
Naruto Returns From the Genshin Impact World

The young Naruto accidentally arrived in Teyvat during the time of the Demon War, was adopted by Morax, and received a good education and influence. He witnessed the stories in the Demon War and also experienced the heart-wrenching pain when his companions died. The returning Naruto, looking at his current world, murmured: I have seen the towering Earth Dragon King; I have seen the Ice Wolf’s claws tearing the earth; I have seen war machines sweeping everything; I have seen the divine punishment falling from the sky; I have seen the dream of cutting everything… Note: This is a translation 从魔神战争归来的鸣人 =========================== You can support me at patre on and read +20 chapters in advance patre on.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter 75: I Don't Want to Be a Tailed Beast Anymore!

Inside the seal 

"Nine-Tails! Nine-Tails! That bastard, hehehe, looking down on this lord, isn't it also sealed by someone? The aura of that guy is just as disgusting as the fresh hot dog that a dog in a garbage dump just ate a small hamburger. , Just looking at the heat from a distance, I will..." Shukaku, the One-Tail, cursed in the sealing space.

"Shut up!"

Suddenly, a voice suddenly sounded.

Shukaku stopped nagging and turned his head to look at the other side of the sealing space. Naruto and Gaara had come into the sealing space at the same time.

"You are... how did you get in..."

Gaara asked incredulously.

"It's just a little trick. This guy is too noisy and annoying." Naruto squinted at Shukaku and continued: "Have you been putting up with him all the time? Your temper is too good, if it were me, I would have been unable to bear it."

Gaara: .... Actually, I don't want to bear it either.

"Ah, hahaha, you are the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails? It's a little blond, it's simply..." Shukaku started to mock wildly again.

But the next moment, a huge figure of orange-red color came out directly from Naruto's body. The fox with nine tails stared at Shukaku in the sealing space with an unhappy face and said, "You guy, what were you just saying?"

Shukaku: "...damn, how did you get in."

Now Shukaku is a bit panicked. It's okay to scold the Nine-Tails across the network, but if it's face to face, it will be more friendly in terms of tone and wording. Although it is not afraid of the Nine-Tails, it will still be psychologically when it comes to face-to-face. Some changes.

"Hehe, I heard a damn raccoon cat here talking nonsense, so I came in." The Nine-Tails moved his body while speaking.

"Huh, what can you do if you come in, I'm still in the seal, you have the ability to come in?" Shukaku looked at his seal in front of him, and his confidence gradually returned, and continued to curse: "Stupid fox, even if you come in What can you do? I just stay in the seal, you have the ability to come in and hit me? Hahaha, you can't come in, you can only watch me scold you! Is there anything more stupid than this? Hahaha..."

"Flame Fist!!"

The Nine-Tails clenched his fist with one hand, and the fierce flame was attached to his fist, and he directly punched Shukaku's seal. The violent and terrifying explosion sounded, and there was a click.

The seal gate, cracked, although only a little gap, but it really cracked.

Gaara looked at the Nine-Tails in horror. At this moment, he had a deep understanding of the strength of the Nine-Tails. Shukaku could not destroy the seal gate at all. The Nine-Tails could crack it with a punch. The strength of this tailed beast is very strong, stronger than Shukaku.


Gaara: "That... my seal..."

Naruto: "It's okay, you don't need to seal it, just beat it until it dares not come out, anyway, the strength of your seal here is also poor, it is estimated that it will not work after sleeping, and you need to stay awake at all times. , There is no need to keep such a garbage seal."

Gaara: "Is....is that so? Is it solved in this way? This is simply outrageous."

On the other side, Shukaku looked at the cracked seal, and the Nine-Tails' fist burning with flames, and his mentality gradually began to change, saying: "..damn, when did you learn new skills, you can even crack the seal, wait, you That eager look, what do you mean?"

"Hehe, what do you say?"

"Flame Fist!!"


The Nine-Tails is continuously bombarding the seal gate, one punch after another. The cracks on the seal gate are gradually getting bigger. Shukaku inside is looking at the Nine-Tails who is constantly using Flame Fist, and his eyes are no longer arrogant and confident.

Why is the Nine-Tails so fierce now?

This combat power is at least one version ahead of me!

Shukaku: "...Damn...Damn, no, don't come over, you don't come over, don't come over!"


The Nine-Tails completely blasted the seal gate with a punch, and looked at the One-Tail with a bad look in his eyes: "Just now, I seemed to hear someone scolding me. Hehe, hehe haha, now, it's time to settle the score!"

"Don't come over...at least...don't hit the face!"

"Flame Fist!!"

"Ah! Damn, why does it hurt so much! What the hell is this flame, ah ah ah! Don't, don't hit me anymore! Yama Lu!! Roar roar roar! Wakaka! Ouch ouch ouch! Sha sha sha sha! Yi ya!!"

"Ora ora ora ora!..."


Gaara stood aside, watching the Nine-Tails madly beating the One-Tail, and the fear of the Tailed Beast in his heart was like a cliff-like blood collapse. So this is what the Tailed Beasts are like, they also scream so miserably when they are beaten by other Tailed Beasts.

"Being the same Tailed Beast, why is the Nine-Tails so much stronger than the One-Tail?" Gaara said, and then as if suddenly awakened, he asked Naruto: "The Nine-Tails is so strong, how do you usually live, how do you guard against the Nine-Tails? If this guy goes berserk, it's estimated that something serious will happen."

"Guard against? Why guard against? Kurama is my most important friend." Naruto said with a sunny and confident smile.

"The most important...friend...?"

Gaara was very shocked in his heart. He had never thought of making friends with the Tailed Beast when he grew up. He always regarded the Tailed Beast as an object that needed to be guarded against. For this reason, he even dared not sleep.


"The seal gate is broken, I broke it. If you dare to go berserk, I will press you on the ground and beat you in front of a village, so that the whole Konohagakure knows that you, the One-Tail, are just a scum. You don't want to lose face in front of everyone, do you?" The Nine-Tails sat directly on the One-Tail, speaking in a majestic manner.

"I...I know."

The One-Tail said sadly, covering his face with one hand and secretly wiping away tears. The Nine-Tails used to be strong, but it definitely didn't have the terrifying strength it has now.

"Why are you so strong now?"

Shukaku asked.

"Shukaku, the power of the Tailed Beast has a limit. I have learned one thing from this long life. The more the Tailed Beast cultivates and grows, the more it will feel the absolute limit that cannot be surpassed. It is absolutely impossible to defeat Wood Release and Mangekyou Sharingan, and be beaten by humans, unless it surpasses the Tailed Beast..." The Nine-Tails said in a low voice.

"What do you mean, what are you talking about?"

Shukaku felt a little confused.

"I'm not going to be a Tailed Beast anymore, Shukaku! I want to surpass the Tailed Beast, become an elemental creature, have stronger speed and strength, and the ability to grow, not afraid of Genjutsu, not afraid of Wood Release, invincible!" The Nine-Tails shouted excitedly.

"Nani, elemental creature?!"

Shukaku was shocked.

"Come on, join my ranks, and cultivate elemental power with me, and become an existence that surpasses the Tailed Beast!" The Nine-Tails continued to shout.


On the other side, Gaara turned his head stiffly, looked at Naruto blankly, and said nothing. From his current expression, it seemed as if his brain had crashed.

一 一 一 一 一

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