
Naruto: Sacred Scroll

After discovering a long lost ancient forbidden master sealing technique created by a deceased clan leader and seal grandmaster of the Uzumaki clan, Jiraiya studies and tampers with it only for it to lead to unexpected results.

Miguelho · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 027

"Best day of your life so far," Naruto grinned as he and Hinata ate lunch together as an official couple for the first time.

(Later That Day; At The Academy)

Lunch break was over and "Naruto" was walking down the hallway mumbling about how "he" just narrowly passed "his" exam a while ago. It wasn't a perfect grade like Sasuke but that was the appearance "he" wanted to accomplish. After all "he" had to maintain "his" façade as the dead last of "his" class. Soon though, "Naruto" looked to see Mizuki, one of the Chuunin Academy senseis, making his way over to "him."

"Hey Naruto," Mizuki greeted with a friendly tone. "Naruto" smiled and greeted, "Hello Mizuki-sensei."

"I heard from Iruka that you actually passed your test," Mizuki said, "Even though it was only by so much from what he told me."

"Hey," "Naruto" replied, "I passed and that's all that matters. It's just another stepping stone in my quest to be Hokage someday."

"I know," Mizuki said, "You told me and everyone this before. You are aware that the Genin Exams will be held tomorrow, yes?"

"Of course," "Naruto" said scratching the back of his head, "I didn't forget; though I hate to admit that it'll be my third attempt at trying to pass that test again."

"You shouldn't worry too much Naruto," Mizuki encouraged, "I'm sure you'll do better and pass this time around."

"You really believe I stand a chance," "Naruto" asked, "You know Iruka-sensei isn't the forgiving type when it comes to those exams."

"Perhaps not," Mizuki agreed, "But don't sell yourself short yet. Just give it your all and I'm sure that'll be enough for you to pass and finally become one of Konoha's Genins."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence Mizuki-sensei," "Naruto" smiled, "Just you wait! I'll pass with flying colors! Dattebayo!"

With that said, "Naruto" left Mizuki alone in the hallway and made "his" way to 'his" next destination.

"Do you really believe in Naruto-kun being able to pass and become a Genin," "Hinata" asked coming out from hiding behind a nearby staircase. Mizuki turned and found "Hinata" approaching him.

"Hinata," Mizuki greeted, "How long were you there?"

"I was heading back to class when I heard you encouraging Naruto-kun to do his very best in next week's Genin Exams," "Hinata" explained, "Very few believes Naruto can pull it off and achieve his goal in becoming Genin."

"Well," Mizuki said, "He's no prodigy like Sasuke or your cousin Neji, he doesn't have book smarts like your classmate Sakura. But he has a strong drive that keeps him going regardless of his many failings."

"You shouldn't worry yourself too much about him Hinata," Shikamaru (age 13) said as he and Chouji (age 13) approached her from behind, "It's just troublesome to do so. Whether or not he passes the Genin Exams this time around depends entirely on his performance much more so than his perseverance, regardless how admirable his determination is."

Hinata sighed lowly knowing that Shikamaru was right in his statement.

"You didn't have to be that harsh about it Shikamaru," Chouji said, "She's obviously concerned for her friend's career as a future ninja."

"Well," Shikamaru replied, "I just don't want Hinata to build up any false hopes or have too high of expectations for what might or might not happen. It's the sad reality of things in this life we live in."

"You truly are a source for comfort," Chouji remarked cynically.

"As much as I'd like for us to stick around and discuss Naruto's uncertain future," Mizuki said, "I think it would be best if the three of you hurried on your way back to class. Iruka would be rather upset with me if he believes me to be the reason for why you guys are late for his class."

Nodding, the three hurried on their way back to class.

(Thirteen Minutes Later)

All of the students were conversing with each other while waiting for Iruka to enter the classroom. A minute later…

"Sorry for the delay. I got held up taking care of something at the last minute," Iruka apologized as he entered the classroom. Everyone gradually quieted down as he went over to his desk.

"Everyone's back I see," Iruka said as he stood behind his desk and looked around and found that everyone was sitting at their seats; almost everyone.

"Has anyone seen Naruto," Iruka asked with annoyance clearly present in his tone.

"Maybe he decided to drop out and start the class all over," one of the student remarked. Some of the students snickered, which only served to annoy Iruka further.

What are you up to now "Naruto-kun", "Hinata" wondered.

(An Hour Later; At The Hokage Tower)

Hiruzen was relaxing in his private study not having to do some much paperwork. He decided to take the time to practice his calligraphy as a means to enjoy his current free time. Soon though, his once free time was interrupted.


Hiruzen sighed seeing that his once peaceful day was going to end all but peacefully.

"Hokage-sama! Come quickly! It's an emergency!"

Two Chuunins ran into his private study as he turned to face them.

"What now," Hiruzen asked with annoyance in his voice, "Is Naruto causing trouble again?"

"It's the Hokage Monument," one of the Chuunin said, "He's vandalizing it with paint; even now as we speak!"

Hiruzen sighed again as he puffed out some from his tobacco pipe. Having no other choice, he got up and placed on his Hokage robes and hat before making his way to the roof of the Hokage Tower. Upon arriving with a few over Chuunins and Jounins, they found Naruto on one of the scaffold brazenly painting and writing large graffiti all over the monument.

On Senju Hashirama's head, who was also known as the Shodai, there was a painting of the Senju Clan seal insignia and a spiral painted next to it. And all over the Shodai's face were paintings of spirals.

On Senju Tobirama's face, once known as Nidaime, were a graffiti writings that blatantly stated "Never Scored," "Celibate," and "Never Peeped."

On Hiruzen's head, there was red paint drawn down both ends of his nose with a blush that was painting on his cheeks. His face also had graffiti writings that said "Pervy Old Monkey."

On Namikaze Minato's face, once known as Yondaime, were black whisker markings painted on his cheeks with a statement that said "The Uzumaki will rise and become the second coming of Yondaime, and surpass all of the previous Hokages."

By this time, everyone in the village was seeing the stunt "Naruto" was pulling in front of everyone. The question was how was he able to do so without anyone finding out up until now.

"Naruto," one of the ninjas on the Hokage Tower yelled, "What the hell do you think you're doing!"

"You blind stupid!," "Naruto" yelled back with a large cheese smile, "I'm giving this old monument a new makeover. It's been in great need of one and I'm just the one to deliver it!"

"You have any idea how much trouble you're in," another ninja yelled.

"Like that would stop me," "Naruto" retorted with grin never leaving his face, "It's more fun doing this here than listening to any crappy ass lecture I get from Iruka-sensei!"

As if on cue, Iruka appeared on the roof of the tower where Sandaime and the other ninjas were.

"Hokage-sama," Iruka said with a bow, "A thousand apologies! Naruto was reported missing and not returned to class this early this afternoon and I've been looking all over for him! It's only now that I've found him committing this act of vandalism while cutting class!"

"You and everyone else I might add," Hiruzen replied calmly.

"Let me deal with this," Iruka said as he turned and looked up at "Naruto," "NARUTO!"

"Naruto" turned and looked down at Iruka staring back in him angrily.


"Catch me first!" "Naruto" laughed as "he" leaped off the scaffold with the cans of paint in hand and made "his" way to the surface from scaffold to scaffold. Iruka and the other ninjas took to flight to chase after "Naruto." Reaching the streets, "Naruto" started running from the ninjas after "him" while still holding the cans of paint.





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