Hokage nodded as if he believed it, but only he knew how much he actually trusted the explanation.

According to Anbu's surveillance and investigation, Kazuki hadn't even stepped outside his house during his rest, let alone visited Konoha Hospital for treatment. As for internal Uchiha treatments...

The Third Hokage didn't believe a single bit of it.

If the Uchiha really had a way to treat the Kekkei Genkai disease, there wouldn't be cases of clan members continually dying from it.


Sitting up straight, placing his hands on the desk, the Third Hokage finally revealed his purpose:

"There have been some issues at with the Daimyo this year, causing delays in the funding allocated to the village. I need to visit the Daimyo personally, so I hope the police force can send a squad to accompany me. Who do you think would be suitable for this task?"

"To the Daimyo?"

Fugaku was completely surprised.

This type of mission never involved the Uchiha; it was almost always handled by Anbu, and the higher-ups wouldn't trust the Uchiha with it.

Assigning Uchiha members from the police force to protect the Hokage was unthinkable.

Yet, the Third Hokage made it possible.

What was the Hokage trying to convey?

Despite his suspicions, Fugaku replied truthfully:

"Lord Hokage, besides myself and a few elders, there are some clan members working in the police force. I think Shisui would be a suitable candidate, but he has been reassigned from the police force."

"What about Uchiha Kazuki?"

The Third Hokage looked at Fugaku, calmly mentioning Kazuki's name.

Fugaku's heart skipped a beat.

Good grief, so this is what he's been waiting for!

Is this to target Kazuki or to verify if he really has the Bloodline disease?

Thinking quickly, Fugaku responded with some difficulty:

"Lord Hokage, Kazuki's personal strength is among the top in the clan, but his health has just recovered. I'm afraid he might not be up to this important task."

Fugaku didn't want Kazuki to interact with the Third Hokage at all.

Unfortunately, the Third Hokage insisted.

He showed a kind and approachable smile, saying:

"Fugaku, I trust him. After all, Kazuki has recently overshadowed both Shisui and Itachi. I believe it won't be too difficult for him, right?"

Damn it, you've specifically named him and put it like this. How can I refuse?

Do I even have the right to refuse?

Not giving Fugaku a chance to decline further, the Third Hokage concluded:

"If there's no problem, then notify him to be ready and meet outside the village gate at two in the afternoon."

The Hokage's departure wasn't a major event, but it couldn't be made too public.


Given the situation, Fugaku had no choice but to accept.

Feeling frustrated, he left the Hokage's office and headed to the police force, personally informing Kazuki about the task.


"Protecting the Hokage to the Daimyo's mansion?"

Kazuki's reaction was exactly as Fugaku expected, surprised and incredulous.

Isn't this Anbu's job?

What is the old Hokage up to?


Fugaku felt uneasy but had no choice. He could only comfort Kazuki:

"Maybe it's just a routine protection mission. Prepare yourself and take two people with you. Choose your team members. Your squad will handle the public aspect, while Anbu will be responsible for the actual protection. Besides, the Hokage's strength is not to be underestimated."


Absolutely speechless!!

Just speechless!!!

Other than being speechless, Kazuki couldn't find words to describe his feelings.

"Meet outside the village gate at two in the afternoon. The Hokage will be waiting for you. Don't be late."

Carefully reminding Kazuki to be cautious and prepared, Fugaku left with a heavy heart.

Unlike the frustrated Kazuki, Izumi was thrilled and excited upon learning that their squad was tasked with protecting the Third Hokage to the Daimyo's mansion.

Indeed, people who haven't been beaten by reality have simpler thoughts.

After some consideration, Kazuki decided to take Izumi and Kaze. As for Jiro and the others, it was better to leave them in the police force.

Although Uchiha Kaze was very quiet, at least he was reliable. As for Izumi... she would just serve as a personal assistant. Kazuki couldn't rely on her for anything major.

Changing clothes and organizing equipment, Kazuki set off with his team.

As for the forehead protector... do police force members need to wear that thing?

Although Kakashi didn't understand the Third Hokage's insistence on having a police force squad for protection, he still dutifully led his team, dispersing them around to protect the Hokage from the shadows.

Outside the village, on the path to the Daimyo's mansion, the Third Hokage stood by the roadside, enjoying the pleasure of smoking his pipe.

A real old smoker.

Kazuki, feeling irritated, led his team forward:

"Lord Hokage, we are ready to depart."


The Third Hokage smiled kindly, nodding. As they walked, he didn't forget to inquire about Kazuki's health:

"I heard your health has improved a lot, and the illness is under control?"

"Yes, our clan has extensive experience in treating Bloodline disease, so it's well-controlled."

Kazuki tried to appear as cold and distant as possible, minimizing his conversation with the Hokage and focusing on observing their surroundings diligently.

Unfortunately, the Third Hokage kept talking.

"Seeing you all reminds me of my younger self. Back then, I was full of youthful energy, just like you."

Kazuki: "....."

I beg you, please stop talking. Can you say less?

As it turns out, when you don't want to talk to someone, they tend to talk even more.

At this moment, Kazuki was enduring this with great patience, just like Uchiha Kaze, who was also feeling the same way.

Normally a silent person who preferred action over words, Kaze now had to endure the incessant chatter of the Third Hokage.

It was going to be a long journey.