

Several days had passed since the conclusion of that epic battle, plunging the world into turmoil. The death of the Kazekage had sent shockwaves across continents, leaving many fearing the unknown perpetrator responsible for the heinous act.

The aftermath of the battle painted a terrifying picture, with the entire landscape transformed. In a desert where rainfall was as scarce as gold, storms now reigned supreme. Witnessing such immense power, leaders of all villages fortified their defenses and prepared for the worst.

Meanwhile, the instigator of this chaos remained oblivious to the unfolding events as he ventured out of the desert. Zeus had chanced upon a traveling merchant who transported goods to the Sand Village. After exerting a bit of pressure, Zeus secured passage in the merchant's carriage and tended to the wounded boy, Gaara.

Currently, Zeus gazed up at the sky through the dark cloak that enveloped the caravan. The night air carried a chill, but the spectacle that awaited in the sky was breathtaking. Yet, his mind remained preoccupied with thoughts.

"Why did I save this boy?" Zeus questioned himself, stealing glances at the bandaged Gaara. It was out of character for him to care about others. Zeus had always been ruthless and unforgiving, indifferent to the consequences of his actions. He had brought ruin upon numerous worlds without a second thought, banishing and even killing his own children. But he couldn't bring himself to finish off this red-haired boy.

"Has taking a mortal form changed my mind as well?" Zeus pondered, sighing deeply. He could easily end the boy's life or abandon him to perish in the desert, resuming his solitary journey. However, Zeus found himself unwilling to do so.

The gaze of the young Gaara stirred memories of Zeus's own childhood, igniting a desire within him to show the boy that the world wasn't solely filled with pain and suffering but also held the potential for delight. Zeus sighed again, withdrawing his thoughts from contemplation. Perhaps he was overthinking things. His reincarnation was meant to bring him pleasure, and if rescuing Gaara from despair brought him some semblance of joy, so be it.

"Now, onto more pressing matters," Zeus muttered, reclining against the wooden wall of the wagon. "I have no clue where to even begin searching for that wretched Orochimaru. And even if I manage to find him, he undoubtedly possesses countless means of escaping unscathed."

A frown creased Zeus's face. "Now that he knows I'm hunting him, he'll be even more cautious, especially after realizing my strength."

In short, successfully locating Orochimaru in this vast world seemed impractical. Zeus decided to momentarily set aside his seething hatred for the man, believing that the universe would present him with an opportunity for revenge in due course. Instead of aimlessly pursuing the snake, Zeus would bide his time and hone his skills until the destined day arrived.

While contemplating his own future, Zeus was interrupted by a grunt emanating from Gaara. It appeared the boy had finally regained consciousness. Zeus extended his hand, channeling a bit of chakra to conjure an electrical eagle that illuminated the surroundings.

Clarity returned to Gaara's bewildered eyes as he looked up and found Zeus casually seated on the opposite side, gazing back at him. His eyes widened, and a scowl contorted his expression, but before he could react, Zeus pointed his glowing finger at him, halting his movements.

"Don't try anything funny. I struck a good deal with the merchant, and he'll be furious if anything happens to his wagon," Zeus warned with a mumble. "Besides, considering your injuries, playing around with chakra might not be the wisest choice."

Gaara remained unconvinced and visibly angered, yet a quick glance at his own bandaged body pacified him to some extent. He clutched his head with his uninjured hands, experiencing a headache. "I don't remember anything... What did you do to me?"

"I didn't do anything to you," Zeus shrugged. "I merely vanquished the monster within you. You were caught in an accidental crossfire."

"You defeated Shukaku?" Gaara exclaimed, clearly taken aback. However, his surprise quickly gave way to skepticism. "No, that's impossible. My father must have suppressed Shukaku. Only his golden sand can restrain that monster."

As Gaara realized what he had just said, he scanned the surroundings, searching for another figure. "Where is he?" He mumbled, gripping his head and nearly tearing at his own hair. "Wait... I remember... You fought against him, and then..."

Zeus grinned. "And then I killed your father."

The revelation hit Gaara like a bombshell. Sand instinctively swirled through the cracks in the wood, hovering around him, as his facial expression underwent drastic changes. His mouth was slightly agape, and the frown vanished from his face, leaving his mind in disarray.

"You're lying... It's impossible to kill him," Gaara responded, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Believe it or not," Zeus raised his right hand, "I pierced his heart with this very hand."

Silence enveloped them as Gaara scrutinized the figure before him, desperately seeking any signs of deception. Zeus's impassive face and the matter-of-fact manner in which he delivered the news made it clear he was not lying. Yet, Gaara struggled to accept the demise of his own father, the person who had subjected him to unspeakable torment.

Gaara furrowed his brow, surveying his surroundings, no longer heeding Zeus's advice to refrain from using chakra. "Who are you, really? Where are you taking me?!" Gaara's voice resonated with anger, and spittle dripped from his mouth.

Zeus, with his finger still aimed at Gaara, channeled more chakra, propelling a lightning blast toward him in a fraction of a second. It narrowly missed Gaara's face, leaving him no time to blink. Thankfully, he remained unharmed.

"Don't shout," Zeus asked, his voice devoid of emotion. Gaara swallowed hard, beads of sweat trickling down his forehead. Sighing, Zeus continued, "I knew taking you was a mistake. I should have left you bleeding and let you die."

"You saved me?" Gaara raised an eyebrow, still skeptical. "Why? What do you want from me?"

"Yes, I did save you. As for why..." Zeus leaned back against the wall. "I suppose I felt some pity for you. Your own father forced you to fight in his place, while your entire village despises you. So, I took you with me to show you more of the world beyond the wretched place you grew up in."

"Show me more of the world?" Gaara questioned, a hint of murderous intent lacing his voice. "Why would I want to see more of this wretched world? What, are you going to kill me if I refuse to join your little adventure?"

"Honestly, probably not," Zeus replied. "In fact, I have nothing against you leaving this instant. The people in your village are likely awaiting you with open arms now that the only person who could control you is dead. Or perhaps you're considering going somewhere else? But wherever you go, you'll be met with hatred and scorn, condemned to live out your miserable existence until you eventually break."

As Gaara listened, the initial frown on his face gradually changing into something different. His eyebrows furrowed, and he bit his lip, mulling over Zeus's words in his mind.

Pointing to his head, Zeus concluded, "The mind of a mortal, or even that of the gods, is a fragile force. Sometimes, all it needs to find solace is relaxation and enjoyment. If you come with me, I will show you the brighter side of the world, and then you can leave, for all I care."

"I... I don't understand why you're doing this," Gaara stated, his voice still laced with mistrust. "Just tell me, what do you gain from all of this?"

"I gain personal satisfaction," Zeus replied, scratching his chin. "And perhaps some entertainment as well."

Zeus awaited a response, but all he received was silence. Looking up, he realized that Gaara had already lost consciousness. The strain of such an intense conversation proved too much for his weary body.

"I haven't spoken this much in ages," Zeus mumbled to himself. "It feels peculiar."


Gif: Fuck Exams!

Shout out for getting the most likes on the previous Gif: Samot_Sempai

Patreon 5 chaps ahead.


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One exam done, three left!