
Naruto : Sasori Gaiden (What if Sasori survived ?) Akatsuki Gaiden

Deidara is chased while abducting gaara. Sasori fends off Sakura & Chiyo in a very close fight. But what if Sasori didn't hesitate, and survived ? What would happen to the ninja world afterwards ? Consequences : things take a sudden turn for the worse, and the story diverges dramatically. Akatsuki makes different moves. New Jashin worshippers ? New Itachi/Jiraiya/Orochimaru/Danzo developments. Naruto becomes a new person and starts using new jutsus. Official sponsor of this story : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7yYB5DC580&ab_channel=Riizki

Khataii · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Change of plans

A few days prior to the tenchi bridge meeting, back in the Hidden Leaf village. Only Naruto remains in team 7. Depressive and still shocked, he sits alone in a bench in the middle of the night, until Kakashi, who is supposed to be in the hospital resting, joins him. They both sit silently for a while before Naruto slowly utters a few words while tears are running down his face:

"Did we... make the wrong choice ? The one-tail was already extracted. Leaving Sakura and Granny against an Akatsuki member to chase a lost cause was pure madness... I hate myself for losing reason and going head first like an idiot. I can bring back Sasuke, but Sakura ..."

"Don't blame yourself. We were all assigned to this mission and as your teacher, I'm responsible for this ... Here." Kakashi splits an ice cream with Naruto, while failing to hide his sadness. Naruto lazily takes it and holds it down, eyes still staring down in tears.

"This is the second time I fail to protect a kunoichi close to me." Hearing Kakashi say such a thing makes Naruto briefly forget about the moment and ask him:

"When was the first time ?"

"In the third war. When the Fourth was the Jonin assigned to us before being hokage. Our team consisted of me, an Uchiha named Obito, and a kunoichi named Rin. Much like you three, although you're more similar to Obito. Back in the war, Obito saved us from a cave collapsing but couldn't save himself and got half his body crushed ,then gave me the [Sharigan] you see here before the rest of the rocks fell and buried him. As for Rin, she was kidnapped by Hidden Mist ninjas and made as a Jinchuuriki for the Three-tails. Later on, in the middle of a battle with overwhelming Hidden Mist Ninja numbers, she died by my hand, jumping in front to sacrifice herself and not let the Three-tails damage Konoha. "

Naruto's weeping eyes widen upon learning this, still silent. Kakashi continues.

"We can't change the past but there's something we can do about the future to avoid these scenarios from happening again. I'm sure you know what that is."

"Get stronger.."

"Correct. And I thought of something to help you with that, something only you can pull off."

"What is it ?" Naruto's eyes lit up.

"I'll tell you later. Let's rest up for now." Kakashi notice a slight but hopeful relief in Naruto's expression, but not one that lightens the burden on his own mind. The night goes on as both brood their loss, but feel closer now as they're similar in a way.

On the other side of the village however, in Root HQ. Danzo assigns a secret mission to Sai, who was bound to fill the gap in team 7, but that gap just widened with Sakura's death. The hokage puts Yamato - a wood-release specialist to control the Nine-tails- on standby, until further instructions.

Further from Konoha, a vexed Orochimaru comes back to his hideout, uncordially greeted by Sasuke.

"You're late. You were supposed to be here earlier and teach me that jutsu."

"I encountered an Akatsuki member on the way... And he's become far more of a threat than I remember."

"Where's Kabuto ?"

"He was taken . They might figure out the hideout from him so we better move out."


Time goes on. Naruto learns his new Jutsu under Kakashi and Yamato's surpervision as things are stirring up inside Konoha with Root's involvement, as well as outside it with Akatsuki's movements.

Meanwhile, Hidan & Kakuzu kidnap the Two-tails' host, then head back to the land of fire. Their next mission , killing Chiriku for his bounty proceeds smoothly, contrasting with the violence they unleashed on the temple. Not so long after, Team Asuma accompanied by the Konoha Gate Duo head to the Collection Office to intercept the Akatsuki members trying to cash out on the 30 million, but end up losing Asuma in the process. A mistake - too little manpower dispatched in time to deal with a mission involving the Akatsuki - once again, and as such the pressure grows heavier on Tsunade. As the situation was being reported by the involved members, Danzo intervenes.

"Sending two teams again ? Not under my watch. Starting from now, the equivalent of three shinobi teams must be dispatched for Akatsuki related missions. As such, I am forcefully assigning Root units to any cases like this. Any objection ?"

Shikamaru wouldn't object to more manpower foe his vengeance and tsunade complies. And their search for Hidan & Kakuzu starts. They did day they will comeback, but when and from where is another matter.

In the meantime, somewhere in a cave in the land of fire, another Akatsuki meeting is ongoing.

"This idiot talked too much. The hidden villages already know we're after the Jinchuurikis but he said we'd be coming back to the Hidden Leaf " Kakuzu reports the situation to their leader, aiming the remark at his loose-lipped partner, the two being the only ones physically present this time.

"So you're suggesting a change of plans ?" The leader's silhouette takes into consideration.

"Right. They've got quite problematic Jutsus in the Hidden Leaf."

"Also, the bearded guy said we move in teams of two. So we might want to surprise them." Hidan adds, to make up for his mistake.

"I also have some news." Announces Sasori." A little while ago I caught the spy that I sent for Orochimaru. Turns out the Mind Control Jutsu was broken off long ago, and that he was working with him all along. I am still keeping him alive, paralyzed with the poison. Should I torture intel out of him ?"

"No that won't be needed. Excellent work, everyone." The leader - Pain - assesses the situation.

"Here are you next instructions. Tobi is to bring Kabuto to me. Afterwards, Sasori and Deidara will join Kakuzu and Hidan on their way to the Hidden Leaf and try to get the Nine-tails Jinchuuriki."

"In that regard. I have a request." Itachi breaks his usual silence.

"That's unusual from you. What is it?" Pain says.

"Orochimaru is accompanied by my brother. I would like to know any information in that regard." Itachi clearly hints that he wants to deal with Sasuke.

"Very well, then. With this, the meeting is concluded. Dismissed."