
Naruto: Rising from the Ashes

The main character from Dark Souls ends up in the Naruto universe. No Harems!!! I'll add a link to my patreon later, but for now, enjoy the free version. Author: https://ficbook.net/authors/119435

Vandalizer · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

before reading I want to add that every 300 power stones is an additional chapter


It's human nature to fear many things. Fear breeds anger, anger breeds hatred, and hatred leads to even greater hatred until the source of fear is destroyed.

Takeshi calmly knocked on the Hokage's office door. Sarutobi Hiruzen always appeared relaxed, calm, and thoughtful—good qualities for the head of a village. The visit from this guest was not unexpected. After all, in Konoha, Hiruzen had enough eyes and ears to monitor every step his subordinates took and more.

"How can I help you, Takeshi-kun?"

"I've come for answers. Now that I'm part of your community, I have the right to get them, don't I?"

"That's true, but you could have easily waited a while and gotten all your answers in our archives. Why the rush?"

"I'm not interested in digging through documents. I want to have a conversation with someone reasonable, wise, and knowledgeable in this matter."

"Well, you can consider me an open book, Takeshi-kun. You can ask your questions, but keep in mind, if the topic is too personal or extremely dangerous, you understand that I might not be able to answer."

"Of course. I fully understand that."

Takeshi sighed heavily and sat in a chair next to the Hokage's desk. Resting his chin on his hand, he decided to start with something simple.

"Why did the exam go so terribly?"

"You probably didn't observe the situation as a whole. Over the past year, I haven't manipulated the minds of the candidates or deprived them of their emotions. I believe that a shinobi should retain these qualities to remain human."

"But is a 'shinobi' really a human? He's a tool in the village's hands to accomplish its tasks, nothing more, nothing less."

"You know, you remind me of my friend Danzo. He, like you, believes that emotions only hinder the execution of a mission. And even after all this time, we've remained true to our own principles. What do you think, Takeshi-kun, why did just over 60% of the candidates die during the exam?"

"Irresponsibility, recklessness, and naivety."

"Correct, and there's nothing I can do about that. I'll let you in on a little secret: most of the candidates weren't anything special. The majority failed the genin exam and chose this path solely for the money. We repeatedly warned them about the dangers and the possibility of death during the exam, so it's entirely their fault."

"I'm not blaming you. In fact, I more than understand and accept your point of view. Every person decides for themselves who they want to be."

"You don't feel any pity for them?"

"Pitying fools is a waste of time. I'd rather pity those who tried their hardest to improve but died from a stab in the back."

"So, you have a certain code of honor, don't you?"

"I admire strong individuals and am indifferent to the weak."

"Yes, but your squad was also weak."

"Morally, yes, but they had some abilities. Besides, I couldn't let my captain down and not follow her orders."

"Ah yes… Yugao and her order to assist the squad. Are you always this responsible?"

"If I have the strength and the means to do so, then yes, always."

"Even if it's dangerous and risky for your life?"

"Even so. I think, in short, it was just a simple process of natural selection, and only the strong will remain in the end."

"That's one way to put it."

"Alright, next question. Who is Uzumaki Naruto?"

"He's an orphan. To be precise, he's the son of the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, and Uzumaki Kushina, and also the jinchuriki of the Nine-Tailed Bijuu."

"Hm, I see. Now… it all makes sense."

Takeshi pondered for a whole five minutes, and he might have continued thinking even longer if he hadn't been interrupted by the interested voice of the Hokage.

"Is something wrong, Takeshi-kun?"

"I'm just trying to understand why the Hokage's son lives like a dog running through the streets. Even considering that he's a jinchuriki, that's no reason to discard him and pretend he doesn't exist."

"Unfortunately, Takeshi-kun, from a political standpoint, Uzumaki Naruto is too important a figure."

"So 'important' that everyone in the village sees him as nothing more than a demon and doesn't know the whole truth? Why cultivate hatred in a child's heart when you could give him someone who could cleanse that hatred?"

"There are things even I can't influence. Assistance from others might be seen as Hokage interference. But why do you care, Takeshi-kun? Are you concerned about the boy's fate?"

"Yes, even if you consider him no more than a strategically important weapon, wouldn't it be better to give the boy motivation in the form of someone dear to him?"

"There's no need for that. Politics is a dirty business, and whether you like it or not, it's impossible not to get your hands dirty."

"Does anyone have the right to interfere in Naruto's life?"

"Almost no one. Only the ANBU I've assigned watch over him and report everything twenty-four hours a day. They have the right to intervene only in cases of extreme necessity. In all other cases, no one has the right to form any kind of relationship with him. This rule applies to all clan members, while the clanless simply don't know the full picture and blend in with the crowd of ignorant people. There are too many influential figures who want our 'Weapon' to have neither power nor the right to choose. That way, he's easier to control, predict, and use for the village's benefit…"

All of this was said in a calm, indifferent voice, and only in the Hokage's gaze could one notice a certain interest in his interlocutor. As if he was expecting some negative reaction or outburst of indignation, but instead, Takeshi calmly kept his hand at his chin, contemplating the situation from the perspective of Konoha's leadership.

Takeshi logically, to himself, considered who might benefit from this and concluded that the likely culprits were the "Advisors of Konoha," who were an essential part of the village. They represented the village's political stance, responsible for its security and development.

"You know, Takeshi-kun, you're a very interesting person. An ordinary person would feel compassion and pity for Naruto Uzumaki's situation, but you just observe it like a bystander."

"What's the point of pity if my actions won't change anything? I'm your Weapon. I bear your seal, so even if I wanted to or had the chance, I can no longer oppose your decisions. I'm simply seeking understanding and the way things work in Konoha."

In this regard, Takeshi was slightly lying or, to be more precise, intentionally withholding information. In the future, he would find a way to remove the seal.

"You know, that quality of yours—simple understanding—is extremely valuable. People are quick to label actions as either good or evil, but few see the good intentions behind evil deeds or the truly terrifying consequences behind good ones. I think, when the time is right, I'll tell Naruto the whole truth. Right now, it's just not possible."

"You said 'a crowd of foolish people,' so why are people not aware...?"

"The damage inflicted by the Kyuubi was simply horrifying. This created hatred of various kinds in the village. Some people harbor it deep inside, while for others, it's as visible as it is for most villagers. To maintain stability in the village, they needed someone to blame for all the sins. And you know who plays the role of the village 'scapegoat.' People could say, look at, or ignore him as they pleased, but everyone was strictly forbidden to touch him."

"That's... foolish?"

"Why? Help me come up with a better alternative, and we can consider it together. Come on, Takeshi-kun, I'm all ears," Takeshi frowned slightly at his foolishly cheerful tone and the feigned terrible smile. It was as if he was just waiting for him to try and blame him for this decision.

"You could have..."

At that moment, he remembered that Naruto Uzumaki had no chance of receiving help from anyone because of the foolish politicians, clans, and others. This... situation forced the Hokage to act this way, even if it appeared disgusting from the outside. For a moment, Takeshi felt that the Hokage was almost useless, considering that the rank didn't grant its holder absolute power or the final say. This high, honorable rank was like a label of an important and beloved bird.

"Let me ask another question. If he's the son of the 'Fourth,' why didn't any of those close to him take him in?"

"There were candidates," Sarutobi admitted reluctantly. "But the Clan Council and Konoha decided by a majority vote to reject this option. There were three of them in total: Jiraiya, Tsunade Senju, and, surprisingly, Hatake Kakashi. Jiraiya was... too much of a free spirit, and taking on the responsibility of caring for a child would have been too heavy a burden for him. Tsunade was going through a tough time, and due to the wounds of the past, she probably wouldn't have been able to care for him either. The same applies to Hatake Kakashi. And the main reason the rejection was approved is quite simple and was already mentioned earlier."

"'Strengthening the clan's position'?"


"And why is everyone so afraid of this?"

"Maybe you didn't notice last time, but Naruto Uzumaki has monstrous potential to become a strong shinobi. Therefore, if any clan that took him in were to expand their influence, they'd have no choice but to submit because of Naruto Uzumaki."

"Alright, I think my curiosity about Naruto Uzumaki is fully satisfied."

"And what do you think about all of this? Do you consider me a monster, a tyrant, or a two-faced hypocrite?"

"I believe that the village's power structure needs changes. I don't specifically blame you for the entire situation, but I think that if people cared not only about themselves but genuinely about the welfare of the village, this wouldn't have happened. In this whole situation, I only saw the fear of people and their desire to keep a weapon close at hand rather than the son of a legendary shinobi."

"So you think that despite everything I've said, Naruto Uzumaki should have...?"

"A teacher. Friends, family, and so on cannot replace what the boy needs most. Power. He's too naive and foolish to understand that mere determination to become strong is not enough to defeat talented and strong opponents. Give him hope that his dream is neither faint nor foolish."

"And yet you're kind, Takeshi-kun," a slight smile appeared again.

"I look at it from a standpoint of complete dedication. Unleashing the boy's potential will give this village..."

"A huge problem."

"...or a valuable asset."

"This isn't a game of shogi, Takeshi-kun. In shogi, you can freely control the outcome of a battle. But in reality, you can't predict people's moves in critical situations."

By dangerous situations, he meant outbursts of anger and hatred that could be triggered by revelations and the unveiling of truth. Now, the former immortal undead fully understood the situation regarding the jinchuuriki in this village, and he didn't particularly like it. People fear the power the boy possesses, and that's why they've done everything to keep that power close to them. It reminded him of how Gwyn, the Lord of Sunlight, once in the past, similarly locked away potential Chosen Ones with the Dark Soul in a secluded and beautiful place. He also feared their power, and for a good reason, considering the power that Slave Knight Gael possessed. The difference was only in scale. Gwyn had to act this way because of the numbers, whereas here, there was just one boy.

"If the power structure falters and we manage to somehow influence Naruto Uzumaki's situation, can I assist in this?"

"The key word is 'if' that happens. The Advisors, Root, the Clan Council. All three of these spheres are against you and Naruto. You need to at least convince two of them to do as you wish. If you can achieve that, consider him at your disposal."

"You keep a weapon capable of destroying villages close to you and do everything to ensure that this weapon turns against you. I suppose I'll go. If you don't mind, I'll do some training at the open field No. 15."

"Alright. I also hope you succeed," and just before he crossed the threshold of the door, he decided to call out to him, "Oh, and Takeshi-kun! Those who are against your idea will surely want to prevent you from fulfilling your desire, so be ready for that."

"Thank you for the warning, but I already know that."

This week passed surprisingly slowly and uneventfully for Takeshi, even considering the solo training. The greatest advantage he had gained over the last year of training was enhancing his body with spiritual energy. As mentioned earlier, the undead always valued the power of their soul more than their body, so it didn't matter what happened to the body, what wounds or training it endured; the soul was the key. His abnormal strength and speed could easily be attributed to good chakra control. This was the only achievement valued in the ANBU. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't explain the abnormal reaction time and high pain tolerance of his body. Takeshi didn't particularly choose any permanent weapon during his training, as he considered it wrong to depend on any one weapon. After all, he himself was a weapon, and in case of extreme necessity, he could create one using the Power of Fire.

Despite deciding not to rely too heavily on chakra, he needed to use and develop its powers. In this world, the art of swordsmanship using chakra was called Kenjutsu, and to make it easier, more convenient, and more effective to apply his abilities in battle, he decided to use it. Enveloping his blade in fire? That's fairly simple. But few understand the true meaning of his fire. The Flame of Life.

The exam for the captain rank didn't have everything that the ANBU entrance exam had. It began with a regular test. They presented him with scenarios of various situations that he or his team could encounter. As you might guess, he had to respond, offering a course of action.

When the testing was over, he was offered to take on a final test—sparring with a stronger opponent. They didn't tell him their name, rank, or abilities; they only resembled a regular ANBU with a white animal mask, making this the most challenging part of the exam. Since his opponent used a short version of a straight-bladed katana on their back, he also had to take a weapon of the same shape from the stand.

Without saying a word to each other, Takeshi respectfully bowed slightly and took a combat stance. With his left hand, he threw three shuriken, simultaneously making a sharp dash to close the distance with his opponent, delivering a strike from top to bottom. All the projectiles were calmly deflected, the strike was met with a momentary block, only for him to immediately break the distance again and repeat the strike, but this time from bottom to top.

The battle resembled a chess game. Both opponents seemed to anticipate each of their moves and made countermeasures, so each action had to conceal the true intent behind it. During that incomplete minute of fighting, Takeshi managed to spot the familiar Sharingan described in books through the holes in the mask. Takeshi also felt that his opponent was holding back and not fighting at full strength. It wasn't hard for him to guess why...

He had to take a risk. Throw his weapon at the opponent and appear behind him. The sword was deflected, and Takeshi's lunge with a kunai only struck a piece of wood, while his enemy aimed to stab him from above. The enemy's blade pierced another log, and above it, Takeshi spun his body, crossing his kunai with his opponent's sword in a flash of yellow sparks.

"Enough!" commanded the Hokage with a slightly raised voice. Both instantly broke off and dropped to one knee. "Congratulations, Takeshi. From this moment, you are an ANBU captain. Tomorrow at seven in the morning, report to my residence for your first assignment. You're dismissed."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama."

When Takeshi left the arena, the Hokage stayed behind for a few words with his loyal subordinate, Uchiha Itachi.

"What can you say about him?"

"I'd give him the nickname 'False Sharingan,'" he commented coldly, removing his mask.

"So, you noticed his special ability, huh? He really can read his opponents' movements."

"It's unnatural. No ordinary shinobi can simply read movements. That takes years of experience or being an Uchiha. How does a teenager possess such abilities?"

"That... we don't know yet, but we have one hypothesis we can't confirm at this time. Also, I called you here not just to conduct this sparring. So, my concerns were confirmed, Itachi? The Uchiha clan really...?"

"Yes... and when the time comes, I'll let you know. Just protect my brother. That's all I ask."

"I'll do everything in my power."

With a blurred black trail, Uchiha Itachi left the arena, and Danzo emerged from the Hokage's shadow.

"Are you sure he'll fulfill his part?"

"Absolutely. Is Root ready to fulfill its part?"

"Do you doubt me?"

"No, it's just... I have a feeling we've missed something."

"Everything will go smoothly. Still... I regret that you decided to keep Takeshi under your wing."

"You don't know how to appreciate the talented. You prefer to use them and discard them at the first sign of emotion."

"Bonds are a weakness. The only thing that matters is completing the mission at any cost."

"And here we are, back to our eternal argument. Maybe another time? Perhaps over a cup of sake?"

"Let's deal with the Uchiha situation first, and then we'll drink."

"You're right."

Author's Note:


This chapter wasn't particularly exciting. Political intrigues and blah-blah-blah, but what can you do?