
Naruto: Rise Of The Uzumaki

MC Transmigrates into the world of Naruto as the heir of the Uzumaki Clan Follow MC as he tries to reach the top while he also grows his clan What to expect: Smart but arrogant MC that doesn’t care about the Canon at times No Harem MC won’t be OP right away but will eventually get strong Good amount of training and original arcs Some things may be different due to my lack of knowledge so let’s just say this is an AU New writer so there may be mistakes

Unknown_To_All · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 9 Clan Meeting

As my Grandfather had said a large meeting was held the next day for all the clan elders. The only difference is that he brought me along but let me know I wasn't allowed to speak unless requested to.

Many elders were happy to see me participating in a meeting of this level as it would make me a better leader for the future. While others felt I was insulting them somehow with my presence. In the end, they had no say in the matter since my grandfather was the leader, not them.

Some of the topics they touched on involved recuperation efforts and new trade deals that were in the process of completion.

I was truly surprised at how much money was gonna start rolling in now that we would be supplying to all the nations and not just Konoha. The other elders were surprised as well and seemed to have realized that our ties to Konoha had actually been holding us back quite a bit.

Once the meeting was nearing completion Gramps offered me to take the stand and tell the elders about my ideas. To say I was nervous is an understatement but I knew my ideas needed to be pushed through for our clan to grow.

Again some elders looked agitated to see me stand up to speak clearly seeing me as nothing but a regular child. The same couldn't be said about the elders who were present in the war room during the invasion. If anything these elders looked excited to hear me speak like I was going to give them some sort of prophecy.

Seeing that the room had finally calmed down and was prepared to hear me out whether they wanted to or not gave me the chance to start. I began with my idea of an academy where all can learn so we could bring the civilians closer to the clan while also bolstering the number of our shinobi. I even told them we could send some Uzumaki to the classes so that the civilians could feel closer to us and even see us in a greater light than they did before.

The elders were stunned by this proposal and discussions began to appear all over the room mostly with positive support. Some even brought up Konoha as an example of a successful academy that helped the Leaf recover much faster than the other villages after the wars.

seeing some had questions I chose to give the opportunity to Elder Tochio as I was already familiar with him

"Do you have a question Respected Elder Tochio?"

Seeing that I had given him the option to speak out on the subject and that I even remembered his name from only one meeting made him much happier.

"That I do young master, myself and many other elders were curious on what sort of curriculum would be introduced to the students?" Hearing his question many elders nodded with approval

"I was thinking of having the classes teach basic knowledge that most civilians don't have access to while also teaching chakra control and making special classes where we can teach the students a variety of subjects suited to their chakra nature and fighting styles. To create more flexibility among our forces"

My grandfather gave me a big smile showing how proud he was at my response while the elders also seemed to like my idea for the academy.

I had already been thinking about the curriculum as well for a while now. The main thing I wanted our school to have is actual useful classes, unlike the brainwashing that goes on inside the leaf where most classes are in some way about the will of Fire. Team 7 even graduated without even knowing proper chakra control exercises and had to find out their chakra natures after graduation.

Seems like they wasted their time too me when instead they could've been developing their skills and attributes.

After a while the room quieted down and my grandfather spoke up once more

"All in favor of establishing an academy raise your hands" With that almost all the elders raised their hands the only ones that didn't were those that saw us above regular people

"Now my grandson has one last topic to speak to all of you with" All eyes returned to me showing much more support than they previously did

Nice this is a good change the more they see me as a genius the more I'll know about the clan's affairs.

"Esteemed Elders our clan has been the sole guardian of Uzushiogakure for many years and this has given us much honor but that has also put a strain on us, as there is no other clan to assist us. So I suggested to my grandfather that we try to recruit some more clans into our village and I know that bringing a foreign clan has some risks and would need time to truly inspect which clan we should bring. During this long month, I have tried thinking about which clan should be the first to join us and I believe we should invite the Chinoike Clan. They have strong Ninjutsu and Ocular power comparable to the Sharingan."

Once more discussions erupted in the room but this time with much more intensity. Many argued that bringing foreign ninjas would destroy our way of life while some spoke out saying that this was the only way for our village to truly rise up and potentially become the 6th great village.

When the topic of becoming the 6th great village appeared many stepped back and truly thought about the potential of reaching such a level. A sense of ambition seemed to flash in many of their eyes.

Gramps saw that this was going nowhere and spoke out once more "Fellow Elders we should give this clan a chance as a trial run before inviting other clans, but before this we must first send a team to meet the Chinoike clan to see if they are even interested in joining our village. As we all know they have a bad history when it comes to working for nations ever since they were wrongfully accused and banished."

The elders seemed to agree and decided that we must send out some anbu to meet the Chinoike current clan head.

"As we are all in favor of giving this change a chance, I shall send Kuroko and his team to make contact"

Kuroko then stepped forward and gave a nod to Gramps

yes I love it when a plan comes together


Hello author here ✌️

Extra chapter for today. Earlier I was writing down some ideas and watching some videos when I got a whole bunch of inspiration. Now I got over 20 chapters done and felt like posting an extra today 😘

Can't wait for you guys to react to some of the things I'll be bringing out in the near future I'm this book also I appreciate the suggestions you've all been giving. Some of those suggestions may show up in the future like the Chinoike clan.

Also keep up the comments and maybe some reviews they push me to write ✍️ 😊

Have a nice night everyone 👊