
Chapter 4

I watch in awe as Hiruzen Sarutobi himself walks through my front door. I'm thinking on what to say, if I can even say anything, when.... My mother, surprised that someone would just walk into another's house, storms up to the Hokage himself.

"Hey you! Who do you think you are? Barging in on my family like that!? Nevermind that! I could've been changing! Don't make me call the apartment security on you! Get out! Now!!!"

And as such, my mother kicks The God of Shinobi out onto his behind. In the shadows of the apartment halls, one may have heard a small snicker coming from one of the dark corners.

Hiruzen, with a surprised look on his face, is absolutely flabbergasted. When was the last time someone treated him like this? The Hokage then picks himself up, and knocks on the door, politely.

"Who is it?!"

"The Hokage ma'am."

"Yeah ri-"

In the apartment, one could see Miro Uzuma, staring at the door. A look of shock and realization crosses her face.


A muffled yes resounds from beyond the door.

With the realization that she just kicked the Hokage out of her apartment, Miro faints. The Hokage, still baffled at the earlier occurrence, is startled when he hears a bang come from the other side of the door.

"Mrs Miro? Are you alright?"

"Mrs Miro?! I'm coming in, so please calm down."

The Hokage of the hidden leaf village then proceeds to slowly open the door, and peak inside. When he sees Miro lying on the ground, he appears before her in a flash, with no hint of his age being shown. He then checks her pulse.

"Whew. She just fainted. ANBU! Help me carry her to her couch, my back is killing me."

Hiruzen then holds his back in an exaggerated manner.

Hiruzen looks over to the crib to see me, standing completely naked, Save for a diaper, in all of my glory.

"So little guy, you're the one causing all the fuss eh?"

He walks over and pats my head.

"You'll be great when you grow up, I'm sure of it. I plan on talking to your mother about getting you enrolled in school early, what do you think? Huh little guy?"

I play the whole baby act and coo and laugh. He totally eats it up.

"You'll be quite a lady killer too kid."

By then my mother is just waking up.

"Wha-what!? Who are you people? Hokage-Sama?!!"

Hiruzen sighs.

"Mrs.Miro. Calm down. It's fine, I just came to talk to you about the Chakra burst your son emitted earlier. I didn't mean to barge in earlier, that was my fault. These are the village ANBU."

"Oh you're here to talk about little Hikaru? What about him?"

Hiruzen lights his pipe with a small fire release Jutsu.

"I believe your son should be enrolled in the academy. When he gets to a decent age though. I was thinking three or four, if his intellect is on par with his chakra that is. And also only if he wants to."

My eyes go wide, which doesn't go unnoticed by the ANBU hiding in the shadows.

'This is great! Everything is falling into place.'

"Absolutely not!! I won't have my son doing anything like that!"

'Wait, what?'

"Ma'am, he'd be helping the village, and he'd also have enough strength to help himself."

'Yeah mom! Listen to the man!'

"No. I lost his father, I refuse to lose him as well."

'That's sweet and all ma but I don't have any time for that. I gotta grow up and be a bad ass!'

"Then I propose this, how about you train to be a ninja as well? He comes to the school and I have one of my ANBU train you? If you're that determined, you could even go on missions with him, along with the ANBU I assign you."

My mother, totally not expecting this, is wide eyed.

"I mean, that could work... but don't you think I'm too old?"

Hiruzen shakes his head.

"Mrs., I'm older than the amount of years you've been alive. You're still viable for learning, as long as you have an open mind."

'Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!'

"Okay. Well only if little hikaru agrees to it. I'll talk to him about it when the time comes."

The god of Shinobi smiles.

"That's perfect, I'll assign an ANBU to you. You've actually met him, so things should work out perfectly. In the time that you're training, I'll provide the necessities for your family. Food and money is of no problem for me."

'I wonder who the ANBU is gonna be.... this is unexpected but this can also work.'

"Okay, when will this start?"

Hiruzen strokes his goatee.

"I suppose it can start next month if you want to keep up. I get the feeling he'll be a fast learner."

Miro gasps.

"So soon?"

Meanwhile I gape.

'Hiruzen has a lot of confidence in me.'


Hiruzen seems to answer both of us, my statement and my mothers question. We all smile.



One day later~~

"With all due respect Hokage-Sama, you can't be serious?!"

Hiruzen smiles.

"I'm quite serious Kakashi. She needs a protector and a trainer. You fit the bill for both. This way, you can also keep an eye on the boy for me.

Kakashi groans.

"I respect all orders you give me Hokage-Sama, I do. But you want me to babysit?"

Hiruzen seems to ponder for a moment.

"Well, actually yes, at least until they can protect themselves."

Multiple snickers can be heard from the corners of the dim room.

Kakashi looks at one of the corners with a gaze that seems to beg one to laugh again. Hiruzen appears behind Kakashi and pats him on the back.

"Stop bullying my ANBU Kakashi, as Hokage I order you to guard and train Miro, along with her son, until they can defend themselves."

Kakashi looks to be on the verge of tears.

"Yes Hokage-Sama. As you wish."

Kakashi then shushins away, off to prepare his training regimen and babysit.

"I wish you knew I was doing this for you too Kakashi...."


Back at the apartment~~

"You hear that little hikaru! You might be a ninja. And mommy might too! But before that, I still have work, I'm they're not gonna start paying for us til next month, so mommy still has to work, one of the nice ANBU people will watch you though so don't worry okay?"

I do my baby stuff and smile at her.

"Oh you're so cute lil baby, I could just eat you up."


Kakashi appears out of nowhere.

"It's you."

'Wow. So that's what you sound like when she's disgusted.'

"You're the shushin guy right?"

Kakashi rolls his eyes.

"Yes. My name is Kakashi. I'll be your babysitter and your trainer for the foreseeable future."

My mother narrows her eyes.

"Take care of my child Kakashi. Don't let any harm come to him or you'll regret ever being born."

Kakashi eye smiles at her, which only seems to annoy her more. Though that was probably the point.

"Of course Mrs. Miro."

My mother hugs me and gives Kakashi a side eye.

"I love you hikaru, be good for the ninja man okay?"

She finishes her hug and exits the front door.

I look at Kakashi.


Ten minutes later~~

'He's so damn boring. All he does is read his dirty books. As a former grown man I can understand but god, in front of a child? You degenerate.'

I hobble my way to my mothers room, since Kakashi seems to be paying me little attention. Once I arrive, I find a few leaves have found their way in through the window.

'Hey that works, I can train my chakra control.'

And so I do, I do my best to make the leaves stick to my finger. I try and try again, but can't seem to get the hang of it. After a while, I notice I'm using too much chakra, so I die that back down a little bit. Then, the unthinkable happens, I do it.


*Through repeated practice, Chakra control has risen from lowest to low*


Unknown to me, Kakashi had been peaking his head around the doorway since I started.

'Damn! This kid is only what? A couple months old and he can already do the leaf sticking exercise? Talk about talent!'

Unaware of my watcher, I get up and go to walk out of the door, as I'm done with my practice. Once I exit the room, there Kakashi is, sitting on my couch with his icha icha book in hand. I hobble over to my crib and climb myself in, Kakashi watching in curiosity.

'Ugh, if it's gonna be this boring, I hope the month goes by soon.'

Little did I know, Kakashi of the sharingan was thinking the same exact thing.

As always, criticize me. I enjoy the feedback immensely. Point out the flaws and stuff and I’ll do my best to fix. Aside from that, how do you like the hokages choices? Momma ninja work for y’all? Comment, rate, and donate those power stones. Speaking of which, I’m up to my neck in these already. Probably shouldn’t have offered one chapter per two stones, but oh well. I shall work myself and hold true to my promise. Thanks guys!

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