
Naruto: Return Of The Flash // Ascendance of the Flash

What if Naruto was more intelligent than he was in the canon. What if he was more like his father than his mother, both in looks and personality? Smart and powerful Naruto! NarutoxTemari! Hiraishin Naruto! Stories created by Kamikaze132. ( fanfiction net/u/11429902 )

MkoPoland · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 61

As they exited through the gate, Sakura couldn't help the feeling of nostalgia. Being in a new team, no idea what teamwork is supposed to be with her current members. As they kept walking, the silence between them gave way to awkwardness.

Naruto had a dry expression as they travelled. Just who said it was forbidden to talk?

"You know, I won't cut your tongues off if you talked," he commented to the chunin behind him and Yamato.

Haruto was immensely relieved and started speaking immediately. Being silent for a whole journey was just not his thing. He started chatting away with Sakura, who was a little overwhelmed at first, but then started to reply to Haruto's comments bit by bit.

She wasn't as social as Ino, but it wasn't that she was completely out of the loop. She smiled softly as Haruto almost seemed to get animated while talking, occasionally making wild gestures with his hands. But what surprised Sakura was that he kept his voice low, so as to not bother the jonin walking in front of them. Sakura knew that Naruto preferred the least amount of unnecessary talking possible, and got annoyed when someone just kept talking without any need.

That's surprisingly considerate.

She listened as Haruto spoke in detail about the ingredients used by the Ichiraku's in their ramen, believing that he would one day discover their secret. Sakura stifled her giggles with her hand.

He's adorable when he geeks out.

Her thoughts came to a stop as she took a mental step back. I find him adorable?...cute?...handsome?

Taking a few moments to deliberate, she ultimately conceded. He's not that bad looking. And he is nice to be around also.

While Sakura was lost in her thoughts, Yamato was carefully observing his new team. When Tsunade asked him to be the leader of team 7 in place of Kakashi, Yamato admitted that it floored him. He had a high amount of respect for Kakashi-senpai, who was a legend during his ANBU days. He was a damn good leader of their ANBU team, and when he retired, Yamato was given his position.

He knew much about leading teams, having led one of the most successful teams in ANBU for years. One crucial element about working in a team was, that everyone should be comfortable enough with everyone for the team to function successfully. Right now, he could see that this formation of a team actually had potential to be the best. The relationship between Naruto and Sakura, the original members of team 7 seemed to be well maintained, so there was no problem there. Sakura also seemed to be pretty comfortable with Naruto's cousin, given how she's been talking to him for a while now. It was also pretty obvious that the redhead had a crush on the pinkette, and while being in a relationship with your own team member was frowned upon, because it could disrupt the entire team's performance, there should be no problem if they kept it off field.

From what he knew about the Uzumaki clan, they valued family the most. Naruto and Haruto were cousins, enough said.

Yes….this team will work out just fine.

But while the relations between team members played an important role, their ability to work with each other did as well. Naruto and Sakura had worked together in the past, and know how to go about it. Naruto and Haruto may have worked together, but Yamato couldn't be sure. Haruto was good, no, he was better than good. Otherwise, he wouldn't have made chunin on the first try.

But did the redhead know how to work with Sakura?

Yamato frowned. This team was a completely new team, and this was their first mission. They hadn't even worked out on how to work with each other.

Maybe, I can get them to do a practice run. We do have five days, after all.

They walked for a while more before Yamato suggested they rest. "You guys must be tired, so why don't we stop for a while? I know a nearby place that has hot springs."

Haruto lighted up at the prospect of relaxing in an onsen. "I'm game!"

Sakura also nodded excitedly. "Sounds great!"

Naruto smiled as he shrugged. "I don't have a problem."

Twenty minutes later, the three males were relaxing in the onsen with content expressions on their face.

Haruto sighed as he slipped deeper. "Man, being in an onsen never gets old."

Yamato smiled happily and nodded his agreement. "This is actually is good way to bond with each other."

Naruto, who was washing his hair underwater, came up at that moment. "That was your goal for this onsen then, Yamato?"

Yamato chuckled as he rubbed his neck sheepishly. "Not to doubt your bonds with your teammates, Naruto, but this is a very fresh team. I just wanted to be sure."

"It's alright, I can see your angle," Naruto waved away the man's nervousness as he got up to get out. Haruto groaned as he covered his eyes.

"Man, give us a warning before you flash us with your junk, man!" he exclaimed, a little more than annoyed with his cousin's shamelessness.

Naruto chuckled as he wrapped himself up with the towel and got out. "I'll keep that in mind." He then glanced towards the women side of the springs. "I wonder if she's done too. I need to talk to her about something," he muttered.

Haruto's eyes, which were closed in bliss, snapped open as if a great secret revealed itself to him. That's right…Sakura is on the other side, isn't she?

A leer worthy of Jiraiya appeared on his face. A heavy blush, which would have been light under normal circumstances, appeared on his face. Slowly, he began to move towards the women side of the springs.

Naruto sighed as he noticed his cousin start moving towards the bamboo wall separating the men's and women's bath. It wasn't that Haruto was a pervert, not at all. His cousin respected women and their boundaries. But one did not spend an extended amount of time with the biggest pervert in the nations and not pick up some perverseness. If it was any other girl, Haruto wouldn't have even entertained the thought. Naruto didn't fault his cousin. He faulted his godfather.

Damn you Jiraiya.

He called down to his fellow jonin. "Oi, Yamato!"

Yamato turned, a bit surprised. "What is it, Naruto?"

Naruto nodded towards his cousin. "Better stop him before he gets too far. I'm going to the changing room."

Yamato looked towards where Haruto was going. He closed his eyes and called out. "Haruto-kun, let me tell you an interesting story."

That managed to stop the redhead from progressing further. He turned back with a curious expression. "What?"

Yamato pulled up his scary face that he used to scare his team and began. "When Jiraiya-sama was a genin, he almost died once, but not in the field."

He was pleased to see that the boy looked properly scared. Continuing in a tone as if telling a horror story, he resumed. "That was because he did what you're attempting to do now…."

Haruto took a visible gulp. He didn't like where this story was going.

"It is said that Tsunade-sama beat him to within an inch of his life with her strength, by breaking every bone in his body….."

Yamato suppressed a laugh when he saw the chunin began shaking. Dropping his face, he got out and wrapped a towel. "I wonder what Sakura will do," he wondered before walking away.

Haruto turned back to the wall that separated him from Sakura. Suddenly, it seemed a lot more ominous than before. There were two options before him now: Take a risk and hopefully see some goods, or get caught and get his bones broken.

Yeah, rrrrrright.

He was smart.


The next morning, Naruto was surprised to find out that Yamato was already awake.

Then again, he was ANBU, he reasoned with himself.

He got ready and for the next hour, he discussed with Yamato the plan for the mission. At seven am, he looked towards Haruto, who was asleep with a bit of drool escaping his mouth. He woke his cousin up with a shake. "Haruto, wake up. It's time to go."

The redhead slowly opened his eye, scrunching heavily. He was in deep sleep dammit!

But if he asked for five more minutes, Naruto would dump water onto him. There was no snooze button for his blonde cousin. "Alright, I'm up," he mumbled, sitting up.

Naruto nodded before getting dressed. Yamato, who was already sitting ready, asked him to go and see if Sakura was ready or not.

Naruto nodded and walked out of the room towards Sakura's. He knocked on her door thrice. "Sakura, you up?"

"One second!"

Naruto nodded. "Get ready, we're moving out in an hour."

An hour later, they were back on the road. Their journey was slightly different from yesterday though. Haruto was explaining to Sakura how his chains work.

"See, the simplest explanation is that my chains are an extension of myself, I think of them as having extra limbs. Only they feel more than that. It's like having hands and fingers at the same time," Haruto said, nodding to himself as if that made absolute sense.

Sakura had the driest deadpan Naruto had ever seen on her. "Hands do have fingers," she stated derisively.

Haruto backtracked, shaking a finger at her. "Not in the way you are thinking of."

By now, even Yamato was glancing back oddly. Naruto didn't bother turning; he just smirked. He knew exactly what Haruto was trying to say.

Haruto continued with his explanation, looking completely serious. "I can manifest a large number of chains, but the fact is, the human brain has long since adapted to coordinate only four limbs. So even if I manifest, say, 20 chains, I can only move them in one direction, towards one target. Get it?"

Sakura gave an expression of realization. "Oh, so that's what you were trying to say."

Haruto looked mildly offended, but continued. "For the longest time, I couldn't control my chains separately. It's like trying to write with both hands at the same time."

Sakura looked at him annoyed. "Couldn't you have said that at the beginning?"

Haruto looked confused. "But it was exactly what I said!"

Sakura took a deep breath and counted to ten. It wasn't Haruto's fault, she told herself. Everyone understands a concept in their own way. Haruto's just happened to be a bit unconventional.

But it's rather sweet how hard he is trying to explain it to me, she thought with a small smile.

Lost in her thoughts, she almost missed the next part of his explanation. "So Jiraiya-sama had me practice writing one thing, my first name, with multiple chains at the same time on the ground. When I got that, he made me do the same thing, only this time, I had to write my surname with another set of chains at the same time."

Sakura winced a little. "That sounds tedious."

Haruto shrugged. "It was at first, but I got better."

Soon, night fell and Naruto suggested to Yamato that they set up camp. The other jonin nodded and together, they found a small clearing. Only when Yamato demonstrated his perception of the phrase "setting up camp", was when Kurama went berserk.

"Mokuton: Shichuka no jutsu!" (Wood style: Four pillar house)

Just in front of them, a giant house made of wood sprung up.

Naruto kept quiet, busy pacifying an enraged Kurama. Sakura on the other hand, chuckled dryly. "You call this camping?"

Yamato himself chuckled. "It's not as grand as it looks. Trust me."

Without another word, Haruto and Sakura walked inside, leaving Naruto and Yamato alone. The brown haired jonin looked to the blonde. "Naruto?"

Naruto smirked while crossing his arms. "Mokuton, huh? Never took you for a Senju."

"Despite what it looks like, I'm not a Senju. I wasn't born one," Yamato denied calmly with a shake of his head. "And I was briefed, albeit very little, about your control of the Kyuubi. I was assured that I wouldn't have to worry about you going on a rampage."

To Yamato's surprise, Naruto chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm not insulted. Only a little surprised that Tsunade has a contingency plan for me," he said deferentially.

With that, he walked inside. Yamato wiped off the sweat on his cheek before doing the same. He had almost forgotten that he was dealing with a major political figure, and to offend those was almost tantamount to suicide.

Once inside, Naruto found that Yamato was indeed right. There was nothing grand on the inside. But the fact that it was an indoor setup was more than comfortable. He removed his sandals walked to the pair of chunin and sat down beside Sakura, all the while calming Kurama down.


Calm down, Kurama. I'm sure she knows that I can control your power. He's probably here for a just-in-case scenario.

Hmph! Just seeing wood grow like that makes me wanna tear the guy apart!

You hated Hashirama that much?

Damn tree-hugger handed us out to the other villages like candy. OF COURSE I HATE HIM!

Naruto just let the fox be until he cooled down on his own. As Yamato settled down, Naruto clapped to get everyone's attention. "Alright guys, time to discuss the mission."

His hands rested on his knees as his tone become authoritative. "Today morning, me and Yamato came up with a plan on how the meeting will go."

He turned to Sakura. "Sakura, I want you to give Yamato some key information on Sasori. His appearance, behavior, voice. In this team, we two are the only ones to have seen him, but you have fought him, so you might have some additional info that I don't."

"Yamato-taicho is planning to go as Sasori?" Sakura asked curiously.

Yamato nodded. "The spy will be expecting Sasori. He might see through the disguise, but we'll cover any base that we can. My appearance as Sasori should put me close enough to him so that I can capture him in case he escapes."

"If he is a spy in Orochimaru's ranks, he will no doubt be extremely careful," Haruto pointed out.

"There is a high chance of probability that this is a trap," Naruto added in. "Which is why Yamato will go first. The rest of his will hide as best we can, and wait for his signal."

"That said, just as a reminder…..this mission is of reconnaissance. Our objective is to just capture. If a fight ensues, we must keep the target safe. If he is killed however…..a valuable source of information will be lost," Yamato said, looking in everyone's eyes to emphasize the importance of why their target should be kept alive.

Naruto overlapped his fingers. "Because there is so much that can go wrong in this mission, I have come up with an addition to this plan."

Yamato blinked. He didn't know about this.

Naruto looked at Yamato. "Before we go to the bridge to meet the spy, I'll create a barrier a few miles away from the site. It will be a barrier that will put our spy to sleep seconds after he arrives in it. The second he tries to run away, I'll jump in and flash him away."

Yamato pondered over this idea. He was the one supposed to be meeting the spy, and there would be some distance between him and the team. Naruto would have to move very fast if the spy made to escape. But, this idea was actually better than Yamato attempting the capture himself. All Naruto needed to pull this off was to touch the spy, and he would be theirs.

It was a brilliant strategy.

Yamato nodded his consent. "That's a very good idea, Naruto. So the strategy is like this: I restrain the target, and Naruto moves in and flashes him away. If a battle in inevitable, then we'll fight in pairs. The pairs will be Naruto and Haruto, Sakura and I."

Naruto coughed into his fist. "Actually, it would be better if you were paired with me, Yamato. If Sakura were to be paired with you, she'll be fighting close range while you'll be fighting mid-range. And while your mokuton is good and all, something a bit more versatile would be better. Or else Sakura would just be running around, chasing her enemy."

Yamato quirked an eyebrow. "A bit more versatile?"

Naruto nodded. "Haruto's chains are well capable of following the target and capturing them. They are considerably faster as well. Binding the opponent with his chains will give Sakura an easier time to knock them out or kill them. You and me on the other hand, are capable of fighting bait and lure. You and me are comparatively faster than them as well."

Yamato was starting to think that Naruto should have been made the leader of this team. His ability to take into account his teammates' abilities and strategize accordingly was commendable. Not only that, but his skills as a seal master were very handy in a mission. He was starting to see why Yondaime favored the Hiraishin so heavily. Its battle applications were astounding.

But Sakura pointed out an important flaw in their planning. "That is good and all, but we've never fought together before. Knowing about one's skills is one thing, but working with them is completely different."

Yamato nodded with with approval. "Well spotted Sakura. To counter that, we'll perform a simulation tomorrow, let each other get a feel of our abilities. It's a bit out of the norm for the normal forces, but new ANBU teams often do this to enhance their teamwork capabilities."

Naruto sighed as Yamato ordered everyone to sleep. He put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. He missed his wife clinging to him.

Jiraiya would be serious proud and angry with your drifting thoughts, Kurama snickered in his mind.

Naruto mentally grumbled. Shut up, man.


"Excellent capture Haruto, Naruto." Yamato said as he rubbed his wrists. Those chains were really hard and tight.

Naruto fist bumped the redhead as Sakura smiled behind them. Her abilities were not really suited for capture as much as they were for breaking the bodies of enemies.

Haruto pointed out to his cousin. "You know, that shadow clone decoy was a pretty swell idea. You and Sakura were pretty good at keeping him from moving too much."

Naruto smiled and patted his clothes to remove any dust. "Yeah, but I won't be with you next time. You can get a bit more creative with those chains of yours, you know."

Haruto rubbed the back of his neck. "I didn't want to accidentally maim you instead of the enemy."

Naruto chuckled. "See that you don't. I might be fast enough to dodge your chains, but Sakura isn't."

Sakura nervously chuckled at how flippantly hinted the consequences should Haruto miss. "You wouldn't do that….right?"

Haruto immediately shook his head. "Oh no Sakura! I promise not to maim you!"

Naruto inwardly chuckled at his cousin's behavior.

"Alright, prepare to move out. We will reach our destination tomorrow before noon. If we miss the time, this mission will be a complete failure," Yamato ordered everyone.

They set out and by night, they repeated the routine of the previous night. As soon as dawn came, they hit the road fast and arrived at their destination with time to spare.

Tenchi bridge.

For a few minutes they just spent time staring at the bridge, thoughts of what they were about to encounter entering their minds. It was like someone had flipped a switch. One second, they were cheerfully talking to each other while hopping on trees, the other they all shut up as if they had entered a completely different atmosphere.

"Well," Naruto broke the silence, "we better decide our positions."

He turned around to face the two chunin. "Alright, this is what's going to happen. First, we find good spots to hide. And by that, I mean hide good. Suppress your chakra as low as you can. Second, Sakura, you give Yamato the information he needs to masquerade as Sasori. Third, we wait. Is that clear?"


Naruto turned around to face Yamato. "We have two more hours to go. I'll go and set up the barrier. Shouldn't take more than five minutes. You hold my spot for the time."

Yamato nodded and with that, Naruto went back to the way they came from. After being sure that they were quite a few miles away, Naruto stopped. "This should be far enough."

He took out his sealing supplies and set to work. He created four tags, each with a different kanji symbol on them. He spread in a square position, each tag almost five feet away from the other. He took out one of his special kunai and threw it down, burying it in the grass. Inspecting the positions one more time, he nodded to himself. He took a few steps back and faced the formation. This was a delicate piece of fuinjutsu that was created by his late clan, and required him to be extremely precise.


Uzumaki fuinjutsu: Shujin no Shoheki! (Uzumaki sealing style: Prisoner's barrier)

A light blue, transparent pyramid came into existence, reaching up to Naruto's chest. Naruto breathed out in relief upon seeing his success. This barrier was a true masterpiece of the Uzumaki clan. This barrier was designed such that it will influence the hypothalamus's control center that controls sleep. Not only that, but as long as the person remains inside the barrier, the barrier will power itself by the person's chakra.

After being activated, the initially amount of chakra will uphold the barrier until the prisoner is inside.

Once their spy is in this barrier, the barrier will immediately start sucking out the chakra. Properly panicking, he would attempt to escape, but the catch was that if a jutsu were to be used, the rate of suction of chakra will increase drastically, weakening their spy. It will keep sucking chakra until the person is asleep. After that, the barrier will only suck out chakra at intervals.

It's almost like saying that the barrier has a life of it's own.

As of now, the preparations are over. All left to do is to wait for the spy.

Naruto turned back and was about to flash to Haruto's mark when he stopped. He turned back to the barrier and stared at it thoughtfully. A barrier in the middle of the forest was a strange sight indeed. A sly grin stretched at his lips as he took out his sealing supplies again. He was suddenly feeling inspired.

Oh, I can't wait to see everyone's faces when they see what I've done.

After finishing up, he packed up and flashed to Haruto's mark. The redhead jumped slightly, calming down once he saw who it was. "I'm never getting used to that," he grumbled.

Naruto patted his shoulder sympathetically and just walked out of the hiding spot, towards Sakura and Yamato, who were finishing up with the disguise. He worked out the signal with Yamato, marked him and once they were done, Sakura went back to her hiding spot it was just a matter of waiting for the man.

It didn't take him much time.

The guy was prompt, arriving at the other end of the bridge five minutes before noon. He was covered in a grey robe with hood, from head to toe, to hide his features from being seen. Naruto kept his senses active, looking out for anyone who might have followed the guy. Putting his finger on the ground, he pushed further, and came up with a result that made him frown.

Now that I see, this chakra signature feels awfully familiar. And our spy has a shadow.

Also, there was a certain "blur" on his radar, close to the other side of the bridge, but far enough to remain out of sight. Naruto pursed his lips in thought. A "blur" was a phenomenon when someone was using a high level camouflage. Jiraiya had explained it to him; whenever Naruto attempted to sense Jiraiya under the invisibility jutsu, he came up with a "blur". Not good enough to identify, but enough to spot.

However, if Naruto knew the feel of the chakra of the "blur", he could venture a guess.

It came to him in a flash.

He cursed mentally. Damn….I knew this was a trap. The spy is none other than Kabuto!

Putting the revelation aside, for it was too late to warn Yamato, he focused on the "blur". The feeling was distorted, which was to be expected. And whoever it was, was perfectly calm, so there was no turmoil in his chakra. Nothing that could give a hint to Naruto.

Which Naruto was thankful for since it gave him a clue as to who it could be. Obviously, anyone who can disguise themselves in a "blur" to a sensor as skilled as him, was highly dangerous. Someone from the sound village who was skilled enough to dupe sensory types. That only meant one thing: it could be anyone.

Most probably, it is someone who Orochimaru sent to follow the guy to see where he was going. It could be a natural ability, knowing how much that bastard loves to experiment with various abilities…...or it could be a really skilled ninja.

Naruto stopped sensing and suppressed his chakra as much as he could. For all he knew, the person could be a sensor. He watched in silence as Yamato made contact, and Kabuto shifted so his face was visible to their side. He could only imagine Sakura's surprise on the other side of the road. He used his keen sense of hearing to hear the conversation.

"Were you followed?" Yamato asked in the rough, dark voice of the puppeteer.

"No, it's safe," Kabuto firmly replied.

"How are you?"

"Somewhat distorted after being released from that jutsu. Even now, occasionally, it's a bit overwhelming," Kabuto answered.

On the side lines, Sakura whispered to herself nervously. "Kabuto was the Akatsuki spy all along?"

Haruto was equally apprehensive. "Uh, I don't know who this guy is, but judging from your reaction, he's someone you knew before?"

Sakura grimly nodded. "I did. And now I'm starting to think that Naruto might be right. This is a trap."

A hand on her shoulder made her look into Haruto's eyes. He was very serious. "Trap or not, we cannot back out now. We have to see this through to the end."

Sakura nodded and turned back to the bridge.

Yamato knew that he couldn't afford to waste time. "I have questions."

"I'm rather short on time, so please be quick about it. I've risked my life from Orochimaru to get here without letting him know," Kabuto reasoned.

"Tell me the location of your hideout and Uchiha Sasuke." Yamato decided.

Naruto fought the urge to slap his forehead. Freaking son of a…can he be any more obvious?

Kabuto was silent for a few moments, thinking over his answer. "Right now, we're in a hideout on a small island on a lake to the north. We will move in three days. Uchiha Sasuke is there as well."

Kabuto looked around nervously. "Sasori-sama, about the task you ordered me to do…"

Crap, I don't know what he's talking about…...Yamato sweated in his disguise.

"Even after his reincarnation, Orochimaru uses a jutsu to apply a protector to the cellular specimens from his discarded body, and therefore I was unable to analyze the cellular data," Kabuto explained, supposedly about the task Sasori had him do.

"I see." He really did not.

"He's taking things carefully. Almost too carefully," Haruto whispered to Sakura.

"Being over-cautious is better in this case, isn't it?"

Haruto shook his head minutely, eyes never moving from the two figures on the bridge. "If he ends up being too careful, he risks arousing suspicion. That might complicate things," he explained, tips from when he was traveling with Jiraiya coming to mind.

Back on the bridge, Kabuto started fidgeting. "So please give me the object we talked about, as I can't stay any longer. I'll be killed if Orochimaru finds out," he muttered nervously.

"Very well," Yamato agreed, silently reaching for a kunai.

But before he could move, he and Kabuto both froze with expressions of shock as Orochimaru appeared behind the silver haired nin, a vaguely amused look on his face. A snake wrapped around Kabuto, as Orochimaru chuckled.

"Very interesting conversation. Mind if I join in?"

Naruto vehemently cursed inside his head. I knew it was almost too good to be true! Bastard was listening in on the conversation!

Kabuto acted quickly, the cloak flying in the air as he escaped and backed off with Yamato.

"I almost didn't make it in time…but thanks to you taking out that kunai, Sasori-sama, I was."

Something struck out as odd to Naruto. Hang on…...only three years ago, this guy was as loyal as a dog to Orochimaru. Why would he switch sides? Something isn't adding up here. There's no way a guy like Orochimaru would be fooled for so long by a spy. What the hell is going on?!

On the bridge, Yamato breathed a sigh relief. Thanks to that amazing coincidence, he misunderstood my action. He doesn't seem to have seen through the disguise yet.

Yamato gulped as his eyes narrowed in thought. Now that Orochimaru's here though….what should I do?

"That outfit…it reminds me of the old days, Sasori," Orochimaru stated in a slightly nostalgic tone.

"You followed him here?" Yamato asked, trying to buy some time.

The Sannin smirked cruelly. "Don't be so rude. I just wanted to thank you for sending me the boy. I was able to make such good use of him. Whenever I developed new techniques, I have to test it out on a hundred live subjects…but thanks to this boy's medical ninjutsu, I was able to use the same test subject again and again." Orochimaru smirked, his eyes never shifting from Yamato's disguised form. "I had been running a bit low, you see."

Naruto's eyes narrowed. In his position, Yamato won't be able to give me the signal. I would have to act on my own. If I have to act, I have to wait for an opening!

Yamato on the other hand, was contemplating his move. Damn, there's no way I can stand against Orochimaru on my own. Even with Kabuto, my fighting style will give me away. And as I am, I can't signal Naruto to move in. I hope he spots an opening and moves in, otherwise I'll be forced to give myself away.

Naruto saw Kabuto activate a chakra scalpel, and raise his hand high. Alright, let's go!

Yamato, who was observing Kabuto closely, almost didn't react in time when Kabuto swung towards him.

Only for a hand to grip his wrist, an inch away from Sasori.

Even Kabuto couldn't hide his expression of sheer shock when he found out who the owner of the hand was. Naruto wasted no time in slapping a palm on the medic's chest and teleporting him away into the barrier.

Naruto just couldn't resist a smirk upon seeing Orochimaru's stupefied reaction to his spy being whisked away like that. The guy blinked dumbly at him, as if he couldn't even comprehend what just happened.

Naruto allowed his smirk to grow into a vicious grin. "Mission…..accomplished."