
Naruto: Satoru Gojo

Gojo who finally dealt with Kenjaku suddenly finds himself in another world and hopes to find a worthy opponent in this world but in the end he had to say these words again. "Throughout Heaven and Earth; I Alone am Honored"

Shinigami_8468 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 17 Mission


At the outskirts of the village,

"What the hell is this?"

Looking at the basket in his hand, Gojo was having hard time to comprehend the situation.

He thought it was finally the time for him to get into action since he had been quiet for so many years, but the present situation caused Gojo to have a sudden shock.

D rank mission clean the garbage at the outskirts of the village

""I, Gojo Satoru, the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer, have to pick up garbage. Are you kidding?""

Thought Gojo and was having a hard time controlling himself because if he didn't, that Old man Hokage would die.

Today is the first day of their missions. Along with Guy and his teammates, Gojo went to Ninja Academy, where the mission hall was located and was personally given the task by Sarutobi.

He knew D rank missions were low danger tasks, but this is simply mocking him.

"Leaf Hurricane!!!"

While Gojo was having a hard time controlling himself, on the other hand, Lee treated garbage, picking some secret training of Guy with profound meaning behind it.

Arriving beside the heap of the garbage, Lee jumped and kicked heavily as massive airflow was generated from the force of the kick.

The garbage flew in the air and perfectly landed in the net that Guy was holding.

"Way to go, Lee; you are improving!!"

Seeing the perfect landing, Guy gave Lee a thumbs up with his iconic smile.

"They sure are one of a kind"

Seeing how optimistic Guy and Lee are, Gojo knew it was hard to find another similar person.

To consider garbage picking training, only these two could think this way.

"Hey! Don't slack off; hurry up!!!"

Gojo, looking at the youth duo, was suddenly rebuked by Neji.

"Sigh~, whatever"

Gojo sighed as he decided not to kill that old man since he had lived in this village for many years; and was pretty attached to it.

Not only that, here lived so many of his new friends, so for their sake, Gojo toughed himself and got back to picking the garbage.

Soon they completed the mission as they went back to mission hall and reported.

But this was just the start, as finding lost pets, farming the fields, etc.… for the whole month, Gojo and Neji were tortured by such tasks, but Lee always treated it like secret training.


Ninja Academy.

Mission Hall.

"Ho~ho, I know you must be tired after doing such missions, so I had already picked this C rank mission for you"

Sarutobi laughed as he handed the C rank mission scroll to Guy.

Sarutobi was thinking of giving them another D rank mission, but suddenly he had a bad premonition.

He didn't know why but he had a feeling if he gave them another D rank mission, it might be the last mission he would allot.

So believing in his instinct, Sarutobi gave them a C rank mission.

"Old man~ you just evaded death"

Gojo looked at Sarutobi as he knew this old man was really lucky today.

If he had given another D rank mission, he would have finished him off with his own hands.

He has done these boring missions for a whole month, and he wanted some fun.

"Yeah~, now that feeling is gone"

Sarutobi suddenly felt the oppressive feeling vanish as he sighed in relief.

"Neji, read i"

Guy took the scroll from Sarutobi and handed it to Neji, who unsealed it and quickly said the contents of the missions.

Their mission is to go to Land of Rice Paddies, the neighbor of Land of Fire, and investigate the mysterious disappearance of people in Offaku Town.

Lee, Satoru, and Neji quickly gather outside the village entrance in an hour; it's time to put your one-month training into action.

Guy looked at them, and after advising them to gather outside, he left but not before giving his signature smile.

Gojo quickly went back home, and after putting some snacks in the backpack, he arrived at the Konoha entrance as snacks were all that he needed.


Konoha Entrance Gate.

"Satoru Kun, have you ever been outside the village before?"

With a backpack that looked more like a boulder tied on his back, Lee asked Gojo curiously.

"Nah~ it's my first time leaving the village"

If he wanted, Gojo could leave the village with his teleportation, but even he didn't know where he would end up.

If he ends up at a very distant place, Konoha can be out of his range for teleportation.

He has constantly been training during these years, and his body is already around 50% of his peak self.

But even now, he can't perform long distances teleportation efficiently.

"You, Neji Kun?"

After asking Gojo, Lee asked Neji since he belonged to a big clan and must have left the village at least once.

"No! it's my first time also"

Neji had no one back in his clan with whom he wanted to go out of the village, so this was his first time.

"Oh!!! It seems everyone is gathered, so let's reach our destination in one day"

Guy finally arrived.

"No matter how fast you run, it would at least take three days for us to reach."

"No!! Guy Sensei! we will reach in half a day"

Neji wanted to stop them, but Lee also chipped in, and Guy got even more excited.

"Youth waits for none!! Let's go!!!"

Guy roared and started running as Lee followed him as the dust was left behind.

Gojo and Neji helpless had to follow the two lunatics to set off towards their first real mission destination.