
Naruto: Rise Of The Uzumaki Dropped

MC Transmigrates into the world of Naruto as the heir of the Uzumaki Clan Follow MC as he tries to reach the top while he also grows his clan What to expect: Smart but arrogant MC that doesn’t care about the Canon at times No Harem MC won’t be OP right away but will eventually get strong Good amount of training and original arcs Some things may be different due to my lack of knowledge so let’s just say this is an AU New writer so there may be mistakes

Unknown_To_All · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 26 intermission

Blood Dragon Ascension!


Out of the blood-soaked floor emerged multiple dragon heads as they began ripping apart the enemy shinobi. Seeing things weren't going well forced them to try escaping the heads but no matter what they did it was as if the heads were tracking them down.


Screams like this could be heard all over the battlefield. At this point, the Kumo ninjas were wondering why they were still fighting a losing battle. They had the upper hand at first but now they are being massacred on both sides.

One kumo ninja was extremely upset about this outcome his name was Daichi. He was placed in charge of this operation by Unruly A! A ninja who was practically guaranteed to become the next Raikage after Lord Third retires. If he succeeded in his mission then maybe he could rise to A's inner circle and receive greater rewards and honor but instead, this mission is becoming a clear failure! Where did it all go wrong?

'That's right... It's all because of those kids!' he thought as he turned toward the two who were brutally murdering his men

Wait those headbands? UZUSHIGAKURE!!! He was Livid with anger. During the invasion of Uzushio, his brother left to follow the Raikage saying he would bring back spoils of war and maybe even a wife if he was lucky but instead, all he got back was his headband.

Now he's finding out the ones ruining his chances of raising his status in the village is Uzushio again and not just that but some snot-nosed brats. In a moment of eery calmness, Daichi began to think of what he could do to kill them. That was when he remembered something that would've slipped his mind if not for the situation at hand.

'Keke they might have won the battle but they won't be leaving The Land of Lightning alive I'll make sure of it!'

"Men retreat!" Daichi said as he led his men away from the battlefield while giving a slight grin toward Akashi


Damn, the emotions coming off that guy is disturbing, to say the least. Clearly, that guy isn't content with retreating and leaving us be.

"Kuroko sensei we need to get out of here quick!" I shouted to my sensei who had just finished killing another shinobi

"You don't gotta tell me twice Akashi I felt that guy's emotions too" Kuroko said with a bit of nervousness

While we were talking the Hagraromo clan had also been recovering and patching their wounded.

"Boss who do you think those guys are and why did they help us" Asked a random clan member

"Hmm, I think they might be from Uzushio. You all saw that blood dragon right? That is something I've only seen the Chinoike do and we all know that they moved into Uzushio but as for why they helped us is something we're going to have to ask them" Hiro said with a hint of weariness. Nothing is free in this shinobi world after all.


Kuroko seemed to feel their gaze on his back and turned to face them in the distance.

"They must be worried sensei. I know my clan was when you all showed up in the valley of hell." Oyashiro said as he turned to look at the other group as well

"Hn then it's best we go meet them" Kuroko said as we all stood up and began walking over

Seeing us walk over seemed to startle some of them and they all got into defensive postures. The atmosphere began to grow still once more at least until a man stepped out of the group.

He had red hair and two black horns coming out of his head but that wasn't the biggest thing I noticed instead it was his height and stature. This guy was built!

"Strangers why did you come here and help us, not that we aren't thankful" Said the tall man

Kuroko stepped forward as well taking charge of the situation "We are Shinobi of Uzushiogakure." Kuroko said with a pause while thinking about the best way to go about this "Look we're not going to beat around the bush since we're probably gonna have more kumo ninjas upon us soon. We're here to invite your village to join Uzushio at the request of the Chinoike clan."

When Kuroko got to the point all the Hagaromo clan members were quickly stunned. Some even stood up to get a better look at Kuroko's face to see if he was lying.

"Not that I don't believe you... but why are you inviting us it can't just be because the Chinoike requested it" Hiro said while examining us.

"We are currently looking for more clans to join the village. With war coming we realized we need to solidify our power. The best way to do that is by adding more talent into a village hence why we are here."

"So you are bringing us back to fight in a war we have no part in?"

"The war is one reason I will admit that but not the only one. With time we have acknowledged we can't defend our home alone at least not without great sacrifice. I'm sure you've heard about the invasion of Uzushio. Though we won it wasn't exactly a happy ending."

"Yes, we did hear about that battle. Mighty impressive to repel such numbers. I won't lie and say I didn't feel my blood boil when I heard about it. Still, what do we get out of joining?" Hiro asked as he gave his full focus on Kuroko

"The one thing you all lack" Kuroko said as he eyed the whole group

"What can we possibly lack? We are the Hagaromo Clan descendants of the Sage of Six Paths himself"

"A home"

One phrase was all Kuroko sensei said but it was one that weighed heavily on the Hagaromo clan. Some members even seemed to reminisce about the past.

"If having a Home isn't enough then know you will also receive friends in us the Uzumaki and the Chinoike. While with new friends you will also receive rivals"

"You drive a hard bargain Uzuamaki" Hiro said as he reached his hand out toward Kuroko

"Hn the names Uzumaki Kuroko" Kuroko said as he reached out his hand

"Hagaromo Hiro"

Things were going well everyone was handshaking and filled with good spirits. That was until me and Kuroko felt multiple individuals enter the range of our mind's eye.

Panic quickly flashed in our faces before we both turned to the Hagaromo clan

This Chakra!
