
Naruto Returns From the Genshin Impact World

The young Naruto accidentally arrived in Teyvat during the time of the Demon War, was adopted by Morax, and received a good education and influence. He witnessed the stories in the Demon War and also experienced the heart-wrenching pain when his companions died. The returning Naruto, looking at his current world, murmured: I have seen the towering Earth Dragon King; I have seen the Ice Wolf’s claws tearing the earth; I have seen war machines sweeping everything; I have seen the divine punishment falling from the sky; I have seen the dream of cutting everything… Note: This is a translation 从魔神战争归来的鸣人 =========================== You can support me at patre on and read +20 chapters in advance patre on.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 116: Friendly Kusagakure Ninja

"Hiss... hiss hiss, I'm sorry, I was wrong!"

Under the terrifying deterrence, the Jonin of Kusagakure Village immediately stood up and apologized. Even the voice of the apology was trembling, and large drops of sweat flowed down from his body, as if every cell in his body was trembling madly.

"Hmph, boring."

Sasuke leaned back slightly, tilted his head slightly, looked at the ten Kusagakure Village ninjas who were like being punished by the teacher, and suddenly felt a little dissatisfied, and said, "Hey, you actually put your head higher than my line of sight, how... do you want me to look up at you?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

A group of Kusagakure Ninja who were scared to death immediately bowed their bodies, squatted, and made their heads lower than Sasuke's line of sight, without any desire to resist.

"By the way, we still have to negotiate today, right?"

Sasuke thought for a while and said.

"Yes, yes, yes, we want to talk about the matter of Karin Genin. Because your country wants to take away our important medical ninja from Kusagakure Village, so, we want to..." The Jonin of Kusagakure Village plucked up the courage to say again.

"Huh? What do you want?"

Sasuke asked impatiently.

He is not unaware of Karin's affairs, and naturally knows what the so-called medical ninja means. This is also why Sasuke's temper has been so violent from the first time he met them until now. Normally, Sasuke's temper is not so violent.

"Want... want..."

The Jonin of Kusagakure Ninja Village wanted to speak, but as soon as he met Sasuke's eyes, he couldn't muster the courage, and he couldn't even say what he wanted to say.

Why do I feel like he wants to kill me?

"Cough cough, Sasuke-kun, don't be like this."

Black Tiger suddenly interrupted.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Sasuke slowly turned his head, his face was not good, and he looked at Black Tiger with a simple face.

"The people of Kusagakure Village are all good people, and they are also the last allies of Konohagakure. How could they possibly make unreasonable demands on us?" Black Tiger said with a smile.

"So?" Sasuke gradually became impatient.

"We help the people of Kusagakure Village to train ninjas, they must be very grateful, and want to give us some rewards for training ninjas, right?" Black Tiger said with a smile.

"Ah, yes, you're right."

Sasuke laughed, turned his head, looked at the ninjas of Kusagakure Village, and asked, "So, how much reward are you prepared to give us now?"

"Huh? We have to pay?"

The mentality of the Jonin of Kusagakure Village completely collapsed. Isn't this negotiation about them asking for money from Konohagakure? Why are these Konohagakure ninjas so tough?

He gritted his teeth and said, "Wait, our Kusagakure Village is currently under attack by the Take clan. If there is no medical ninja to help at this time, there will definitely be a big problem!"

"Who cares about you, just give me money."

Sasuke looked extremely impatient, directly slapped the table to pieces, and stared at the ten Kusagakure Village ninjas in front of him with burning eyes.

The Jonin of Kusagakure Village didn't say it was okay. As soon as he said this, Sasuke became even more angry. What is a medical ninja? Is a medical ninja a person you let a group of people bite? Moreover, this is a battle between a small village and a clan. Do you give all the wounded to Karin alone for treatment? Do you want to bite her to death? Just like her mother?

Then, the faces of the four Black Tigers behind Sasuke gradually changed. They felt that Sasuke seemed to want to oppress the other party to death, not wanting to get something, his purpose was a bit low.

So... what is this mission for?

Aren't they going to gain benefits?

Is it just to oppress Kusagakure Ninja Village?

What is the purpose of Hokage?

Don't know, and don't understand, but it doesn't matter if you don't understand, the command they received is to unconditionally obey Sasuke's command, and then report the result to Hokage-sama, that's all.

"No, at least, at least we have to help our existing wounded first..." The Jonin of Kusagakure Village knelt on the ground with a thump, and said in a breakdown.


Sasuke laughed, looked at Kusagakure Ninja Village not far away, and said, "I understand, as long as all the wounded in your village disappear, you should not need treatment, right?"

Treatment, bite, tooth mark...

Anyway, the more Sasuke thinks about it, the more angry he gets. This Jonin of Kusagakure Village successfully stepped on the mine continuously.

"No, no..."

"This won't work, that won't work, are you here to negotiate at all!" Sasuke shouted again.

"Ah ah... whatever you say..."

The Jonin of Kusagakure Ninja Village finally couldn't hold it anymore, and was so scared that he cried and leaked, leaving transparent liquid above and opaque liquid below. The Chunin of Kusagakure Village behind him also fainted six directly, leaving only three drooling in a daze.


Then, after friendly negotiations, Kusagakure Village finally announced that it would unconditionally give Konohagakure five million Ryo. At first, the Jonin of Kusagakure Village wanted to give it slowly, but he was scared by a look from Sasuke and hurriedly brought it to Kusagakure Ninja Village for settlement.

At present, the northern fortress of Kusagakure Village is fighting with the Take clan, so there are no other Jonin in the village. This matter was really done by Sasuke.

But it's also good that there are no other Jonin, otherwise Sasuke could scare one Jonin down. If he is a little bolder, he will directly open Susano'o and bomb him down, directly reaching a consensus.


Konohagakure Village, Hokage Office

Sasuke, with four Hokage directly under Anbu, proudly put his hands in his pockets, looked at the Hokage and said, "This negotiation went very smoothly. We and Kusagakure Village have reached an agreement. They highly agree with our approach and gave us Konohagakure one million Ryo of sponsorship fees."

The Hokage were a bit speechless. Although this guy gave them fifty thousand Ryo each as hush money, they were Hokage directly under Anbu. For such a thing, how could they not report it if they knew it, they just couldn't say it directly.

This kid, still naive...

But the negotiation was really cool this time, they had never been so comfortable before. When they negotiated before, they always felt like they were inferior. This time they directly rode on the head of Kusagakure Village, and they could pinch it as they wanted.

"Ah, is it so smooth?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt extremely doubtful. In his opinion, even if Sasuke is particularly good at negotiation, when facing the hard bone of Kusagakure Ninja Village, he should also hit a wall slightly? He just wanted to give young people a chance to accumulate some experience, and it doesn't matter if they fail. How did this become directly?

However, he quickly reacted, slapped the table and stood up in shock and said, "Are you sure you didn't make a mistake, is it Kusagakure Village giving us one million, not us giving Kusagakure Village one million taels? This, this is too outrageous!"

The Jade Dog behind showed a surprised expression, and couldn't help thinking silently: It's really worthy of Hokage, who can perform so realistically, but... do you need to perform at this time? I don't understand a bit...

一 一 一 一 一

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