
Naruto Renewed: Namikaze's Resurgence

In the original timeline, Namikaze Hayato had died, forever forgotten in the Shinobi world. But with a little tampering with the laws of physics, what changes would we see if he were still alive, and nurtured Naruto? Following a gripping mission in the borderlands, Naruto's uncle, Namikaze Hayato, makes a triumphant return. Embark on an exhilarating new adventure as Naruto, guided by the seasoned mentorship of his uncle, ascends to unprecedented heights of supremacy. What differences shall we see in this story? Buckle up folks, for this shall be a wild ride! WELCOME TO NARUTO RENEWED: NAMIKAZE'S RESURGENCE BEHOLD: THE BEGINNING OF A NEW NARUTO EPIC! ... Hey, author here! Check out my other books :) I'm looking forward to this, and your assistance will be very much appreciated. Let's weave a captivating tale together! DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN ANYTHING APART FROM MY OWN CHARACTERS!

Zal01 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Moonlit Assault


Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Colossians 4:6



"What? Naruto's been adopted?!" Exclaimed a masculine tone, his rising pitch expressing his dismay. The majority of the man's face was obscured by a navy-coloured mask, revealing only a single eye, which widened in concern. His striking white-grey, spiky hair was a prominent feature, and he was a notorious figure who earned the moniker as the "Copy Ninja." The man was none other than Hatake Kakashi.

Responding to an urgent summon from Lord Third, Kakashi swiftly discarded his trivial duties, and rushed before Lord Third, standing alongside several other ninjas whose faces were concealed by animal-like masks, which hinted at their revered status as an ANBU member.

Mirroring Kakash's concern, one of the ANBU chimed in, "You mean... the Jinchuruki?!"

Hiruzen, with his eyes closed and seated on his chair with his arms crossed, released a wisp of smoke from his pipe, before engaging with nonchalance, "That's right. Everything has been prepared." Opening his eyes, he turned his gaze to the white-grey haired man, Hatake Kakashi, and continued, "Here, Kakashi, you can check this."

He slid a couple of papers across the table, to which Kakashi accepted. Speculating the documents, his eyes widened at seeing a familiar individual whose picture was etched on the top right corner.

Kakashi had doubts, but to think the very person he had run into yesterday would adopt the Jinchuruki! 

The perpetrator's name was Uzumaki Saruto.

'This person,' Kakashi mused. 

Hiruzen explained, "Saruto is a very skilled Jonin, and I trust in his ability to look after Naruto. This man personally asked to take care of Naruto, as a fellow Uzumaki, and since Naruto never really had an upbringing, I accepted."

"Uzumaki?!" an ANBU member exclaimed.

"Lord Third, are we sure this Uzumaki doesn't harbour ulterior motives?" another countered.

Shaking his head, Hiruzen gave his alibi, "No, Saruto has been thoroughly vetted, and I believe he'll do a good job in nurturing the boy."

Kakashi passed the documents to the next ANBU, and as they passed it along, one of them couldn't help but share a serious concern.

"Lord Third, with all due respect, there have been rumours that the Uchiha instigated the Kyuubi attack, and... I can't help but feel this is unsafe," another ANBU member contradicted, eyeing a document with a picture of Uchiha Kaede etched at the top right.

"I agree," supported another.

Hiruzen reassured, "Kaede is an ally we can trust in. She cut ties with the Uchiha long ago, and was never here during the Kyuubi attack."

However, the members were adamant, strongly opposing this odious notion: 

"But still..."

"Yeah, this can get problematic..."

"Will the council even approve?"

"Is this Saruto even that skilled?"

Their scepticism was not without nought. After all, Hiruzen had yet to consult with the upper echelon and determine a solid outcome, and truth be told, this was a very perplexing matter as it concerned the Kyuubi! Alas, a single flaw would jeopardise the entire village, and it was most definitely a risk nobody here was willing to take.

Nonetheless, Hiruzen commanded, "I will talk with the council in due time. All I ask is that you're patient and don't interfere with the family affair. Have I made myself clear?"

Straightening their backs, they all saluted, "Yes, Lord Third."

Everyone, but one person remained silent.

Hiruzen arched a brow, "Kakashi?" 

Poising with a finger beneath his chin, and bearing a contemplative expression, Kakashi suggested, "Lord Third, I would like to check for myself. I think that is only fair."

An ANBU member concurred, "I too, believe that is only fair. It will be reassuring if Kakashi-san could assess the situation at the very least."

The other ANBU members nodded in consensus.

Hence, Hiruzen conceded, "Very well Kakashi, but do be careful. They are skilled Shinobi, so they may very well notice you, and may even attack you."

With a firm nod, Kakashi confirmed, "Yes, I'll be careful."


The liveliness of the village had yet to lull, but it was slowly receding. Most of the denizens had returned to their homes, quickly embracing slumber to recharge for the next day, in hopes of reaping a bountiful harvest.

(However, reality is often disappointing... Sigh)

In a separate part of Konoha:

Ornating the navy velvet spread limitlessly across the sky was a singular full moon, its radiance casting the elongated shadows of towering trees along the cobblestone path. As such, the terrain was hushed in palpable silence, and the ample howls of the squall only served to send a shudder down one's spine. 

Reclined along the bark of a tree, Kakashi embraced the crisp breeze causing his hair to flutter, and reading a book titled, "Make-Out Paradise." This location was his favourite spot as he found solace here, and rarely anybody passed by; in fact, not a single soul could be seen here. 

The man was immersed in the book, his eyes widening as though something shocking had transpired.

"Oh, interes- !"

Kakashi paused, the hair on his arms standing on end in perturbable, alerting him of a foreign signature! 

It felt as though a viper tangled around his neck, slowly constricting, and its razor-sharp fangs threatened to dive into the nape! 

That was just a metaphor; It was a rare tingle, one that bubbles up only if he feels he is threatened...

It was a sensation of death!


A sharp air-slicing whiz rang in the air, and Kakashi noticed a kunai hurled in his direction by his peripheral vision! He slid off the branch backwards, evading the incoming projectile with ease while in midair, however...

To his astonishment, a man draped in a full-length cloak lurched toward him, a flash of golden lightning snaked around his palm, followed by hideous crackling.

"What the- " Kakashi stammered, his unfurled gaze reflecting the swirling serpent bathed in gold!

With a punching motion, the cloaked man released the golden devastation, travelling at an unmerciful speed toward Kakashi!


Kakashi spun his body, successfully dodging the strike while suspended in mid-air. Landing gracefully on the ground, his momentum ceased not as he immediately dashed toward the assailant, wielding a kunai from his pouch. The cloaked man unsheathed a sword from the scabbard around his hip...


A clank sound was produced upon collision between both weapons followed by embery sparks, and both individuals stood in the middle of the cobblestone pavement, sizing each other with equal malice.

In a serious tone, Kakashi voiced, "Oy, who are yo- Ugh"

However, his query fell short, disrupted by a soft grumble that escaped his mouth. Kakashi cast a downward gaze, noting the cloaked man instigated with a frontal kick, successfully striking his torso.

"Ugh," Kakashi groaned, finding himself launched into the forest and reeling across the foliage of leaves. Quickly recollecting himself, he stood straight, adjusting his mask, and revealing his concealed eye with a notable scar running down it. An untamed, crimson glow emanated from it, further embellished with spiralling 3 tomoes, casting a sense of unease if one gazed into it... the notorious Sharingan!

'What the hell just happened?' Kakashi thought, his mind whirling with a plethora of questions as he surveyed the terrain.

However, he had no time for internal ramblings as a shadow was scurrying around the terrain, using the trees as concealment. Additionally, water bullets blasted in Kakashi's direction.

'He's fast,' Kakashi praised, exuding an aura of nonchalance as he tactfully evaded the attacks.

Weaving multiple hand signs, Kakashi declared, "Earth Style: Mud Wave."

With a resounding smack, the earth beneath his palm became tangible, rippling like waves in the ocean, but the cloaked man leapt into the air, unaffected by the terrain change. Kakashi precisely intended this: to lure the cloaked adversary out into the open!

Weaving multiple hand signs, the cloaked adversary charged lightning onto his sword, producing a powerful electrical surge taking the form of a snake! Landing on the bark of a tree, he catapulted himself toward Kakashi with remarkable speed.

However, Kakashi showcased his frightening speed as his fingers blurred, before charging his signature jutsu!

"Chidori," he declared. With his sharingan active, he too, propelled toward the cloaked man. 



To Kakashi's surprise, the cloaked man jerked his posture and sword back, before hurling the sword with the electrical twirling serpent!

Kakashi elegantly spun out of the way, and the sword pierced the ground with a BOOM. Undeterred, Kakashi pressed on, using the residual momentum of the chidori to bridge the gap with the cloaked man.

'Gotcha,' Kakashi mused as his chidori ever so slowly pierced the heart of the cloaked man...

Kakashi's chidori struck, yet he pushed forth, crashing into another tree, additionally quaking the landscape!

"What?!" Kakashi muttered in dismay as the man disappeared. He thought he had pierced the cloaked man, but no, the man... disappeared?! Instead, his hand pierced through the tree.

Hauling his hand out, Kakashi pondered over the strange phenomenon. He was definitely within striking range, but the assailant seemingly... vanished?! Regaining a sense of familiarity, he mulled, 'This speed... This jutsu...'

However, he had no time to think, immediately facing skyward, besieged by an eldritch premonition!

He was right!

Multiple projectiles were launched from above, and Kakashi was bombarded by a torrential downpour of a hundred or so shurikens.


With an echoing clank sound, Kakashi deflected some with his kunai before taking cover behind a tree, and then elegantly somersaulting into the air. The moonlight gleaming in the backdrop further accentuated his grace, and coupled with the vermilion pulsation of his sharingan, it made the manoeuvre seem all the more enigmatic! 

Perched atop a branch, and observing from a vantage point, Kakashi wiped his temple, exhaling a sigh of relief; "Phew." 


Once again, he felt a chill run down his spine, prompting him to turn back. The source behind this sensation was answered immediately, as the cloaked man leapt toward him at frightening velocity, using the branches to propel forth, and his sword charged with lightning. However, Kakashi was ready, charging his kunai in an electrical azure.

The cloaked man ascended into the heavens, wielding a sword with one hand crackling with lightning, but the most peculiar part was...

His free palm motioned a gun symbol!

The adversary seemed like a majestic being under the full moon. 

Kakashi mused, observing the gun sign, 'What's that? What's he doing? Should I evade, or is that a bluf-!'

Kakashi's internal dialogues halted, as an intense pain washed over him!

His clothing, specifically the region of his abdomen, scrunched abnormally at an invisible force before ripping to shreds! The invisible force continued, swirling at his stomach, producing a robust shockwave encompassing a 2-meter radius and cleansing the ground carpeted in leaves!

The ensuing tremor was a testament to the unhinged force of havoc!

"Wha-" Kakashi was startled!