
Naruto: Ryzen The Gamers

511/5000 Ryzen, a young man from earth, died as a result of being hit by train-kun and reborn in a world where death can occur at any time Will Ryzen survive in this cruel world? "This world is very strange, I just found out there are animals as big as a multi-storey building and have nine tails" (Note: Mc doesn't know the narrative plot of Naruto And I don't take ownership rights to characters that are in Naruto except my own Original character Naruto only belongs to Masashi Kishimoto Sorry if it can't be understood because I use google translate but if you want to see this novel in the language I use just look at my profile)

Rendi_Nugraha · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


8 months later

Forest of Life (Inside the Little World of Bunga)

Bunga looked at Ryzen who was practicing chakra seriously because something strange happened when Ryzen practiced, a Diamond-colored aura appeared around Ryzen's body before entering his forehead.

"What innate talent does he have that even I who have lived for hundreds of millions of years do not know what aura surrounds him," she thought with his hand supporting his chin

Bunga had just seen something like that happen and a completely unexpected thought crossed her mind. "Is she from the Original World because I once read an ancient paper explaining the highest innate talent that would emit a Diamond aura in her body" she thought then approached Ryzen who now almost 1 year old with a height of about 2 years old

Ryzen good looks began to emerge and every Ryzen invited to the streets by his mother all citizens and shinobi will pinch Ryzen's cheeks which makes Ryzen suffer internally

While Viona she grew into a very cute loli but she was very attached to Ryzen like a mattress and pillow

"Status" muttered Ryzen after practicing

[Name: Namikaze Ryzen

Age: 9 months

Condition: Very healthy

Cultivation: Primodial Ancient Fire (Divine Level)

Level: Jonin Elite (Baby Level)

Bloodline: Uchiha (Expandable), Namikaze, ??????

Skills: Jutsu S 3, Jutsu A 5, Jutsu C 15, Jutsu D All, Jutsu E 20

Mall Points: Unlimited

Nature Level: Naruto World (Lower)]

Ryzen nodded satisfied with the results of his training for less than 1 year in this world and did not know if Bunga was right in front of him.

"Young master, do you not feel anything strange?" Bunga's voice built Ryzen from his reverie

"No, I don't feel anything." Ryzen asked confusedly with Bunga's question

Bunga did not reply to Ryzen's question and returned to sit in the chair which was 3 meters in front of Ryzen

"Bunga I'm confused why at my level there is the word baby level what is the meaning of that" Ryzen asked bewildered because he had just seen that level of strength besides genin, chunin, jonin, anbu, kage that he had encountered in Konoha during a walk with his mother

Bunga smile "The level comes from the Immortal Realm and the levels in the Immortal Realm are divided into 5 levels but at each level there are many stages that must be passed

The Baby Level is the first level of a person's journey to become a cultivator to move up to the next level. That person must go through stages 1 to 10 but don't underestimate each stage because going up 1 stage is like dying

Adult level is the second level after the baby level and at this level a person can fly without using anything and only needs a Vulnerable energy and the same to continue to the next level it must go through stages 1 to 20 and the difficulty increases because the strength received at this level is also very large

The King Level is the third level after the Adult Level where a person at this level will be renewed to 30 million years old and someone at this level is highly respected in the Immortal World because during the war of misery against the Demon Race the warriors at the King level and above have fallen dead then from that King-level cultivators left only 5 in the immortal world

The Ancient Emperor Level is the Fourth Level which is very rare in the Immortal world because someone who enters this realm will determine the fate of the Immortal World and only 1 person remains alive in this realm in the immortal world namely Emperor Ren the head of the Immortal academy

The Divine Level is the next level that can rule and easily step on someone who is in the land of the ancient emperor and has the right to enter a higher World, that is, the Origin World for this Level, no one else can enter it and is considered a myth in the Immortal World

Heh but they don't know if someone at the Divine level still lives safely and kicks "Saying Bunga with pride and arrogance when saying the last sentence

Ryzen was amazed to hear Bunga's story about the immortal world

"Young master, Your mother is looking for you so please return" said Bunga reminded Ryzen because Bunga felt a little sorry for Ryzen for having a very protective mother and once Bunga felt a little scared when she saw Ryzen's mother who was very angry because Ryzen disappeared and was known to be playing with a small child who has hair like a duck

At first Kushina smiled warmly when she saw Ryzen with the duck-haired boy he Uchiha Sasuke who was with Uchiha Itachi but when he got home Kushina's hair suddenly floated and formed like a floating tail 9

I don't know when it appeared, a pot suddenly appeared in the hands of Kushina which made Bunga slightly cold sweat even though Bunga was accustomed to facing a cultivator at the level of the Ancient and Divine Emperors only this time she saw someone who had a very frightening angry mode.


Ryzen returned to his room and fit perfectly with the door opened by Kushina who was carrying Viona


A beautiful voice entered Ryzen's ear and made him sweat

Viona who was carried by Kushina looked at Ryzen with fire in her eyes

"Damn, since when did the nature of the mother spread to Viona" thought Ryzen with resignation waiting for the cruel punishment that his ass was hit by Kushina