
Naruto: Root Ninja

A young man is killed at the age of 20 and is reincarnated into the world of Naruto. But unlike other reincarnators, he didn't meet anyone, nor did he get any wishes or powers. He wakes up in the body of a 3 year old kid. He looks around and finds a man with bandages covering one side. He said to the three year old kid "From now on, you are Hakuto. Meet Kaze, he will be your brother from now on and the Root foundation, your home." For the first time after writing 4 books, I have decided to go for NO HAREM!!! I am going to try something new and the whole fan-fic is going to be in MC's POV. I know that I am bad at POV and that's why I would like to get some advices after you read a few chapters so that I can improve them in the future Although I plan on making the MC go from weak to strong, I still don't know the power balance and that's what happened in the last fan-fics. I sometimes end up giving him some power that makes him way stronger than others. I did say I wasn't going to write anymore, but I decided to write anyways. For those who already read something I wrote, would know that till date, I haven't completed even a single story. I am. not going to promise that I would finish this, but I will try to finish it. I don't own the cover and got this from an episode. I also don't own anything other than my OC characters.

komega · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 23

I felt two chakra that stood our from among the kids assembled.

One was from a girl who had long blonde, straight hair. Another was from a boy, who also had blonde hair, which were messy.

Both had arrogance on their faces. From only the look on their faces, I could tell that they were either the kids of some famous ninja, or were trained by an expert.

As we were standing in line, a ninja appeared before us with a pad in his hand. He announced to us "Listen up kids, when I call out your name, you step forward and channel chakra around your body. The longer you can keep the chakra around you, the greater your chances to join the elite batch."

I was new to the academy and even the show didn't have that much info about the Land Of Lightning, so everything was new here.

My information here is useless and I was on the same level as these kids, knowledge wise. And the test amused me. They were either searching for students with great amount of chakra, or great chakra control.

As to how I deduced this was that, kids don't know chakra control properly. So, they would release everything at once like I did. That meant they were searching for students who could release chakra without control and still stay for long, or someone who can control chakra for a long period of time.

The ninja then went on explaining as to how they should release their energy. If they end up releasing all the chakra in their body, they would die.

I didn't listen to him and kept wondering about what they would teach in elite class. There was no doubt that I couldn't get into it. I already had more chakra and better chakra control than every other kid present.

Then four other ninjas also appeared beside the ninja, who was done explaining the chakra release.

There were five ninjas, who were evaluating us simultaneously, to save time and effort. It went exactly as expected, kids would release all the chakra and the ninja knocks them out before they expel all the chakra from their bodies.

Even with this, there still was a time difference between kids as to when they lost control of their chakra output.

They would start of performing good, with good control. This suddenly ends when they can't control it any longer.

The evaluation went on, as the other kids were tensed thinking about themselves. Then a name was called, G and T.

(I am already running short on names. Since there is A and B, I am going to use the other letters when needed. I need to save some names for future characters.)

These were the names of both the kids who had more chakra than others. Then I heard a ninja call my name.

I walked towards him, as the kids were whispering about those two kids. I heard a kid say "Isn't that G, who is the grandson of the infamous ninja, Ginkaku?"

Another kid said "I heard my father say that T was trained by Kinkaku's son. The both are monsters like the Gold and Silver brothers"

They were famous and I could see why they were arrogant. The Gold and Silver brothers sure were infamous. I was curious as to how they are still in the village and were getting praises from everyone.

"I guess I would be having fun in academy." I thought as I walked to the ninja that called my name.

And we released our chakra while the ninja had a stopwatch measuring our time. I could concentrate even with my eyes open, but I didn't want to show off and get into trouble.

So, I decided to get a score below the two kids G and T. If I got a score equal or greater than theirs, I would have to explain how I managed to do it.

So, I kept releasing my chakra, while constantly observing them with my Byakugan. Since I was looking down, no one could see the veins around my eye.

When they showed signs of loosing control I also did the same, but before them. I was honestly surprised by their chakra control and the amount of chakra they had.

The kid named G had more than half of my chakra. Around 60% of mine I guess, still approximately half.

The point is that, he had more chakra than he should have at his age, unless he practiced like me.

I acted like I released almost all my chakra and fell down when I was close to actually emptying my chakra.

The Byakugan took a huge chunk of my chakra. As I fell down, the ninja bent towards me and said "Congrats kid, you actually managed to stop releasing chakra by yourself. That in itself is a great thing.

You would come first or second if given proper training like those two kids. Still, I am sure you are third. Good job kid."

From the corner of my eyes, I could see G and T looking at me with curiosity. I was someone who came close to them, so it obviously got them interested in me.

I just smiled and let myself be carried away by medical ninja. As I was being carried, I could hear kids whispering about me and coming up with theories as to who I was.

A medical ninja supplied chakra to my body, which was barely enough to walk.

They told that eating food would replenish my energy and sent me away with a banana in my hand.

I sat on the branch of a tree, eating my banana and chewing on it while I watched kids getting knocked out by ninjas.

It wasn't that interesting, till I heard someone say "Hey you, get down here."

The voice came from below me. I looked down and found the same girl that stood out and caught my eye.

She was T. I had a smile on my face as I looked down. I dropped the banana peel on her, which she easily dodged and shouted "How dare you?"

I said "What makes you think I will listen to you?". I wasn't going to play along even with a bratty kid.

Then I heard another voice from behind " I guess now you would want to listen to us." as I felt something cold and sharp at my throat.

"Kids shouldn't be playing around with weapons." I said. I got up and he took back his kunai.

He said "You are brave. You didn't start crying like the other kids we scared today."

I asked "Why are you doing this?" and he replied "Just for fun "

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