
Naruto: Road To Godhood

A Naruto fan finds himself in the body of Uchiha Clan's black sheep. It doesn’t matter how or why he found himself in there. All it matters is what’s he going to do next. Disclaimer: I own nothing.

NoobMastar69 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Academy Days [Part 1]

This was honestly way too easy. If someone were to release Kyubi like Orochimaru had done with Blue B, Konoha might not survive.

I mean even after surviving the Kyubi attack the village would fall very quickly, other villages would most likely decide to have revenge for the last war.

*sigh* I can only hope something like that won't happen, at least until I leave. Mendokusē.


-Next Week-

Today is the day. The Shinobi Academy enrollment day. I wonder what it was going to be like. I have no clue.

There were dozen Uchiha my age starting the academy with me. Honestly I didn't even knew who most of them were. I only knew Izumi and Itachi.

The Clan head approaches us "Alright everyone listen up. You all will be representing the Clan in the academy. I expect all of you to be the best. Remember any Uchiha is more talented than any genius outside the clan. Good luck to you all." he left after saying his piece.

'Just how stupid Fugaku thinks we are. Every one knows Minato is the greatest genius born in Konoha and he has audacity say something so stupid.' I thought to myself before looking at other childeren.

'Well... Never mind these kids are stupid enough to believe something like that.' *sigh*

Another Uchiha come, his reserves was a mid-Chunin level. He handed us piece of paper we needed to fill out. So I did:


Admittee Name: Uchiha Daisuke

Mother's Maiden Name: Uchiha

Father's Name: Uchiha Hayato

Clan Status (if any): Member of the Uchiha Clan

Age: 7

Reason's For Joining: I wish to become a strong shinobi and make my late parents proud of me.

Pledge Of Loyalty To The Village (To be Filled By The Admittee): I, Uchiha Daisuke, pledge my loyalty to the Village Hidden in Hidden in the Leaves, Konohagakure.


Well this should do, of course I didn't write my real reason to join.

I passed my application form to the Chunin he looks at it and nods, then collects everyones papers. Itachi was the last to give his paper.

I could see he wrote 'I want to become a shinobi to protect the village and my little brother'.

Maybe I should save Itachi from his fate, he doesn't deserve something like that... Nah that's stupid.

It would put me in needless danger and give Orochimaru easier chance to get his hands on an Uchiha. Plus I don't want to majorly mess with Obito and Black Zetsu just yet.

The Chunin finaly starts speaking "Listen up. Your real training is beginning today. Follow me I'll take you to your classes."

Izumi raises her hand "Excuse me. Are there more than 1 class?"

He nods "There are many classes, each class has around 30 students. Now let's get going."

"I wish I'm in Itachi's class" She mutters just enough to be heard


-1 Hour Later-

I was dropped in a class 3, there was a Hyuuga, a Nara and an Inuzuka. Also maybe a Sarutobi. But I wasn't sure about him.

Teacher finally makes an appearance "Good Morning everyone. My name is Ryuma I'll be your Sensei for the next few years" he said with an enthusiasm of a middle aged public school teacher.

"Today we will have a special guest. He is THE strongest shinobi in the world. You will show utmost respect. Now please welcome Sandaime-sama, Sarutobi Hiruzen." Ryuma exclaimed and kids started clapping.

Hiruzen walks in and one thing is for sure, this guy was nailing the Dumbledore act. "Now now Ryuma-kun there is no need for that. I just wanted to have a little chat with the future of Konoha"

'Sure... half the class will die before they turn 20, but yes they are the future of Konoha.' I thought to myself.

"I want you to ask yourself a question. What is Will of Fire?" he waits for everyone to think about it for a minute "To me it is it is what gives Konohagakure shinobi the strength to continue fighting against all odds, building willpower and strength of character. After all Konoha is the place I was born, raised, grow old, would die to protect.

Even after I die, someone else, like you will take up my mantle, and the mighty tree of Konoha will continue to grow. Because that is the Will of Fire."

They all started clapping 'Are you guys serious? This guy is obviously expecting you to die for the village and you all are clapping? Is this the result of propaganda their parents and friends install upon them over the years? That must be it.' I mused to myself.

Hokage left, and after that "Now class I want every one to introduce themselves..."

I blocked out what everyone was saying not interested in them since most of them had low-academy student level of chakra, only exception being the clan children.

"Hyuga Shigeki, please introduce yourself"

Shigeki nods "I'm Hyuga Shigeki of the Hyuga clan's main branch. My destiny is to become a powerful shinobi, as is all Hyuga's."

Sensei nods "Inuzuka Okami, please introduce yourself"

She jumps on top of the table "Now listen up! My name is Okami and I'm form Inuzuka clan, one of the strongest clans in Konoha! I'm the Alpha. Remember it."

"Ko Saya..." since I wasn't interested in her I continued blocking out her introduction

"Nara Shikaru *sigh* wake up and introduce yourself" teacher said in a tired tone

*Yawn* "Alright alright. *sigh* My name is Shikaru, I'm from Nara clan. I like to sleep and watch clouds. I dislike those who wake me up. My dream is to find an average woman and have an average, boring life."

"Why is Nara clan like this?" Chunin mutters "Moving on..." I continued blocking out what everyone was saying until it was my turn

"Uchiha Daisuke please introduce yourself" teach says

"Thank you Ryuma-sensei. My name is Uchiha Daisuke, I like to train and taking walks around the lake. I dislike people who judge others for things out of their control and my dream is to make my parents proud" I said while thinking 'at least that's what I want you to think'

He nods and starts the class. Surprisingly everyone new how to read and write, as well as basic mathematics. I guess parents or an orphanage worker taught them before they started the academy.

The class was on the basics of Chakra. Stuff Daisuke's father taught him when he was 4. Probably same for almost all clan children if I were to go by the bored looks on their faces.

*sigh* I need to endure these mundane classes for few years if I want to keep myself relatively hidden from Orochimaru, Obito and Danzo... Mendokuse